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1264. The house is quite bigger than _____________(I).

1265. He put some i____________ in his drink to make it cool.

1266. Would you please give me ______________ (冰淇淋)

1267. Be careful! The road is too i_______ after the heavy snow.

1268. I thought and thought and then I had a_________ (好主意. 想法).

1269. I have no i________ ___________(是否) he will come this afternoon.

1270. We’ll go _________ (如果) the weather stay fine tomorrow.

1271. The nurse is looking for the ___________(生病的) boy. I felt__________(不舒服) this morning.

1272. His mother is worried about his ________________(疾病).

1273. Can you ____________ (想象) what it would be like to live without electricity 1274. I couldn’t ________________(想象) ____________(be) a teacher when I am older. 1275. _____________________(用你的想象力), you can invent it soon.

1276. Health problem is very _________________(重要)to everyone. People should focus on the i_____________ of it.

1277. It is _________________(不可能) for me ______________(cheat) in the exam.

1278. Everything is p__________________.

1279. They will come back home __________(介词) two weeks.

1281. A lot of women took part in the sports meeting, _____________ my mother.

1282. He will finish his work _______________ he doesn’t sleep.

1283. The population of the earth is ______________ very fast.

1284. Some ____________ in working hours may soon be needed.

1285. He visited ____________ last month and he thinks _______________ are very friendly. 1286. The country is supported by ____________ (工业).

1287. Can you look up some useful ____________ (资料) on the Internet

1288. Have you seen the ___________ (里面) of the house

1289. The guest had to move __________ (里面) when it started to rain.

1290. It’s too wet to go for a walk. Let’s swimming i___________ .

1291. You should work __________ (而不是) lying in bed.

1292. Most children don’t keep their room clean, ____________ (相反), they put their things everywhere.

1293. If you want to know how to use the mobile phone, you’d better read the i____________ first.

1294. He can play nearly every _______________ (乐器).

1295. My grandfather’s sunny character has a great _____________ (影响) on me in my life.(同意句)

1296. The boy shows special ____________ in maths. He thinks maths is very ____________, so he ____________ in it two years ago. (兴趣)

1298. Dad’s hobby makes me ______________ in drawing.

1299. Every year many foreigners come to China to visit ______________.

1300. I’ll go to Jim’s party if I ______________ . He i__________ me to go(go) for a walk just now.

1301. Thank you for your kind ____________ (邀请).

1302. We can get a lot of information we need ________________ .

1303. Miss Liu ________________ the new student to the class now.

1304. __________________________(国际劳动节) is on May 1st.

1305. We raise our _______________________(国旗) every Monday morning.

1306. This week, our teacher asked to ______________ (采访)our neighbours about their favourite jibs.

1307. I had an i_____________ with a big company. The _________________(面试者) asked me some questions that I couldn’t answer. I didn’t know if I can work in the company. 1308. Edison was a great ___________ . He _________ over 1000 ____________ all his life. (发明)

1309. Now _______________________(做自我介绍) to your classmates, Li Ming.

1310. Potatoes were _____________ (引入) into Europe from South America.

1311. The _________________(绪论) of the book is very useful to us.

1312. A bridge connected to two _____________ (岛).

1313. I think possible to get in touch with him.
