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1. 帮助收藏者克服这个挑战help collectors overcome this challenge

2.隔天进食diet every other day

3.空间意识spatial awareness


5.一系列/一套a series of

6. virtually 实质上,事实上

7.障碍barrier/ obstacle 8.the seventh-inning stretch棒球比赛第七局中地舒展身体

9.不要拿自己出气Don’t take it out on yourself.

10.努力度过难关make one’s way through a tough time

11.测试全面的体能test all-round physical ability 12.premature过早的

13.奥运口号的最好体现the best picture of the Olympic motto

14.人类追求卓越的渴望the desire of humanity to do better15. umpire 裁判

16. underactive不够活跃的17.混合项目combined events

18.对……非常喜欢;拥有做某事的激情have a passion for sth.

19.in the wake of 随着20. confirm 证实;确认;批准

21.the initial assessment最初的评估22.fatigue 疲劳

23.be consistent with 与……一致24.radiate辐射;放射;散发;流露

25.提供在校课程offer in-school programs


Everyone in the class is expected to participate in volunteer work.

27.具有时效性的time-efficient 28. Workout锻炼;练习;试验

29.与……抗争compete against/ with 30. 得到拨款get a grant

31.Reassured by this hope, I continued on my smashing like some wanton explorer.(英译中)


32.collaboration合作;协作33.备件spare parts

34.获得直接的证据acquire direct evidence 35.galaxy 星系;银河系

36.ritualistically 习惯性地37. Pastime消遣方式;娱乐方式


In a prize-awarding ceremony, all the children are formally presented with medals to celebrate their accomplishments.

39.限制你的饮食restrict your diet 40.失重weight loss
