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团委 he League Committee

学生会 he Student Union

学生社团/协会students’ association/society

勤工助学 work-study program

志协 the volunteers association

骨干 backbone/mainstay

外联部 the public relations department

咨询部部长 Secretary of the Consulting Department

团支书 Secretary of the Youth League Branch Committee

副主任 Deputy Director

副书记 Vice Secretary

级长 chairman of the class committee

秘书长 secretary-general

辅导员助理 assistant to the political instructor/ assistant

党建小组 Study Group on the Party Construction

文体委员 Recreation and Sports Secretary

学习委员 Study Secretary (Commissioner?)

生活委员 Life Secretary

宣传委员 Publicity Secretary

组织委员 Organization Secretary

云山自律委员会 Yunshan Self-discipline Commision

晚会主持人 the host on the entertainment / evening party

礼仪队 reception team/ protocol team



serving the country people in three aspects/

Volunteer activities for the country people/

Bringing three voluntary services to the countryside or rural communities


Guangdong College Students Career Planning Competition


Chinese Export Commodities Fair / Canton Fair

大运会 National University Games

民运会 Traditional Ethnic Minority Sports Meet


优秀团日活动 Excellent League Activity

优秀团员 Excellent League Member


Excellent Student/top students in IQ, EQ and PE/ “Three-goods” student

文明学生 Well-behaved Students

优秀学生干部 Excellent Student Leader

校级优秀团干 Excellent League Cadre of GDUFS

优秀干事 excellent clerical worker

积极分子 activist

先进工作者 advanced worker


the Comprehensive Evaluation of Students’ Performance


Model Student in Moral Conduct/ Academic Records/ Social Activities

综合奖学金 the scholarship for comprehensive performance

学业单项奖 the scholarship for academic records

文体单项奖 the scholarship for recreation and sports

新生奖学金 the scholarship for freshmen

先进班集体 the advanced class

文明班集体 the well-behaved class

红旗团支部 red-banner/ advanced league branch

优秀流动客商 Excellent Buyer (at the Mock Trade Fair)

广外杯冠军Winner of “GDUFS” Cup

预备党员 probationary party member

入党积极分子 applicant for Party membership

同乡会主席 chairman of the association of fellow townsman

中队长 head of branch of the Young Pioneer Committee


级徽设计大赛 the class logo/emblem competition

模拟交易会 the Mock Trade Fair

英语戏剧大赛 English Drama Competition


名列前茅 be among the best

品学兼优 be a student of good character and fine scholarship 宣讲会 career talk

军训 the military training

艺术团 Art Troupe

舞蹈队 a dance troupe

开放日 the Open Day

道具组负责人 be in charge of the stage property

商品竞投书 proposal

成果展示会 a display of achievements

义教 voluntary teaching

艺术节 Arts Festival


to welcome the freshmen (a welcome party for the freshmen)

校运会 the University Sports Meet

招聘会 a job fair

广播站 the broadcasting station

年级/届 the class of 06

饭堂 a cafeteria/ canteen

学生处 Students Affairs Department

宿管科 Dormitory Affairs Office

奖章 medal

社会活动 social/ public activities

课外活动 extracurricular activities

社会实践 social pratice
