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( ) 1. A. safe B. safely C. safety

( ) 2. A. child B. children C. children’s

( ) 3. A. fast B. first C. finish

( ) 4. A. wake B. weak C. work

( ) 5. A. travel B. finishing C. traveling

( ) 6. A. walk B. work C. world

( ) 7. A. now B. no C. know

( ) 8. A. dream B. cream C. team

( ) 9. A. around B. ground C. round

( ) 10. A. there B. here C. hear


( ) 11. A. They go to Taipei. B. They went Taipei. C. They are going to Taipei. ( ) 12. A. Yes, he will. B. No, he isn’t. C. Yes, he does.

( ) 13. A. I go to bed early. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, I do.

( ) 14. A. Yes, I do. B. I like noodles. C. Some bread and milk. ( ) 15. A. Yes, there are. B. No, they aren’t. C. Yes, a little.


Mike likes _______ very much. He _________ to travel around the world. __________ is his favourite country. He loves kangaroos and koalas. He is a sport ________. He likes Australian football games because they are very _________. He has many good _________ too. He _______ gets up and goes to bed _________. He usually keeps his room clean and _________. He ________ has a healthy diet.



( ) 16. Lily’s friend eats ________ sweet food at a time.

A. a few

B. a little

C. many

( ) 17. Sometimes he plays _______ football, and sometimes he plays _______ piano.

A.the; /

B. /; the

C. a; a

( ) 18. --- What do you have _______ lunch --- I have _______ rice.

A. for; some

B. with; a little

C. for; a few

( ) 19. --- What _______ your sister do on her birthday --- She usually ____ a party.

A. do; have

B. does; has

C. do; has

( ) 20. To keep ________, you should not skate on the road.

A. safe

B. safety

C. safely

( ) 21. A policeman should _______ strong and brave.

A. is

B. are

C. be

( ) 22. This is ______ old tree. Under ______ old tree, there’s ______ old man.

A. an; an; an

B. an; a; an

C. an; the; an

( ) 23. My brother likes _______. He would like ________ an artist.

A. paint; being

B. painting; to be

C. painting; be

( ) 24. Tower Bridge is in _________.

A. America

B. Australia

C. England

( ) 25. --- Who ______ you up this morning --- My mother.

A. wakes

B. wake

C. woke

( ) 26. --- ______ bedroom is this --- It’s my mother’s.

A. Who’s

B. Whose

C. Who

( ) 27. Here’s the red man. You _______ cross the road now.

A. can

B. must

C. mustn’t

( ) 28. The children _______ learn _______ Australia next week.

A. in; about

B. will; about

C. will; to

( ) 29. I will stay ______ China ________ six months.

A. in; for

B. on; of

C. on; for

( ) 30. I want ______ a cook in the future.

A. being

B. to be

C. to



( ) 31. What’s your dream A. It was in my bag.
