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一、选出画线部分读音与其余三个不同的选项。( 5)

1.A food B school C room D foot

2.A wanted B closed C played D listened

3. A many B animal C apple D man

4.A knife B thank C night D funny

5.A boxes B oranges C shoes D watches

二、单项选择。( 20)

1.Of all the girls, Mary spent __________ time and made _________ mistakes.

A much, many

B the least, the fewest

C more, most

D the fewest, the least

2.__________ name is Tom. What’ s ________ name?

A I, you

B My, you

C My, your

D I, your

3.The word“ fish” has ________“ f ”.

A an

B a

C the D/

4.I walk __________the park with Jenny.

A at

B /

C with

D to

5.This is the __________ we play a game.

A colour

B way

C draw

D ball

6.We have five ___________.

A apple tree

B apples tree

C apple trees

D apples trees

7.---_________ dress is this?--- It’ s my dress.

A Whoes

B Who’ s

C Whose

D Where

8.I ________ the blackboard, but I can’ t ________ a word.

A look, see

B look at, see

C see, look

D see, look at

9.---__________ will you come back?----In an hour.

A How long

B How often

C How

D How soon

10. ---________ did she go to Beijing?--- You won ’ t believe it! On foot.

A What

B Where

C When

D How

11. There are twenty ________ in our school. Some of them are ___________.

A women teachers, Germans

B woman teachers, Germans

C woman teachers, Germen

D women teachers, Germen

12. ---May I ________your bike? ---Sorry.

A ride

B riding

C rode

D to ride

13.--- What does your father do?---He ____________.

A am a student

B is a policeman

C works hard

D is a good man

14.It ’ s time ________ to school. We must __________ now.

A to go, goes

B going, go

C to go, go

D going, goes

15.The supermarket is __________ at this time of day.

A closed

B opened

C opens

D closes

16.There ________ a football game on TV this afternoon and I’ m going to ________ it.

A is going to have, watch

B has, see

C is going to be, look at

D is going to be, watch

17.My mum is ________ in our family.

A busier

B the busiest

C busiest

D the most busy

18. ---__________ come to have supper?---Thank you! I’ d love to.

A Would like to

B Are you like

C Shall we love to

D Could you like

19. --- I ’ m sorry I can’ t do----it. __________.

A Not a t all.

B You ’ re welcome.

C It doesn’ t matter

D Well done.

20. I get up _______ in a quarter to six _____ a hot morning.

A at, in

B at, at

C on, on

D at, on


When Mary Smith was a student, she wanted to be a _____1_____ ___2_____ liked children. When she was twenty

___3___, she taught in a small school. She was a good teacher, and she ____4_____ a lot with her children in her class.

They loved her very much.

One day, a girl in her class _____5___ to her,“ Miss Smith, why does a man ’ s hair become grey before beard( 胡子 ) does?”

Mary laughed and said,“ I don ’ t know. Helen, do you know?” “ Sorry, but it happened ___6____ my father. ___7___ laughed when they heard this.

Then a boy said, “ I___8__, Miss Smith!A man’ shair becomes grey___9____ because it ’sixteen years older

____10___ his beard!”

1.A doctor B teacher C worker D farmer

2.A so B but C that D because

3.A years old B days C metres D year old

4.A cried B learned C laughted D studied

5.A says B asks C asked D said

6.A down B to C for D from

7.A children B classes C boys D girls

8.A think B know C sure D say

9.A fast B slowly C first D quickly

10. A than B same C with D as



An old man is well known in his country because he can predict the futuree. He knows what is going to happen.

One day, the king goes to visit him with his son. The king asks the old man to answer some questions.

a long time? What is my future?”

The old man looks at the king. An d he says slowly,“ You are going to die in three days.” The king becomes Three days later he dies. Everybody is sad. But life must continue, the king’ s son becomes the new ki the new king goes to see the old man again with two soldiers. He looks at the old man and says,“ You are very cl me, what is your future?”

The old man looks at the new king and says,“ When are you going to die?”

The new king laughs and asks him,“ When are you going to die?”

The old man replie s,“ I’ m going to die three days before you.”

True or false.

1.The old man can predict the futrue.

2.Five days later, the old king dies.

3.The king ’ s son is going to kill the old man.

4.The old man is very clever.
