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下面为大家带来有关征求意见英语情景对话,欢迎大家学习!有关征求意见英语句子表达:1. What do you think of the girl?你觉得那个女孩怎么样?2. Now about that?那个怎么样?那个怎么样?3.HOW do you feel?你觉得怎么样?4.. What do you think?你认为怎么样?5.How do you like working here?你觉得在这儿工作怎么样?6.How do you think of computer?你看我的电脑怎么样?7.What's your opinion?你有什么看法?8.What's Your view?你有什么见解?9. How do you see things like this?你对这类事情怎么看?10. What do you think of it?这事你怎么看?有关征求意见英语情景对话1:A:What do you reckon on raising pets at home?你怎样看待家养宠物这件事?B:I think it's not good for people's health.我认为对身体健康没有好处。

A:Why?为什么?B: Pets may communicate some kinds of disease.宠物可能会传染某些疾病。

有关征求意见英语情景对话2:A: What you you think of an increase in tax?你对增加税收怎么看?B: The state will benefit a lot,I think.B: The state will txfenL a LL,L,,LrunK.我想国家会受益。

A: What do most people think about it?多数人怎么看?B: It's hard to say.很难说。

有关征求意见英语情景对话3:A: How do you find things over here?你觉得这儿的情况怎么样?B: It's quite different from what I exected.和我预料的有很大的差异。

A:Have you got used to the life here?你适应这里的生活了吗?B:Not yet. But I'll try my best.还没有,但我会尽力的。

