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1. alternative flights預定其它航斑(reserve)

2.a office/box售票处

3.have b /troublel/a hard time doing干某事费劲

4.Why ?何必那么麻烦?

5.b minded 胸襟幵阔cf:open-minded思维/思想开阔

6.make/achieve a 取得突破性进展

e your /head 动脑筋

8.be bored 厌烦(have enough of/be fed up with)

9.b the gap 弥合分岐

break down/through the barriers 打破/突破壁垒

10.bring the decline of rural industries 导致农村产业衰退(lead tolresult ivinvitelgive rise to)

11.bring the best in ourselves最大程度的发挥某人的オ能

12.make both ends 收支平衡

13.break the house破门而入

break 强行进入;插嘴(cut in / interrupt)

14.break _cheers/applause/laughter/tears突然欢呼/鼓掌/大笑/大哭起来(burst into…)

15.break the negotiations/meeting突然终止谈判/会议|

16.break_ from our community脱高我们的群体

17.(war/fire/disease)break (战争、火灾、瘟疫)突然爆发

18.The band broke 这支乐队解散了

19.break friendship/relationship使友谊/关系破裂

20.break with sb与某人分手(part from sb)

21.break our food into useful substances把食物分解成有用的物质

22.break the barriers of fear 突破恐惧的阻碍

23.break 出故障(身体、精神)崩漬;(计划/谈判)失败

24.bring /make/earn $20000挣得赚得两万美元

25.bring sb _抚育 (raise)

26.bring sth _提出(raise,put forward,come up with)

27.bring the price/cost降低价格/成本

bring sth to my mind勾起回忙(remind sb of sth)

28.There are b _to be adjustments肯定会有些调整

(人或事)肯定会:be guaranteed /sure/certain to do


1.be born with cf: be...by birth

2.be born to be a great pianist; cf: prornise to be...

3.the booming computer industry

4.boycott Japanese products/the party

5.the instruction booklet

6.brainstorm ideas (put their heads together)

7.No advance booking is necessary.

8.shape the brand image

9.sign up for a brand new e-mail account

10.a(n) brillian/outstanding scientist

11.bounch up and down

12.mark the boundary of our estate (=division)

13.continuous border conflicts

14.broadcast the football match live

15.bring up the medicine

16.broaden our appeal (=enlarge)

17.conduct a broad-ranging investigation

18.in brief (briefly, to be brief)

19.bring the interview to the end (=put an end to...)

20.suffer from breakdown


2.Tbe Internet _

3.Talks to cut emissions(减排) by five per cent in the Hague(海牙)several nonths ago a

reached no agrements(09川单选)

4.The two countries are going to meet to some barriers to trade between them.(14津单选).

5.--Im surprised to hear that Sue and Paul

---So am I. They seemed very happy togeber wben I last saw them.


6.To understand the grammar of the sentence, you may it

into parts.(05鄂单选)

7.Born into a family with three brothers, David to value the sense of sharing.(11闽单选)

8.Tbe government has taken measures to the high prices

of daily goods to keep the marke stable.(11鄂单选)

9. Your training course should help you________ your personality, not try to turn you into someone youten(13新课标)

10.No sooner had Mo Yan stepped on the stage than the audience

thunderous applause.(l4

11.Recently, an old milk box in the countryside I saw my childhood memories. I took it homa planted it on the back porch(门廊)11新课标阅

12.If you live in the capital,renting a room out during the Olympics or other big events could (11川阅)

13. When World War I ,my grandaher seemed to have

become anotber man, downeatec ,Such obvious change was not born out

of concern for his welfare, but out of fear; if his only son. My un to go to war.(09鄂阅)

14. On January 3I, Seppala had to crosa frozen body of water called Noton Sound .It

was the most dan part of the journey. Norton Sound was covered

with ice, which could sometimes without war

