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build-up n.聚集The build-up of carbon dioxide eventually leads to the global warming.

cost-saving adj.节约成本的Doing business online is undoubtedly efficient and cost-saving.

cure-all n.万能药Some people regard education as the cure-all for all the social problems.

double-edged adj.双刃的Fire is a double-edged sword, bringing not only to human warmth, but also disaster.

duty-bound adj.责无旁贷的The government is duty-bound to ensure peace and security for the people.

easy-going adj.随和的Sweet-tempered and easy-going girls are welcome everywhere. eco-friendly adj.环保的Creating an eco-friendly society is a matter of great urgency.

ever-changing adj.常变的It is the quality of their service that has enabled the company to stand steadily in the ever-changing Information Age.

ever-lasting adj.永恒的What is knowledge? This is an ancient and ever-lasting topic.

far-reaching adj.深远的The invention of electronic computers has a far-reaching effect on the development of science and technology.

far-seeing adj.有远见的The far-seeing policy will bring endless benefit to future generations.

fast-paced adj.快节奏的In the fast-paced world of today, it can be difficult to make new friends.

first-class adj.一流的To be a first-class scientist, one should never lose hope in setbacks.

good-for-nothing n.无用的人Their little son became a good-for-nothing due to their overprotection.

grown-up n.成年人As a grown-up, you should keep your word.

hard-won adj.来之不易的People in that region cherish the hard-won independence. heartbroken adj.心碎的Seeing my heart-broken parents, I felt very sorry and ashamed. history-making adj.创造历史的That was a history-making discovery in medical history.

ill-mannered adj.无礼的The Englishman thinks it is ill-mannered to ask personal questions.

labor-saving adj.节省劳力的Not all inventions are labor-saving machines like the computer.

laid-off adj.被解雇的What measures will be taken to tackle the ever-growing number of laid-off workers?

man-made adj.人工的Cars already contribute around 10% of the man-made greenhouse gases that are responsible for climate change.

noble-minded adj.品格高尚的Your noble-minded spirit is shown by your blood donation.

on-going adj.正在进行的The on-going social change has much to do with the development of science.

on-looker n.旁观者As the saying goes, on-lookers see more than players.


out-of-date adj.过时的We can’t go any further ahead with this out-of-date idea in mind.

peace-loving adj.热爱和平的Peace-loving people dream of equality and harmony in every part of the world.

poverty-stricken adj.赤贫的Many people complain that the high tuition fee actually keeps poverty-stricken students away from the college dream.

problem-solving adj.解决问题的Very few of us have had training on problem-solving techniques. ready-made adj.现成的The big rain gave us a ready-made excuse to stay at home.

self-centered adj.自私的Try to avoid being self-centered in the workplace.

self-confidence n.自信Self-confidence is the way you see yourself in your imagination.

self-cultivation n.自我修养Self-cultivation carries more weight compared with good appearance, simply because it is ever-lasting.

self-discipline n.自律No matter how gifted a student is, his achievement will be limited without self-discipline.

self-evident adj.不言而喻的It is self-evident that the education of the young is vital to the future of a country.

self-interest n.私利It was self-interest that finally destroyed his whole life.

self-motivated adj.自我激励的The most successful students are self-motivated and set their own goals.

self-reliance n.自力更生Self-reliance is the basic cultural value of the American family.

self-respect n.自尊With self-respect, you will see yourself for the unique, special and wonderful being that you are.

so-called adj.所谓的The so-called expert turned out to be a research student.

time-consuming adj.耗费时间的Taking care of this beautiful garden is certainly time-consuming, but it is also worthwhile.

time-honored adj.历史悠久的Time-honored and traditional, the Spring Festival is the most important holiday in China.

user-friendly adj.容易使用的They are trying to build up a user-friendly and reliable taxi booking system.

well-balanced adj.均衡的The most successful weight-loss plans include a well-balanced diet and exercise.

well-being n.幸福,健康Music has the power to delight the listener and improve his sense of well-being.

well-informed adj.消息灵通的To be well-informed, we should form the habit of reading newspapers and magazines.

well-organized adj.有序的If the content of the webpage is well-organized, it will be much easier for users to get information.

well-rounded adj.全面的We are expected to become well-rounded graduates by trying lots of different things.

whole-hearted adj.全心全意的Learning English involves a lot of hardship and therefore requires whole-hearted commitment.

win-win adj.双赢的The relations between the sides can be described as a win-win situation.
