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1.有空,空闲;免费be free

2.更少的污染less pollution

3.更少的高楼fewer buildings

4.五年后in five years

5.飞往某地fly to

6.爱上。。。fall in love with

7.养宠物keep a pet

8.去滑冰go skating

9.能做。。。be able to

10.有一天,某一天some day

11.下次next time

12.实现come true

13.将来in the future

14.他们自己的机器人their own robots

15.帮着做。。。help do../help with…

16.数百年。。。hundreds of years

17.叫醒,吵醒wake up

18.尽力做。。。try (one’s best) to do

19.看起来像。。。look like

20.例如for example

21.一再,再三over and over again/again

and again

22.一些。。。其他的。。。some … others…

23.寻找。。。look for

24.和某人吵架argue with sb.

25.过时out of style

26.足够的钱enough money

27.足够富裕rich enough

28.时髦in style

29.给某人打电话call sb./telephone sb.

30.一张球赛的票a ticket to a ball game

31.通过电话on the phone

32.为。。。付款pay for

33.找到一份兼职工作find a part-time job

34.从。。。借。。。borrow …from..

35.向某人索要。。。ask sb. for …

36.好主意good idea

37.和。。。一样the same as

38.告诉某人做。。。tell sb. to do …

39.找出。查明find out

40.除我外except me

41.别的每个人everyone else 42.祝你好运good luck

43.把。。。落在家。。。leave sth. at home

44.和某人相处融洽get on well with sb.

45.给某人关于。。。的建议give sb. advice

on sth.

46.尽可能….as …as possible

47.压力太大too much pressure

48.抱怨…complain about

49.参加…take part in

50.看见某人正在做…see sb. doing

51.看见某人做了…see sb. do

52.各种各样all kinds of

53.把…和…做比较compare… with…

54.一方面…另一方面… on the one hand…

On the other hand

55.靠自己by oneself

56.从。。。里出来get/come out of

57.脱下;起飞take off

58.对。。。惊讶be surprised/amazed at

59.做。。。很惊讶be surprised to do

60.使某人惊讶的是。。。to one’s surprise

61.昨晚十点at ten o’clock last night

62.爬树climb the trees

63.拍照take photos

64.逃跑run away

65.在车站外面outside the station

66.考虑,思考think about

67.去购物go shopping


one of the most popular teachers

69.听说hear of


71.在那时at that time

72.默默地in silence

73.发生take place

74.对。。。有意义have meanings to…

75.全世界all over the world /

around the world

76.生…的气be angry with /be mad at

77.不再not …any more

78.举办一个聚会have a party

79.首先at first/first of all

80.被期望做…应该做…be supposed to do

81.擅长… be good at

82.在某方面做的好do well in

83.变得紧张get nervous


have trouble/difficulties/problems doing..

85.传递pass by


87.忘记做… forget to do

88.克服…战胜… get over

89.同意某人agree with

90.做决定make a decision

91.觉得幸运feel lucky

92.开阔视野open up one’s eyes

93.担任work as

94.回到… get back to…

95.为测验做准备study for a test

96.拿走,带走take.. away

97.让某人做某事ask sb. to do sth.

98.在晚会期间during the party

99.周游全世界travel around/ the world 100.挣钱make money

101.以。。。而著名be famous for

102.上大学go to college

103.受教育get an education

104.努力工作work hard

105.做。。谋生make a living doing 106.一直all the time

107.受伤get injured

108.做完。。。finishing doing

109.在太空in space

110.在地球上on the earth

111.去购物go shopping

112.五个小时了for five years

113.一双溜冰鞋a pair of skates

114.自从五年前since five years ago 115.为慈善机构收钱

raise money for charity

116.整整无小时the whole five hours/

all the five hours

117.三年半three years and a half

Three and a half years

118.一年半one year and a half

One and a half years 119.用完,用尽use up / run out of

120.在我九岁生日时on my ninth birthday 121.顺便说、问一下by the way

122.获得一等奖win the first prize

123.对。。。感兴趣be interested in

124.超过,多于more than

125.数千年thousands of years

126.开始做… begin doing/to do

127.了解know about/ learn about

128.越…就越… the 比较级,the 比较级129.乐意、高兴做… would love to do 130.离。。。远far away from

131.介意做。。。mind doing

132.把。。。(声音)关小turn down

133.把。。。(声音)开大turn up

134.打开。。。turn on

135.关闭。。。turn off

136.一点也不not tall

137.立刻,马上at once/ right away/

in the minute

138.洗盘子wash the dishes

139.穿上put on

140.脱掉take off

141.在开会(be) at the meeting

142.帮助。。。做。。。help sb. do/ to do/ with 143.没问题no problem

144.给你here you are

145.排队等候wait in line

146.插队cut in line

147.到处跟着我follow me around

148.回到某地去get back to

149.变得很恼火get annoyed

150.努力做。。。try to do

151.欢迎来到。。。welcome to …

152.做。。。很激动be excited to do

153.半小时前half an hour ago

154.大声说话talk loudly

155小心、当心做。。。take care to do 155.在公共场合in public (place)

156.熄灭put out

157.扔垃圾drop litter/throw rubbish 158.捡起。。。pick up

159.照顾,照料look after/take care of 160.一位八十岁的老奶奶
