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Sec 1-1


PILOT:Nelson Clearance Delivery Transtar 10 to Curran FL280 Bay C10 , POB350, ready to pushback in 5 minutes, request airways clearance.

ATC:T ranstar 10 Nelson Delivery, FL280 is not available Can you accept FL300 , alternatively FL260 with a 10 minutes delay?

PILOT:Transtar 10, we can accept FL300.


PILOT:Nelson Tower good afternoon, Oceanic 171 ready.

ATC:O ceanic 171, Nelson Tower, are you ready for immediate take off?

PILOT:Negative we will require 30 seconds in the line up position, Oceanic 171. ATC:O ceanic 171, roger Tupolev 154 on final, behind that aircraft, line up behind. PILOT:Behind that Tupolev 154 on final line up behind, Oceanic 171.


PILOT:Nelson ground, good afternoon, Bantex 191 requesting start and pushback, Bay 9.

ATC:B antex 191, Nelson ground, good afternoon, Saab maneuvering on to Bay 10A and a Tupolev 154 inbound to Bay 6. When clear off both aircraft start and pushback approved, facing east.

ATC:Clear of Saab on to Bay 10a and T 154 inbound to Bay 6. Start and pushback approved, Bantex 191.


PILOT:Ground, Qantas 120 vacating on D4 for Bay 6

ATC:Quantas120, Ground, taxi via A. C .F hold short of C, pass behind the outbound A380 from you left.

PILOT:Roger, via A C F and pass behind the outbound A380 from the left. Qantas 120.

Pilot:Ground from Qantas 120 the A380 appears to be vacating the apron via D3 and A. May we proceed in front?

PILOT:Qantas 120. Affirm. Clear to taxi. Take taxiway C and F to your bay.

ATC:Q antas 120 clear to taxi thanks.


PILOT:Departures Bantex 594, we’ve left 8000, is direct to SILOM still available? ATC:B antex 594, standby, and I’ll check again with center.

PILOT:Bantex 594.

ATC:B antex 594, recleared direct to SILOM climb to FL190 and contact center on 130.2.

PILOT:Thank you. Recleared direct to SILOM climb to FL190, 130.2, Bantax594 6、

ATC:E aster499, clear to Curran via VJR 7B, flight planned route, FL310, departure frequency 123.0 squawk code 1623, take off will be 10 minutes behind Bantex 43, who is pushing back now. Time now 35. clearance valid till time 50.

PILOT:Clear to Curran via VJR 7B, FL310, 123.0 squawk code 1623, copy the delay, Eastern499.


PILOT:Nelson ground Qantas 130 ,bay 16 receive B request taxi clearance. ATC:130 ground, Qantas standby 1 there is a Dash 8 just vacating the RMY due congestion of the holding point. Hold your present position. I’ll call you back. PILOT:Roger understood. Hold position Qantas 130

ATC:Q antas 130, behind the inbound company Dash 8 to Bay 14A, taxi to RWY13R via D3 A D1, hold short of RWY 25. Time 04 and a half.

PILOT:Roger behind the inbound company Dash 8, taxi to RWY13R via D3 A D1, hold short RWY 25, Qantas 130.
