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市话号码 local number

市话局 local office

市话忙 local busy

市话网络 local network

市忙 local busy sib

示波器 oscillometer

事件检测点 event detection point edp

事实上的标准,非官方标准 de facto standards

事务处理水平 transaction capabilities tc

事务处理水平应用部分 transaction application part tcap

事务处理应用部分 transaction capability application part tcap

事务处理子层 transaction sub-layer tsl

事务处理子层的水平 transaction sub-layer capabilities tsc

视距通信系统 line of sight system los

视盘,视像盘,电视唱盘 videodisc

视频 video frequency

视频编码,电视编码 video coding

视频点播 video on demand vod

视频器件 video parts

视听 audio-visual av

试呼 call attempt

试图,企图, 试呼 attempt

试用物料 probation materials

〖整理该文章,版权归原作者、原出处所有。〗试运行 trial running

室内电缆卡 cable fixed-caliper

室内接地总汇 indoor grounding bar

室内走线架 indoor cabling rack

室外接地总汇条 outdoor grounding bar

室外设备单元 outdoor device unit odu

室外走线架 outdoor cabling rack

适配单元 adaptive unit au

适配器, 衔接器,转接器, 附加器 adapter ap 释放 release

释放监护信号 release guard signal rlg

释放键 release key

释放完成消息 release complete message rlc 收到后向b4 backward signal b4 received 收发 transceiving

收发单元 transmit-receive unit tru

收发端局 the transmitting and receiving end office

收发速率适配单元 transmitting-receiving rate adapter unit trau

收发特性 transceiver features

收发信单元背板 transceiver backplane trb

收发信机(板) transceiver (board) trx

收发信机基带单元 transceiver baseband unit tbu

收号状态 number receiving status

收缩卷积码 punctured convolutional codes

收完再发 sending after receiving completely

收信机 receiver

收信机/接收 receiver/reception rx

手电钻 hand-held electric drill

手动复位 manual reset

手机 mobile phone

手锯 handsaw

手摇钻 hand drill

守护进程 daemon

首尾站 originating and destination stations

首选电路群 first-choice circuit group

首选路由 first-choice route
