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comparison on the following aspects:


2.Political parties

3.Judicial System



There are lots of English speaking countries in the world and there also many differences between China and them on many aspects. For example, comparing the government with the USA, I’d like to talk something about the differences through Parliament, Political parties, Judicial System and so on.


America's highest legislative body (legislative branch ), implement the legislative provisions of the Fed eral Constitution, the actual location of the Capito l in Washington, DC, by the Senate and the House

of Representatives; the Chamber of Deputies; the Low er House, number of members to 535. Senator is dir ectly elected by the states, each state has 2. imp

lement of the principle of equal representation of the states. Existing Members 100. Elected senator mu st be at least 30 years old, full nine years as a U.S. citizen, was elected the state's residents w hen elected. Six-year term, reelection every two yea rs 1/3, re-elected. Rep. (congressman) number assigne d by the proportion of the population states, elect ed by direct election, at least one in each state, the number is fixed at 435, must be at least 25 years of age, as a U.S. citizen full seven years , when elected to the state's elected residents. 2-year term, be re-elected. Members of both houses of long-term election is a common phenomenon. Members shall serve other government duties, Members of Pa rliament represent their constituency voters, but is representative of the country as a whole, the vot ers, to regulate the behavior of the government and the people through legislation.

National People's Congress exercises the following po wers:

(1) amend the Constitution;

(2) to oversee the implementation of the Constitutio


(3) the formulation and revision of criminal, civil, national institutions and other basic laws;

(4) Elect the chairman of the People's Republic of China, and Vice Chairman;

(5) According to nominate the Chairman of People's Republic of China, decided to Premier candidates; up on nomination by the Premier's decision, Ministers, Deputy Premier, State Councilor, commissions, the Aud itor General, the Secretary-General of the candidates ;Chairman

(6) to elect the Central Military Commission; upon nomination by the Chairman of the Central Military Commission, the choice of other members of the Cent ral Military Commission;

(7) to elect Supreme People's Court;

(8) the election of the Supreme People's Procuratora te;

(9) review and approve the national economic and so cial development plans and reports;

(10) to examine and approve the budget and the rep ort on the implementation of the country;
