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1. Parents always love and care for their children. 父母总是爱护和关心自己的子女的。

2. The choice that parents have made for their children is usually reasonable. 父母为孩子作出的选择通常是有道理的。

3. Parents know much of society and have rich social experience. 父母对社会很了解,并且有丰富的社会经验。

4. Middle school students have to pay much attention to their lessons before the college entrance examination, so they know little of society and lack social experience. 在高考前,中学生不得不重视功课,因而对社会所知甚少,缺乏社会经验。

5. One should trust himself, his own thinking and his own choice, because he knows about himself better than anyone else. 一个人应该相信自己的主意和见解,相信自己的选择,因为自己对自己最了解。

6. One can recognize what kind of person he is and which special qualities make him different from everyone else, but his parents might not. 一个人能认识自己是个什么样的人,自己有哪些特殊的素质使自己不同于其他的人,而父母可能并不了解这些。

7. Although we know little of society, we can try to learn more in the future. 尽管我们对社会所知甚少,但今后可以设法去了解更多。

8. It is important to understand the relations between parents and their children. 懂得父母同子女之间的关系是很重要的。

9. Parents spend time, energy and money in bring up their children and providing them with what they need. 父母花时间、精力和金钱抚育子女,提供他们所需的一切。

10. If we don’t follow our parents’ choice, they might feel disappointed with us, which may affect the relationship between us and our parents. 如果我们不听从父母的选择,他们也许会对我们感到失望,这可能会影响我们与父母之间的关系。

11. If our parents don’t agree with what we have chosen, we can try to persuade them to change their minds. 如果父母不同意我们所作出的选择,我们可以设法劝服他们改变主意。

12. When our parents understand us, we can still get along well with them. 当父母理解我们后,我们仍然可以和他们和睦相处。

话题: 中学生追星族

1. Many middle school students are interested in pop stars. 很多中学生对流行歌星感兴趣。

2. Pop stars can make much money and most of them have their own houses and cars, living a very comfortable life. 歌星可以赚很多的钱,并且他们中的大部分人都拥有自己的房子和小轿车,过着非常舒适的生活。

3. Many middle school students go after pop stars and follow what they do. 很多中学生追星,并模仿他们所做的事。

4. Some students usually show no interest in their lessons and some even don’t want to continue their study. 一些学生通常对他们的功课不感兴趣,甚至有些人不想继续完成他们的学业。

5. As the future of our motherland, we shouldn’t go too much after pop stars. 作为祖国的未来,我们不能一味地去追逐明星。

6. We need to learn more science and technology. 我们需要学更多的科学技术知识。

7. Only in this way can we do much for our motherland in the future. 只有这样我们今后才能为祖国做更多的事。

8. Schools and society should pay more attention to the education of middle school students. 学校


9. Publishing houses should provide middle school students with more good books, while TV and radio stations should provide them with more good programmes. 出版社应该为中学生提供更多的优秀书籍,而广播电视台应为他们提供更多的优秀节目。

10. Pop or film stars can often appear on TV and give people much pleasure, making people’s lives more colorful. 影视明星能经常在电视上露面,给人们带来乐趣,使人们的生活更丰富多彩。

11. Although scientists work hard silently, they do much for mankind with their knowledge, making people’s lives more comfortable and easier. 尽管科学家默默地努力工作,但他们能用自己的知识为人类做很多的事,使人们的生活变得更轻松、容易。

12. Money doesn’t mean everything. 金钱并不是万能的。

13. We can’t buy many important things in the world with money, such as health, knowledge and happiness. 世界上有很多重要的东西,如健康、知识和幸福,是金钱买不到。


1. In China, there is usually only one child in each family, so he/she is the centre of the family. 在中国,每个家庭通常只有一个小孩,因此他/她就成为了家庭的中心。

2. His/Her parents, even grandparents do everything for him/her. 他/她的父母,甚至祖父母为他/她做一切事情。

3. Parents should give their children enough room to live by themselves. 父母应给孩子足够的自我生活的空间。

4. Parents are very strict with their children, expecting them to become famous persons in the future. 父母对自己的孩子要求很严格,希望他们将来能成为有作为的人。

5. Some parents always make their children busy working all day learning English, music, arts and so on. 有些父母总是让孩子整天忙于学英语、音乐、艺术等。

6. Parents should care for not only their children’s health, but also their children’s minds. 父母不仅要关心孩子的健康,而且还要重视他们的思想教育。

7. Parents should let their children know it is a pleasure to help others who are in trouble.父母应让孩子明白帮助那些处于困境的人是一种乐趣。

8. Now some people in our society have no conscience. 现在社会上有些人不讲良心。

9. When they can’t find the troublemaker, they often regard the helper as the troublemaker and ask him/her to pay for the expense of the medical care. 当找不到肇事者时,他们常把做好事者当作肇事者而向他/她索要医药费。

10. Although some people in our society have no conscience, most people do have. 尽管现在社


11. If everyone in our society helps others, he himself will also be helped by others some day. 如


12. Only when their children can live all or partly by themselves, can they be the true owners of

our country tomorrow. 只有当孩子完全或部分独立生活时,他们才能成为我们国家明天真正的主人。

话题: 高三学生要不要参加社会实践


1. Students of Senior Three are always busy with their lessons, so they know little about society, though it’s not their fault. 高三学生总是忙于学习,因此,他们对社会所知甚少,尽管这不是
