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Unit 2 What should I do




( ) 1. need some money to buy ________ original T-shirt. Do you have ______ advice

A. a; some

B. an; a

C. a; a

D. an; some ( )2. He finds ________ hard to learn English well.

A. this

B. it

C. its

D. that

( )3. Mr. Smart’s job is _______.

A. busy enough

B. enough busy

C. busily enough

D. enough busily

( )4. --You did wrong , you should call him up first . --- _________But I’ll try.

A. I am sorry to hear that

B. It’s not easy

C. You, first .

D. Forget about it

( )5 The sign on the grass says: Don’t walk on it. ______ !

A .Be quick B. Keep out C. Be careful D. Look out

( )6 Oh, my god! It’s time ________ me ________ to school.

A. of; go

B. of; to go

C. for; to go

D. for; go ( )7 You could give him a ticket ____ concert. A .to B. with C. of D. about

( )8 Why did you argue __________ him A. to B. on C. by D. with

( )9 You could have _____ .

A. bake sell

B. bask sell

C. bake sale

D. a bake sale

( )10 If you are able to get the ticket tomorrow, please tell me ____ phone .

A. by B with C on D. through

( )11 I th ink it’s good for children to do things by ___________.

A. their

B. they

C. themselves

D. them

( )12 I really don’t know _____ about it

A .what to do B. how to do C. to do what D. how can I do

( )13 The little boy often makes his mother ___ him ____ .

A .talk , something interesting B. tell , something interesting

C. say , interesting something

D. speak , interesting something

( ) 14. I need to get money to pay ____________ summer camp.

A. for

B. with

C. in

D. on

( )15. Maybe you should _________.

A. call up him

B. call him up

C. call on him

D. call him in


Dear Pet,

Without knowing more about you, it’s hard for me to give you some good advice.

But first, I am sure that you are 16 . You said that nobody would care if you left home. What about your 17 And other family members It seems that you are very 18 . You’d better go to a doctor or talk 19 your parents. They will be able to help you.

Second, I’m sure there’s someone else in your class who feels lonely, 20 . You never know 21 other people feel. Try to make friends with your classmates. And you could 22 a club to meet new people and make friends, too.

You 23 find happiness in yourself. So my 24 advice is to write a list of all the good things about yourself, learn to like yourself, and then 25 will see your confidence (信心)and like you, too.
