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stability is further improved. This paper proposed the scheme of AFOCS from circuit and optic. The experimental facility is built and the performance of modulate and demodulate circuit are tested. Key words: Faraday effect; linear birefringence; verdet constant; azimuth; quarter wave plate
分类号: UDC :
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硕士研究生 :刘晓隆 ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu 导 教 师 :王 伟 教授
学科、专业 :导航、制导与控制 论文主审人 :徐定杰 教授
2013 年 3 月
分类号: UDC :
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硕 士 研 究 生 :刘晓隆 指 导 教 师 :王
伟 教授
学 位 级 别 :工学硕士 学 科 、 专 业 :导航、制导与控制 所 在 单 位 :自动化学院 论文提交日期 :2013 年 1 月 论文答辩日期 :2013 年 3 月 学位授予单位 :哈尔滨工程大学
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全光纤电流传感器(AFOCS)是一种基于法拉第效应的新型电流检测装置。 相比传统 的电磁式电流互感器,全光纤电流传感器摆脱了厚重的铁芯和原副线圈绕组,采用了全 光纤的传感单元, 具有体积小、 绝缘结构简单、 无磁饱和等先天优势, 而且纯数字输出, 是我国下一代智能电网的核心一次设备。 本文首先介绍了全光纤电流传感器的基本原理和几种主要的实现方案, 比较了各种 实现方案的优缺点,最后确立了线型反射式的结构方案,然后就信号的调制解调方案进 行了详细分析, 将数字闭环光纤陀螺的调制解调方案—四态方波调制法移植到全光纤电 流传感器中,通过测试达到了预期的效果。 虽然全光纤电流传感器采用了全新的电流检测原理, 弥补了传统电磁式电流互感器 的很多不足,但是新的问题也随之引入,主要表现在:由于线性双折射的存在,当电流 比较小时,全光纤电流传感器的检测灵敏度很低,特别容易受到外界环境和系统内噪声 的影响,导致输出误差比较大。 全光纤电流传感器的传感单元主要安装在高压输电线路上,一年四季、昼夜之间温 差很大,并伴有一定频率的震动,工作环境非常恶劣,而传感光纤中的线性双折射和光 纤 verdet 常数都会因温度而发生变化,影响全光纤电流传感器的输出稳定性,因此本文 主要就线性双折射的抑制和 verdet 常数的温度补偿两方面进行研究并提出相应的解决 方案。 (1)线性双折射的抑制:通过光纤光路的参数优化可以达到抑制线性双折射的目 的,比如方位角优化方法,但这一方法并不完善,忽略了传感光纤中的旋光角因素,本 文在对旋光角加以研究之后,提出了旋光角的优化方法,并对之前的方位角优化理论进 行了修正,仿真结果表明,方位角与旋光角的优化相互影响很小,可以独立进行,二者 的结合使用可有效抑制线性双折射的干扰,从而提高全光纤电流传感器的温度稳定性。 (2)Verdet 常数的温度补偿:Verdet 常数是决定法拉第磁光效应强弱的参数之一, 不仅与光学材料有关,还受温度和光波长的影响。全光纤电流传感器的工作温度范围可 达-40~+60 摄氏度,因此必须予以补偿。通过研究光纤 1/4 波片的温度内补偿原理,完 善并修正了光纤 1/4 波片的参数优化计算公式,进一步提高了温度补偿效果。 文章从光路和电路两个方面对全光纤电流传感器的实现方案进行了详细介绍, 并搭 建了实验样机,对调制解调电路的性能进行了测试。 关键词:法拉第磁光效应;线性双折射;verdet 常数 ;方位角;光纤 1/4 波片
All fiber-optic current sensor is a novel current detection equipment based on faraday effect. Contrast to the electromagnetic current transformer, the AFOCS adopt all fiber sensing unit replacement of cumbersome iron core and winding, it is the core primary equipment of coming generation smart grid with the advantages of small size, simple insulation structure, no magnetic saturation, digital output interface and so on. At first, the principal of AFOCT is introduced, and then several structures of AFOCT are described. The in line reflective structure is established by comparing advantages of different structures. We analyze the modulation and demodulation technique, we migrate the four states modulation which is used in fiber optic gyroscope to the all fiber-optic current sensor. The expectable purpose is achieved by relative test. For novel current detection principle, AFOCS remedy many defects of traditional electromagnetic current transformer, yet some problems are also induced. For instance, the detection sensitivity of AFOCS is very low because of linear birefringence, and easily affected by environment and system noise. The sensing unit of AFOCS is fixed on the electrical wire with acutely temperature fluctuation and vibration, so the work environment is very execrably. Yet the birefringence and verdet constant of sensing fiber change with the temperature, it will vitally affect the output stability. The restrain of liner birefringence and temperature compensation of verdet constant are researched and corresponding solutions have been proposed. (1) Linear birefringence can be optimized by the parameters of fiber-optical-circuit, such as optimizing the azimuth, but this way ignored the factor of Optical Rotatory Angle, so the optimization of Optical Rotatory Angle is proposed, and the azimuth optimization algorithm is improved. The simulation result indicated that the optimization of azimuth and Optical Rotatory Angle can be implemented independently. The combination of the two ways can restrain the liner birefringence effectively so as to improve the temperature stability of AFOCS. (2) Verdet constant is one of the parameters which affect the intensity of faraday effect. The verdet constant is not only affected by the optical material, but also the temperature and wavelength. The temperature range of AFOCS is up to 100 ℃ , so the temperature compensation is essential to AFOCS. By researching the inherent temperature compensation of quarter-wave plate, correct the optimization formula of quarter-wave plate, the temperature
A Dissertation for the Degree of M. Eng
Optimization and Implementation of Temperature Stability of All Fiber Optic Current Sensor
Candidate: Liu Xiaolong Supervisor: Prof. Wang Wei Academic Degree Applied for: Master of Engineering Specialty: Navigation Guidance and Control Date of Submission: January, 2013 Date of Oral Examination: March, 2013 University: Harbin Engineering University