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Part Two: Cue Card


Part Three: Further Discussion


Please read the topic carefully. You will be asked to talk about it for 1 to 2 minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

I. People

1. 家人

Part Two:

Describe a person in your family who is most similar to you

You should say

Who the person is

What type of person he/she is

Why you two are similar

And explain why you think you two are similar.

Part Three:

1) Can you describe your family?

2) Is your family a typical one in China?

3) Has family structure changed a lot in China in the past years?

4) How did women’s status change in the family?

5) Who is responsible for household chores in Chinese families?

2. 朋友

Part Two:

Describe one of your best friends

You should say

Who he or she is

How he or she looks like

What you and your best friend often do together

Why you like your best friend

Part Three:

1) Are you good at keeping in touch with your friends even if you don’t see them regularly?

2) What does friendship mean to you?

3) What kinds of characteristics must your friends have?

4) What are the possible factors that cause friends to break up?

5) Where do you usually make friends?

6) What is the difference in requirements for making friends between now and in your


7) What’s the most important thing between friends?

8) Is it more difficult to make a bosom friend when one is grown up?

3. 教师

Part Two:

Describe a teacher who has influenced you

You should say

When you had his / her class

What subject he / she taught

What is special about him / her

And explain why you think he / she influenced you so much.

Part Three:

1) What do you think education should be?

2) Are there any problems in education?

3) How do you think the government can solve problems?

4) Do you still remember your school days?

5) What impressed you most when you were at university?

4. 小孩

Part Two:

Describe a child / teenager you knew

You should say

Who the child / teenager is

How old he / she is

How the child look like

Why special about this child

Part Three:

1) Who are luckier, children in the past or at present?

2) What pressures are brought to children by their schools and parents?

3) What do you think of primary school education in China?

4) What are the improvements in education in the past years?

5) What did you like when you were a child?

6) How can parents educate their children?

7) What are the difference between western children and Chinese children?

8) What are the difference between western parents and Chinese parents?

9) Do you think young people should have more freedom?

10) Do you think parents care too much about children’s education?

11) What’s your opinion of parents overindulging their children?

5. 邻居

Part Two:
