PCBA Quality Process Audit_Dell——DELL PCBA 品质制程稽核查检表 非常有用的资料

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PCBA Quality Process Audit

Information and Instructions


This document was developed as an Audit Tool to assess PCBA Manufacturing Process Capability.


It is intended to provide an assessment of PCBA Manufacturing Capability based on PCBA Manufacturing Complexity.

此文件的目的, 是提供一個基于PCBA制造复雜性的對PCBA制程能力的評估方法.

Less complex PCBAs will not require the same manufacturing capability as more complex PCBAs.


Thus by matching capability with complexity, the most economic manufacturing solution can be determined for a sustained quality performance.

因此, 通過制程能力与PCBA的复雜性相匹配, 就可以采用最經濟的制造方法達到持久的品質效能.

The tool may also be used to assess RMA/Repair Capability.


A qualified auditor may also use this tool as a guideline to conduct a process 'Gap Analysis' based on product complexity.

合格的稽核員也可以用這個工具作指導對一制程進行"缺陷分析(Gap Analysis)", ----應根据此制程所生產產品的复雜性來進行.


The PCBA Audit Document is primarily intended to be used for suppliers/manufacturers of PCBA Products for Dell.


The audit document may also be used to assess the manufacturing process for any PCBA that is incorporated into a Dell assembly.


When used to assess RMA/Repair Capability, the tool may be used at any location where RMA/Repair activity takes place.

當用于評估RMA和維修能力時, 無論RMA和維修在哪里進行, 此工具均可運用.



The SQE Auditor will decide what PCBA Complexity category to audit a supplier facility or potential supplier facility against.


This determination is made based on the complexity of the PCBA product to be outsourced or evaluated


To do this, the complexity of the product must first be calculated using Dell Tool COR.40.WWP.SQ.0229. This is available on Valuechain.

為了決定适用哪個复雜性等級, 首先須用DELL TOOL COR.40.WWP.SQ.0229這個工具對產品的复雜性進行評估. 這可以在Valuechain上取得.

Knowing the product complexity, it is then possible to use this tool to make an assessment of the line installed for a product of that complexity.

知道了產品的复雜性, 然后才可能用這個工具對生產此复雜性的產品的生產線進行評估.

There are 10 categories of complexity used by Dell, ranging from 1 (Most Complex) to 10 (Least Complex).

DELL所用的复雜性种類分10個等級, 范圍從1(最高复雜性)到10(最低复雜性).

In this audit, complexity categories are grouped into five categories as can be seen on the individual audit worksheets.

但在此稽核中, 复雜性等級被合并成只有5種, 這在后面的各個稽核表中可以看到.



A supplier's facility is required to complete a self assessment using this tool in advance of the Dell Audit.

要求在DELL稽核之前, 供應商用這個工具進行自我評估先.


It is expected that during the self-assessment process, that the supplier will use this opportunity to ask questions for either clarification or to better understand intent of the audit criteria. Waiting for the formal Dell audit to ask these types of questions is too late. It is also expected that based on self audit results, a supplier will inform the Dell team of their readiness for a formal Dell audit.

DELL希望供應商在自我評估的時候問那些不太清楚或是對此稽核標准比較深入的問題. 等到DELL正式稽核的時候來問, 將顯得太遲了. DELL也希望供應商基于自我稽核的結果, 來通知DELL他們是否已准備好了.

A self assessment is completed by adding a score to the relevant column in each worksheet once product complexity has been determined.

确定了產品的复雜性, 就可以進行自我評估了. 每完成一項評估, 就在相應欄位打上分數.

If a facility has multiple lines building Dell product of the same complexity, the supplier shall ensure all lines are available to be audited.

如果一個工廠有多條線生產同一复雜性等級的DELL產品, 供應商應保証所有的線都可以被稽核.

The SQE Auditor will randomly select one line to be audited for the product complexity to be assessed.

對某一复雜度的產品, SQE稽核員將隨机選擇一條線稽核.

During the audit process, the Dell SQE may wish to review every question/criterion listed on the audit document, or alternatively the SQE may choose

to focus only on those questions for which the supplier awarded themselves a score of 1 by self-assessment. The path taken is left to SQE discretion.

稽核過程中, DELL SQE會稽核列在此稽核文件上的每一個問題/標准, 或者會只集中于供應商在自我評估中給自己打了" 1 "分的項目, 具体如何作, 由SQE自己決定. The score awarded by the SQE Auditor will be entered in the 'Actual' column on each worksheet.

SQE稽核員所打的分輸入每張工作表的 "Actual" 一欄

In this way the delta between the self assessment and the actual score is known. The size of this delta is a measure of audit preparedness and understanding. The difference between "self score" and "actual score" will be approximately 5% if preparation and understanding is good.

這樣, 就可以看出自我評估与實際分數之間的差別(用delta表示). 差別(delta)的大小量度出了供應商對這份文件的理解程度和對這次Audit的准備程度. 如果對DELL QPA理解得好並作了充分准備的話, 自我評分与實際分數之間的差別大約會是5%.



The SQE Auditor must complete at least 6 of the 13 processes before an Audit Result can be declared.

SQE 稽核員至少應稽核完本文件列出的13段制程中的6段, 否則不可以發布稽核結果.
