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81 Nothing is more futile and more self-defeating than the bitterness of spurned love. This is always a distortion of reality, for people are not the captives or victims of others—they are free agents, working out their own destinies for good or for ill. 因失恋而痛苦是最没有出息、最自作自受的。这类事总会歪曲事实真相,因为无论命运是好是坏,每个人都不是他人的俘虏或牺牲品,而是掌握自己命运的自由行为人。

futile a. 徒然的,徒劳的,无效的【记】fu(音似:无)+tile(瓦片)→盖房没有瓦片,是徒劳→徒劳的【派生】futility n. 无用,徒劳【近】vain a. 徒劳的【反】profitable a. 有益的【词组】a futile attempt 徒然的尝试spurn v. 拒绝【近】deny v. 拒绝,否认【词组】a spurned lover 遭到轻蔑拒绝的痴心爱慕者

distortion n. 歪曲,曲解【大纲词汇】distort v. 使变形,扭曲;歪曲,曲解【构词】dis(加强)+tort(扭曲)→歪曲,扭曲【近】twist v. 扭曲captive n. 俘虏,囚徒 a. 被监禁的;受控制的【构词】capt(抓)+ive(人或物等)→抓住的人→俘虏,囚徒【派生】captivity n. 囚禁【近】prisoner n. 囚犯;俘虏【词组】take sb. s captive 囚禁或俘获某人

(Love Is Not Like Merchandise爱情不是商品)

82 Discouragement, disappointment, failure, and setbacks—these are all things that can help us maintain the right mindset. The key to life is to learn from these experiences, and minimize the amount of time that we allow ourselves to stay discouraged. 灰心、失望、失败及挫折都能帮助我们保持正确的心态。生命的秘诀在于从这些经历中学习,并减少我们允许自己萎靡不振的时间。

setback n. 挫折;阻碍【记】set(设置)+back(后退)→设置后退→倒退,

挫折【近】frustration n. 挫折

key n. 关键,要诀;答案;钥匙;调;键 a. 关键的 v. 用键盘输入【近】answer n. 答案 tone n. 声调【词组】the key to sth. ……的关键 the key issue 关键问题

minimize v. 使减到最少;最小化;极度轻视【构词】minim (=small 小) +ize (动词后缀)→减小【派生】minimization n. 最小限度;极小化;轻视【反】maximize v. 达到最大值;极为重视


83 Life is not always full of multiple choices or the yes-or-no questions, but application questions which need us to prove little by little. During the process, we need to make choice to get or lose.It matters not even if we get wrong answers. 人生并非全是选择题或是非题,还包含需要我们一点一滴去论证的应用题。在此过程中,我们需要进行取舍, 纵使做错,也无关紧要。

application n. 应用;申请,申请书;涂抹,施用【派生】applicant n. 申请人【近】utilization n. 利用;使用【词组】an application form 申请表prove v. 证明,证实; 最终显现为;展示【派生】provable a. 可证明的,能证实的【反】suppose v. 推想; 猜想; 假设【词组】prove yourself to sb. 显示自己的才能

matter v. 要紧,有重大影响 n. 事情,问题;物质【近】affair n. 事情【词组】as a matter of fact 事实上;其实

(About Love)

84 In periods of very rapid change, volatility and ambiguity, trust is subjected to a stress test. We tend to become more cautious and skeptical about trusting others. Ironically, these are times when trust can be an even bigger asset for survival and adaptation. 在瞬息万变、反复无常、

难以捉摸的时代, 信任都要经受压力的考验。对信任他人,我们往往变得更加谨慎和怀疑。然而,讽刺的是,这种时候信任才是越有分量的资产,帮助我们生存和适应环境。

period n. 时代;时间,时期;课时;句号【派生】periodical a. 周期的;定期的【近】era n. 纪元;时代【词组】put a period to 使结束;终止ambiguity n. 意义不明确;模棱两可的意思;含糊话【大纲词汇】ambiguous a. 模棱两可的;不明确的【近】equivocal a. 模棱两可的;意义不明的【反】unambiguous a. 明确的

skeptical a. 怀疑的;怀疑论的【派生】skepticism n. 怀疑论;怀疑的态度【反】credulous a. 轻信的


85 Be proud of yourself. The fact that you’re trying is immensely impressive.You have conquered satisfaction. You are crushing your fears with every new effort you put forth. You aren’t where you want to be yet, but you’re making progress. 为自己感到骄傲吧。你一直在努力,这个事实着实令人印象深刻。你已经战胜了自满, 并正以一次次新的付出击败自己的恐惧。虽然尚未达到目标,但你正在不断地进步。

impressive a. 给人印象深刻的;令人赞叹的【构词】impress(印象,引人注目)+ive(形容词后缀)→印象深刻的【近】unforgettable a. 难忘的conquer v. 战胜;征服;击败;克服【派生】conqueror n. 征服者,胜利者【近】defeat v. 击败;战胜【词组】conquer your nerves/fear 战胜你的恐惧

progress n. 进步;前进;发展 v. 前进;进步;形近【构词】pro(向前)+gress (行走)→向前走→前进【派生】progressive a. 进步的;先进的 n. 进步人士;改革派人士【近】advance n. 前进【词组】in progress 正在进行,在发展中
