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1、I should like to rent a house, modern,

above all

2、--Have you returned the book to the library?

I'm afraid not

3、I ____ to my hometown in three years. I miss my old friends badly.

haven't been

4、Rather than ( ) everything to the last minute he always prefers to start early.


5、It's high time you ____.

started working

6、It was raining outside, I ( ) one umbrella and walked out

picked up

7、For centuries, the Atlantic Ocean kept the New World from____by the people of Europe

being discovered

8、( ) you have worked out the hard problem, you shall have a rest first

Now that

9、His remarks left me ____ about his real purpose.

to wonder

10、It's surprising that this young man has____such a crime


11、Trains stop here in order to____passengers only.

pick up

12、At the international conference, the famous scientist gave an excellent report ____ on his recent experiment.


13、She gave up her job as a nurse because she found the children too difficult

to look after

14、______ tonight, why not drop in and play chess with me?

Since you are free

15、I’d rather ______ your advice yesterday

not take

16、The misunderstanding between the father and son ____ from the lack of communication. arose

17、I don't think your brother has ever been to Nanjing,

has he

18、Congratulations on your being named this year’s Outstanding Manager


19、The cost of traveling around the eight European countries can run as high ____ $2,000


20、Sally ______ to have a cup of coffee whenever she comes home

would like

21、At first ____, she is not pretty, but gradually you'll find she is such a lovely girl.


22、My American friend knows my problem because I ______ my ideas with him

have exchanged

23、The subway is much ______ than the bus


24、It is a nice day to me. Why not ( ) for a picnic?

go out

25、Local dramas are the ______ part of Chinese culture


26、Here is an example to ( ) the differences


27、Although many explorers tried, it was not until 1903____the Arctic Polar region was crossed by sea.


28、We could not have fulfilled the task in time if it ____ for their help.

had not been

29、Scarcely____when a knock at the door awakened her.

had she fallen asleep

30、There was so much noise that the speaker couldn't make himself


31、For your never-ending effort, I’m sure you ( )this praise


32、He gave up his favorite job____for his family than for money


33、Once you have finished the design, you may have a whole week


34、We are having a ( ) technical problem with one of our engines.


35、Your handwriting has a ( ) style and I can recognize it at once


36、I want you to come to the party, but____you don't want to come, you don't have to.


37、I like to have everything under control, and I don’t want any last minute


38、The pilot made a perfect landing on the runway


39、In this way they can get better ( ) with you and have


40、Air by the beach is ( ) to health because it contains negative ion


41、( ) some mammals came to live in the sea is not known


42、The extra duties ( ) most of my time.

took up

43、Having worked hard for half a year, I plan to go on my
