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1. We have three students __________ (name) Jack in our class.

2. Had he better ___________ (carry) that box?

3. September is one of ________ (excite) __________ (month) in a year.

4. He wants to learn about ________ (make) a mooncake with nuts and how _________ (make) a mooncake with eggs.

5. I like _______ (hear) birds __________ (sing).

6. Keep your mouth __________ (close) and your eyes open.

7. There is a little ______ (sheep). How many ________ (sheep) are there on the farm?

9. Usually he _______ (catch) the No. 11 bus to work. Look! He is 10. I like monkeys better, so I think elephants are ________ (interest) than monkeys.

11. He often _______ (go) shopping on Sunday. But there is no food for supper. So I ________ (buy) some meat. Would you like ___________ (come) with me?

12. It ' easier to say than __________ (do).

13. He writes __________ (care) than Jack.


1. 打篮球与划船,约翰善于后者的多。

Joh n is (1)

⑵ at ⑶ tha n ⑷ basketball.


8. Let 'have a fun

(swim) across the river.

(get) on the bus!

2. 玛丽跑得多快呀!

(5) (6) Mary (7)

3. 后天格林一家将乘飞机去法国。

The (8) are going to leave (9) France (10) (11) the day after tomorrow.


He (12) (13) than (14) of (15) (16) (17) in his class.


(18) goi ng to (19) (20) classes for us tomorrow.

三、句型转换,一格一词(0.5' 20)

1. Jack is doing some washing. Tom is doing some washing too. (合并成一句)

Tom is (1) ⑵⑶⑷ as Jack.

2. You 'better go downstairs in a lift. (同义句)

You 'better ⑸⑹(7) (8) go downstairs.

3. His family are going to Taishan for a field trip. (划线提问)

(9)_ (10) his family (11) for a field trip?

4. Everybody knows the answer. (改为反意疑问句)

Everybody knows the answer, (12) (13)

5. He finds it very hard to pass the exam. (同义句)

(14) very hard (15) (16) (17) pass the exam.

6. I 'dlike the mooncakes with nuts.(划线提问)

(18) (19) (20) you like?


Christmas is the biggest holiday in the West. It falls 1 December 25th. What does

Christmas 2 ? Christmas Day is the birthday of 3 . When Christ was born 4 two

thousand years ago, many 5 , rich and poor, gave him presents. 6 today, people still

do the same thing 7 each other. Of course, everyone 8 presents. I guess that is 9 people of all 10 like Christmas. ()1. A. in B. for C. at D. on

()2. A. mean B. say C. come from D. talk about

()3. A. jesus christ B. christ jesus C. Jesus Christ D. Christ Jesus

()4. A. hard B. hardly C. near D. nearly

()5. A. men B. women C. children D. people

()6. A. So B. But C. Because D. As

()7. A. to B. for C. with D. from

()8. A. like B. likes C. hate D. hates

()9. A. how B. then C. why D. because

()10. A. year B. years C. age D. ages


、1. named 2. carry 3. the most exciting months 4. making to make 5. hearing sing 6. closed
