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1. daily 1 adj.每天的,日常的 daily 2 adv.每日,每天 Daily 3

n.日报 2. dam n.堤,坝,水闸



3. damage n.[U]损失,损害 短语: damage to sth .

do damage to sb./ Sth

E.g. The storm CaUSed great damage to the trees IaSt n ight.昨夜的暴风雨使树木遭至 U 巨大损害 damages n.损害赔偿金


damage vt. E.g. damage relatiOnS between two CoUntries 损害两国的关系 4. damp adj.潮湿的 n.潮气,湿气

E.g. He WaS in dan ger of losi ng his life. 他有失去生命的危险。

out of danger 脱离危险

同根词:endanger vt.危及,危害,使遭到危险 E.g. Smoking endangers your health. 吸烟危害健康 .

E.g. The gia nt Panda is an endangered species.大熊猫是濒临绝种危险的动物

dangerous adj.危险的

6. DaniSh adj.丹麦的,丹麦人的 n.丹麦人,丹麦语


7. dark adj.黑暗的,颜色深的臆藏的,难理解的,(比喻)忧郁的 dark 2


短语:in the dark ①在黑暗中



E.g. When day daw ned, We could See the damage the storm had caused. 天亮时,我们可以看到

风暴造成的灾害 .

E.g. The truth began to dawn On him.他开始弄明白真相. 12. day n.白天

短语:day after day 日复一日,连续地

day by day

E.g. We Were kept completely in the dark about his plan to sell the company. 对他计划将公司出售一事,我们一直蒙在鼓里.

同根词:darken vt.使…变黑暗 vi. & n. 猛冲


n.日期釣会 darkness n.黑暗 8. dash 9. data n. 1

10. date

dash for sth.

合成词:database 数据库

短语:out of date date 2

E.g. The CaStIe dates from the 14th Century. 这座城堡是 14 世纪建的. 同根词:dated adj.过时的

n.破晓,黎明 v.


11. dawn dawn 2


v. 短语:

date back to UP to date 时新的 现代的

(时间)追溯到 …= date from

短语:at dawn 在拂晓,在黎明


the other day前几天,前些时候

13. deadline n.截止期限,最后期限

14. deaf adj.聋的短语:deaf to sth. 对…听不进

E.g. be deaf to all advice对一切劝告充耳不闻

短语:turn a deaf ear to sb./ Sth 对…充耳不闻

E.g. She turned a deaf ear to OUr WarningSand got lost.



15. deal v.

短语:deal in sth.经营/卖(某物)I deal With sb.对待/应付某人

deal With sth. 处理,解决某事 E.g. deal With difficulties/Challenge 克服困难 /应对挑战deal 2n.协议,交易

同根词:dealer n.商人


16. dear adj.



E.g. HOUSeS are getting dearer and dearer.房子越来越贵 . dear2n.可爱的人,亲爱的人

17. debate n. & v.辩论,讨论

18. debt n.债务,欠款

短语:be in/ OUt of debt 欠/不欠债

be in one's debt欠某人之情

E.g. You SaVed my life: I 'm forever in your debt.你救了我的命,我永远感激不尽.

19. decade n. 十年 E.g. the first decade of the 21 Cen tury

20. decide v.


E.g. The judge will decide ( the CaSe) tomorrow. 法官明天判决此案 .

②decide on sth./ sb.考虑后作出决定,下决心

E.g. They have decided On Nati Onal Day as the Weddi ng day.

decide ( not ) to dosth. 决定(不)做某事

同根词:decision n. 决定,决心

decisive adj.决定性的 E.g. play the decisive role 起决定性作用

21. declare v.

① 正式宣布(某事),郑重地说保事) E.g. declare War on 向…宣战

declare for/ against sth./ Sb 表示赞成 / 不赞成…

E.g. The COmmiSSiOn declared against the plan. 委员会反对那项计戈U .

同根词:declaration n.宣言,正式声明


22. decline n. decline in sth.消减,降低

E.g. the decline in population/ popularity 人口的减少,声望的降低

decline 2v.
