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化学化工专业英语试卷Newly compiled on November 23, 2020


11. orbital electron::attraction of organic compounds is weak, so organic compounds are

usually volatile and possess

low melting points. 3.Benzene can undergo the

typical substitution

reactions of halogenation, nitration, sulphonation and

Friedel-Crafts reaction. 4.Evaporation is conducted by vaporizing a portion of the

solvent to produce a

concentrated solution or thick


5.The presence of a

substituent group in benzene

exerts a profound control

over both orientation and the

ease of introduction of the

entering substituent. 6.The functional group of a ketone consists of a carbon

atom connected by a double

bond to an oxygen atom.

7.At equilibrium, these two rate are equal; cupric ion is

still reacting with ammonia

molecules to form the

complex, and the complex is

still decomposing, but just

as much cupric ammonia

complex is being

decomposed in unit time as

is being formed. 8.The reaction of an acid

chloride with an amine is

used commercially in the

manufacture of the very

important range of semi-

synthetic penicilings,first

produced by the Beechan

Group in 1959.

9.Thus satisfactory binding propertise are essential for

trouble-free compression and

the production of good

quality cakes over long

manufacturing periods. 10.The synthesis of organic

compounds involves

conversion of available

substances of known

structure, through a

sequence of particular,

controlled chemical

reactions, into other

compounds bearing a

desired molecular


The active ingredients were identified in the unsaponifiable fraction of this vegetable product. After solvent extraction and drying, the pure unsaponifiables are obtained in the form of a waxy solid. This

四、 Translate the following paragraph into Chinese (本大题共1个小题,共25分)

waxy solid is then redissolved in untreated shea butter to increase the unsaponifiable content and thus lead to the unsaponifiable shea butter concentrate. Used in cosmetics at levels of up to 2%,it provides excellent protection against sunlight and skin dryness.

Another example is the extract of the kola nut, known

for its anti-irritant properties.

As available in the market, it

has an objectionable color and

odor . At Estee Lauder, we

analyzed and separated its

constituents, identified the

individual components with

anti-irritant properties, and

recombined them in the most

effective ratio. In the process ,

objectionable color and odor

were removed and possible


eliminated. All this indicates

that cosmetics formulated with plant extracts today can be

more effective and , at the

same time, more elegant than

10 or 20 years ago.

采用一种简单、可靠并且有效的气相色谱法,来同时测定草药鱼腥草和鱼腥草注射液中8种活性组分的含量。在研究的浓度范围内,发现鱼腥草中草药和注射液中8种活性组分的R2的值高于,都有良好的线性行为,其日内和日间的精度都很高,其RSD小于2%,且在三种不同浓度下获得的8种组分的平均回收率范围为%–%,RSD 为~%。该方法已成功应用于鱼腥草中草药和注射液的这8种活性成分的同时测定,包括不同厂家、不同批次生产注射液





五、 Translate the following paragraph into English (共15分)
