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摘要 (2)

Abstract (3)

第一章绪论 (4)

1.1 引言 (4)

1.2 CBIR的研究目的及意义 (5)

1.3 CBIR的研究现状 (6)

第二章 CBIR系统环境及框架 (8)

2.1 前言 (8)

2.2 CBIR的系统功能 (9)

2.3 CBIR的实例系统 (11)

第三章基于Oracle数据库的图像检索系统设计 (14)

3.1系统组织结构 (14)

3.2 数据库的设计及系统调用方法 (15)

3.3 系统交互界面的设计与实现 (18)

第四章结束语 (20)

4.1 工作总结 (20)

4.2进一步的工作 (20)

致谢.......................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。参考文献. (21)






关键词:基于内容的图像检索, 颜色特征,纹理特征,数据库。


Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) has been a very active research area since 1990's, with the thrust from two major research communities, Database Management and Computer Vision. The traditional approach of Image Retrieval is based on the technology of Database Management Systems (DBMS),with the cost of heavy burden of manual annotation. The proposed Content Based Image Retrieval, however, is a new approach based on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition which perform the computer-centered image retrieval according to the content of images.

First, the basic techniques for establishing the pratical CBIR system, such as, image processing, the extracting of visual features for image and the computing of similarity between visual features of different images and furthermore the computing of distance between images.

Second, the advanced approach to improve system performance. They can be divided into two categories: one for improving the accuracy of retrieval and the other for improving the speed of retrieval, in our system, former method is relevance feedback and the latter is vector quantitation.

Later on , using semantic feature of images in CBIR system. The model for combining semantic feature and visual features of images into one system is proposed In conclusion, the purpose of this paper is trying to be a comprehensive article for CBIR system: Besides concentrate on our system, we introduced some other famous systems too. In addition to presented some important methods used in our system, we also get to the bottom of their theoretical origination and background knowledge. There are also some detailed analyses of typical algorithms and necessary experiment results in this paper.

Keywords: Content Based Image Retrieval, Color, Texture, Database
