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i like sports

good morning, everone!

i ill talk about sports. i am a lovel bo. i like man kinds of sports, suh as alking, running, simming, limbing, ling and

skipping. sports give me a good health and bring me a lot of fun.

no, i ill tell ou about m ling sport. i often ride m bike hen i am free. i like to ride m bike on a road. there are no ars and fe people on the road. it is not ver long. it is ver good for ling. hen i ride don the slope, the bike runs ver fast, an d i feel like fling. it’s ver good for me. ling gives me a lot of fun. sports give me a strong bod and bring me a lot of fun. if ou ant to be strong, please do sports; if ou ant to enjo a happ life, please do sports, too.

thank ou!

m famil

i have a happ famil. there are three members in m famil, the are m father, m mother, and i. m parents are teahers.

m father is ver tall and strong. he is 40 ears old. he is a phsis teaher. he orks ver hard. he like his student but he is ver strit. he likes reading books. he likes sports, he often plas basketball. he goes to ork b bike. he athes tv in the evening.

he often ooks for me, suh as hiken, vegetable, fish and so on.

m mother is ver beautiful. she has long blak hair and big ees. she likes singing. she orks ver hard. she is a ver exellent teaher. she is verkind.

i love m parents. and the love me too. m famil is ver friendl ele to m home. that’s all, thank ou!

m das of the eek

hello, everone!

toda i am ver happ, beause i an talk ith ou.

i go to shool from monda to frida. e have hinese and math everda. e have three english lasses ever eek--on monda , ednesda and frida.

ednesda is m favorite da. beause e have puter and musi. and e have potatoes for lunh. potatoes are m favorite food.on eekends e have no lasses. i usuall read books and ath tv. i usuall stud ping pang on saturda . sometimes i go to a park and limb mountains. i an have hiken ,fish ,hamburger, hotdog, piXXa and so on . i like m eekends.

our shool

good morning everone!

toda, i am ver happ to be here. m topi is “our shool”.

ele to our shool! m shool is ver beautiful! it has a big plaground. e an pla there. near the plaground, there is a garden. man trees and floers are there. e an hear birds singing in the trees. it is so onderful.

our teahing buildings are around the garden. e an dra pitures in the art room and read stor-books in the librar. m lassroom is ver lean and bright. e like to stud in it. e an sing and dane in the musi room. hat a lot of fun!

in our shool, our teahers ork hard. e stud ver hard.

after lass, our teahers pla ith us and e feel ver happ.

our shool is so nie and our teahers are so kind. e all love them. dear friends, do ou like them ?

that's all. thanks!




m das of the eek

i go to shool from monda to frida. e have hinese and math everda. e have 3 english lasses ever eek--on monda,ednesda and frida. ednesda is mfavourite da. beause e have puter and musi. and e have potatoes for lunh. potatoes are m favourite
