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Signal / Transitional Words and Phrases 过渡词大全(信号词)


and, also, too, either, 也 as well, 同样

not only……but also,

not only……but,besides,

in addition,另外as well as;除…以外moreover 此外,而且

Sequence: 顺序词: Time order; space order; logical order

in the first place, 首先

first of all, 首先

to begin with, 首先

firstly, 首先

at first 开始时=at the beginning

for a start, 首先

then, and then 然后

again, next, 再者;其次;afterward, subsequently,随后besides, in addition, 此外additionally,加之

moreover, what's more,

furthermore, 此外,而且

one more thing,此外

a further, 此外

for one thing,首先

for another,另外

previously, 之前meanwhile, 以此同时simultaneously, 同时concurrently,同时in the middle/process


lastly, 最后 finally,

in the end;eventually最后last but not least,最后

Time sequence words & expressions:时间顺序词

1.now, nowadays, at present…;现在,现阶段

2.when, before, after, as, while, during…;

3.the moment…正当…

4.as soon as…一…就….

5.hardly….when…. 一…就….


7.no sooner…than…. 一…就….

8.be about to…正要

9.once …一旦


11.in…(year), . in 1997; in 2000

st ……; yesterday morning;

13. on Friday, on Friday morning,

14. in July, in winter

15.on the eve of the Spring Festival…除夕之夜

16.on the Mid-Autumn Day;中秋夜

17.on the evening of the Mid-autumn Day

18.on the National Day

19.during the 8-day holiday

20.over the last 10 years/decade

21.in the day(day-time), at night,

22.in the morning/evening/afternoon;

23.at daybreak, at sunrise, at sunset,

24.at noon, at midnight,

25.at the end of this/last month/year;

26.by the end of this/last year; by the time…

27.at that time, then, just then,

28.since…; from then on

29.recently,( in) those days,( in) these days

ter, afterwards, earlier, formerly, ….later, later on.

31.at the turn of century

32.in the first half of the century

33.in the 1990s, etc.

34.in the future, in recent future, in 2015,

35.at birth, in childhood, in infancy (年少时),

36. in adolescence(青春期);

37.when I was young, when I was a little boy/girl,

38.in my teens, when I was a teenager,

39.in my early/middle/late 20s

40.as an adult, in adult-hood, in old ages在晚年,

41.at death.

42.Simultaneously, simultaneous with, at the same time, in the meantime, as, meanwhile

43. the former, the latter, previous, previously, prior to,

44.Ex-president, ex-girlfriend

45.first, second, third,…finally.

46.Firstly, secondly, thirdly……..

47.In the first place, in the second place, etc.

48.To begin with, next, then, subsequently=afterwards, in the next place;

49.In conclusion, finally, lastly, in the end, eventually,.

50.Until, till now,so far;

51.Before long= soon,不久

52.long before很久以前

53.at this time tomorrow;

54.by the time when…

ter on 后来

56.For the time being 到目前为止;暂时

57.In two weeks’ time 两周后

58.In two weeks from today 离今天两周的时间内

59.Sometime next week 下周的某个时候

60.This time next week 下个星期的这个时候

61.Time and time again 再三
