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Lesson 81-82练习题


A Dialogue

Read this dialogue. Fill in the missing words. 填空。

Sam: Hi, Carol! _______________ Tom?

Carol:He’s _______________. He’s _______________ a bath.

Ten minutes later

Tom:Hello, Sam. _______________ a cigarette?

Sam:No, _______________, T om.

Tom:_______________ a _______________ of whisky then.

Sam:OK. Thanks.

Tom:Is dinner _______________, Carol?

Carol:I t’s _______________ ready. We can _______________ dinner at seven ______________.

B Vocabulary

Rewrite these sentences and use the verb have in place of the underlined verbs.改写以下句子,用have代替划线的动词。

1.They ate breakfast at 8 o’clock.T hey had breakfast at 8 o’clock.

2.She is drinking a cup of tea.

3.We usually eat breakfast at 7.30.

4.I drank some milk an hour ago.

5.We enjoyed a great summer holiday!

6.They are enjoying themselves.

C Numbers

Write these numbers in figures. 用阿拉伯数字表示以下数词。

five hundred and sixty six hundred and three seven hundred and


eight hundred and ninety

nine hundred and twelve one thousand, two hundred and fifty

D About you: the verb have

Answer these questions with full sentences.用完整的句子回答以下问题。

1.When do you usually have breakfast?


2.What do you usually have for lunch?


3.How often do you have a haircut?


4.When did you last have a haircut?


5.When (in the week) do you have English lessons?


6.Did you have a holiday last year? Where did you go?


E Situations

Read each situation carefully. What do you say? 根据以下情景写出你可能会说的话。

1.You are going out with an English-speaking friend. He / She asks if you are ready. You are —



2. A friend looks ill, or worried, or something. You want to know what’s wrong.


3. A friend says he / she hasn’t got much money. Nor have you. How do you agree?




1.r__ __ dy 6.b__th

2.near__ __7.br__ __kf__st

3.r__ st__ __r__nt8.di__ __er

4.r__ __st9.cig__ __ette

5.h__ __ __cut10.l__ __ch


1.There are ______ people in the street on Sunday.

A.lot of


C. a lot of

D. a lot

2.She hasn’t got any money. I’ve not got much, ______.





3.—What ______ you ______?

—We had beef and potatoes.
