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Takes tens of thousands of houses, and the anient siene and tehnolog is not developed, not like e just dozens of

famil a high-rise buildings, and the had to build more than 9000 house hold so man people.

The emperor is in need of protetion, the soldiers in the imperial palae is the need to sleep at night, unable to protet. So ise emperor around the Forbidden Cit built a long a moat 52 meters ide, the enem ships, also sorr to the moat.

The Palae Museum has been on the orld heritage list. There are a lot of foreign tourists, the on t litter graffito of the sribble,. Hope to be Chinese, e sa no to univilized behavior, make our ountr proud! Prepare to get off 故宫英语导游词范文3:

Everbod is good! Wele to the Palae Museum, I m glad to serve ou, I am the guide from this journe all Korean an insription, everone all me Korean guide line. Toda I apanied him ou have a good time.

No, ou have ame to the Forbidden Cit, hih is loated in the entre of Beijing b bus. 24 emperors lived here, is the imperial palae during the Ming and qing dnasties, it is the Palae Museum. The palae the hole building magnifient and

solemn gorgeous, hether plane laout, magnifient mountains, in the form of the 3 d effet still is inparable masterpiee.

Let s ath the enter axis of the palae! The entral axis in the entral axis of Beijing it. After the three main halls, palae, imperial garden is loated in the entral axis. On both sides of entral axis of the palae, but also ith man house, grand magnifient.

Looking at entral axis, art treasures museum! Some of the Forbidden Cit palae the establishment of a prehensive histor museum of art, painting, pavilion pavilion, lassifiation of eramis, bronze, engraved hall, tos, raft art galler in the Ming and qing dnasties, pavilion, four treasures of the stud hall, pride, athes and loks, and judgments of lear ating

palae relis exhibition, ollet a large number of anient art treasures. Aording to statistis, there are 102653, inluding man ultural relis are unique prieless.

Even the palae of the four orner, ever Angle has olumn sevent-to liras turrets, there is a legend about turrets. One da, the emperor ongle let ministers in the Forbidden Cit on

the four horns of building a nine beam olumn 10 sevent-to liras, baffled ministers to it. One da, a arpenter sa a des sauterelles age, ver strange, feel age ent up and took a look, a number, that s nine beam olumn sevent-to liras ten! The

arpenter immediatel to the seretar. From then on, the left suh turrets.

Dear visitors, our toda s tour end, right no, toda s explanation to me, ou are ele to put forard opinions and Suggestions, I am thankful. Finall, I ish ou all have fun! thank ou!











