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小升初英语必考重要短语词汇look at the blackboard看着黑板

draw a circle画一个圆

on the paper在纸上

make a card做一张卡片

many circles许多圆形

a PE lesson一节体育课

have a PE lesson上一节体育课

follow the orders按照指令

give the orders发出指令

stand in a line站成一排

do some exercise做锻炼

have supper吃晚饭

clean the library打扫图书馆

do one’s homework做作业

join us加入我们

classes begin开始上课

wash clothes洗衣服

at the weekends在周末

spend one’s weekends过周末talk about谈论

on Friday afternoon在星期五下午after school放学后

surf the Internet上网

learn English from me向我学英语listen to music听音乐

at home在家

watch cartoons看卡通

do housework做家务

of course/ sure当然

catch insects抓昆虫

put …on把……放在……上

turn right向右转

do this ten times做这个十次

this train for Shanghai去上海的火车the plane for Beijing去北京的航班go there去那儿

go to the Great Wall去长城

go by taxi坐出租车去

go to the theatre去剧院

by taxi坐出租车

on foot步行

go to the supermarket去超市jump up and down上下跳

listen carefully仔细地听

ten times十次

turn left向左转

right hand右手

every day每天touch…with用……触摸

lift up抬起

lie on one’s back仰躺put…in把…放在…里面

a busy day忙碌的一天

at night在晚上

on duty值日

be quick快点

a football game一场足球赛watch TV看电视

catch butterflies抓蝴蝶

our good friends我们的好朋友a Primary School一所小学

in the tree/on the tree在树上in bottles在瓶子里

different countries不同的国家

the English Club英语俱乐部

live in New York居住在纽约

speak English说英语

teach English教英语

a big city一个大城市

read books读书

visit China参观中国

Japanese visitors日本参观者

come to my birthday party来参加我的生日聚会a VCD of Japanese cartoons一张日本卡通光盘have a birthday party举办生日聚会

open the door开门

make a birthday card做一张生日贺卡

take off脱下

Sports Day运动日

at weekends在周末

watch cartoons看动画片

visit the zoo参观动物园

play volleyball打排球

clean the house打扫房子

as a birthday present作为生日礼物birthday cake生日蛋糕

your birthday你的生日

blow out吹灭

after school放学以后

camping trip野营旅行

go home together一起回家

look around四周看

pick up捡起

take a walk散步

a ten-yuan note一张十元的钞票

make noise发出噪音

talk about谈论有关……

at a camp在一个营地上

cook a lot of food做许多食物have a big lunch吃一顿丰盛的午餐at Spring Festival在春节

go to parties去参加聚会

come after …在……之后到来

on New Year's Day在元旦

New Year's Day元旦

have a good time玩得很高兴

go camping去野营

play a lot of games玩许多游戏this afternoon今天下午

go to Beijing去北京

play with balloons玩气球
