中国传统文化中的儒家孝道 英文

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Filial piety, like the constant law of heaven and the generating power of earth is the criterion of human conduct. (夫孝,天之经也,地之义也,民之行 也。)
Zeng Zi(曾子)
There are three kinds of filial piety: first respect one’s parents; second, avoid bringing humiliation to one’s parents; third, support one’s parents. (孝有三,大孝尊亲其次弗 辱,其下能养。)
New Filial Piety standard
1.Go home with a wife and children 2.Take a vacation with parent 3. Hold a birthday party for parents 4.Cook for parents 5.Call parents every week 6.Maintenance parents 7.Set up the “love card” with parents 8.Patience to listen 9.Teach parents use computer 10.Take photos with parents 11.Tell parents “I love you.” 12.Communication with parents
3.Paternity disease .Paternity disease is if elderly parents sick, to make a diagnosis and give treatment, timely care, give parents' life and spiritual care.
6.Ending.The viewpoint "point out:" the son, is also close to its respect, in a caused the joy, the disease is caused the loss of sorrow, is the ",offering is severe, causing it to the right, and then five for can kiss ".The Confucian doctrine of the funeral of filial piety see very heavy, when at the funeral to do all kinds of etiquette.
1. Respect for elders. Confucius said:“ this is the filial piety, the can raise. As for, all can have a pet were, why don‘t the disrespect?”
(今之孝者,是谓能养.至于犬马,皆能有养,不敬,何 以别乎 ?)
The Book of Filial Piety That is filial piety, which is the very foundation of all virtues, and from which all enlightenments for the common people are engendered. (夫孝,德之本也,教之所由生也。)
5.JianZheng.The basis of chapter JianZheng pointed out:“ the father, son, and is not against the body in unrighteousness. So when unrighteousness, the son not can indisputable father in". That is to say, in the parents have not righteousness, not only can't obey, and should JianZheng parents, make its correct injustice, thiБайду номын сангаас will prevent parents in unrighteousness.
4.Foundation.The basis of cloud:“ safe haven, wellknown in the world, end of filial piety". That is to say, do the children to "foundation" and a career. Children have made a career achievements, parents will feel happy, honor the proud. Therefore, all the day doing nothing, life, this also is to parents not-mediocre young of unfilial behavior.
The different of Chinese traditional filial piety and the west filial piety.
By analyzing father and son relationship in the American novel the horseman in the sky, we concluded that Western filial piety is more reflected in respect among family members. This respect does not mean being obedient to parents , but more emphasize the independence and equality among family members.
13.Support parents’ hobby 14.Approve single parents remirred 15.Let parents do periodic medical examination 16.Buy insurance for parents 17.Exange of news and current affairs with parents 18.Participete in activities with parents 19.Visit the workplace with parents 20.Travel with parents 21.Exercise with parents 22.Take part in parents’ activities 23.Accompany parents to visit their old friends 24.Accompany parents to the movie
The filial piety of Confucian culture
Chinese traditional filial piety culture is a complex concept rich in content, involve wide. Both culture idea, and etiquette system. From the analysis on the main and raise, contains the following several aspects of the content, we can use twelve words to summarize, namely: respect for elders, nourish ,paternity disease, foundation ,JianZheng, disease to end well.
2. Nourish .Confucian advocates in material life to parents, if there are first and foremost safeguard, be the first to let the old meat to eat. It is very important to emphasize, elderly parents filial piety in the priority of the material life.