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Unit1 What’s the matter?

1.你怎么了?What’s the matter with you?

2.我胃痛I have a stomachache.

3.我感冒了I have a cold.

4.咳嗽喉咙痛have a cough and sore throat

5.喝足够的水drink enough water

6.躺下并休息lie down and rest

7.热蜂蜜水hot tea with honey

8.看牙医see a dentist

9.拍X光get an X-ray

10.量体温take one’s temperature

11.上药put some medicine on it

12.切到自己cut oneself

13.发烧have a fever

14.我应该怎么做?What should I do?

15.那或许就是原因吧。That probably why.

16.休息take breaks\take a break

17.离开,远离away from

18.同样的方式the same way

19.看医生go to a doctor

20.看见某人正在做某事see sb. doing sth.

看到过某人做某事see sb. do sth.

21.在...旁边,挨着next to

22.下车get off

23.有心脏病have a heart problem

24.期望做某事expect to do sth.

25使...惊讶的,出乎...意料to one’s surprise

26.同意做某事agree to do sth.


28.多亏,由于thanks to

29.及时in time

30.考虑,思想think about

31.造成麻烦,陷入麻烦get into trouble

Unit1 --- B

1.用水冲一下run it under water

2.用绷带包扎put a bandage on it

3.休息几天rest for a few days

4.生病,不舒服feel sick

5.流鼻血have a nosebleed

6.摔倒fall down

7.呼吸困难have problems breathing

8.被球击中get hit by a ball

9.晒伤get sunburned

10.对...感兴趣be interested in

11.习惯于... be used to

12.失去生命,丧生lost one’s life

13.因为,由于because of

14.用完,耗尽run out of

15.挽救生命save one’s life

16.准备做某事be ready to do sth.

17.用某物做某事use sth. to do sth.

18.切断cut off

19.以便,为了so that

20.爬下来climb down

21.生死两难between a rock and a hard place

22.处于困境in a difficult situation

23.离开,从...出来get out of

24. ...的重要性the importance of

25.做决定make a decision

26. 掌管,管理be in control of

27.继续或坚持做某事keep on doing sth.

28.放弃做某事give up doing sth.

29.立刻,马上right away

30.冒险take risks\take a risk

31.听起来不错sound like

32.感觉良好feel well
