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(3)新起点:我认为就是人生的新起点。做人做事的起点到大学,就是做大人的学问。学会做大人,提高自己的综合素质修养。在做人方面,我毫不客气地说我还嫩,太差了。我知道、我理解,我定会在这荆棘丛生的人生道路上开辟一径花香弥漫的长途。首先我会去勇敢面对一切,不怕羞、不气馁、不怯懦,再次我要开口大声说出心中的话和每个人,每个集体。面带微笑,一颗真心。最后我要改掉自1 / 14











比赛演讲稿:青春——新世纪的新起点2018新起点演讲稿(2) | 女士们、先生们:下午好!首先,请允许我做一个简短的自我介绍。







下今年以来中海油运所取得的成绩。 good afternoon ! ladies and gentlemen, first of all, may i have the honor to introduce myself in short? i’m linda from china shipping development

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co.,ltd.tanker company, graduated as a master of law from dalian maritime university last march, and now i am taking charge of claims & insurance affair. while standing on this stage, i cherish this opportunity to say i am so proud to be one member of the great family of china shipping group, who has the most splendid future in the shipping world. as you may know, tanker company is one of the biggest and most profitable one, so, may i cherish the honor to sum up our achievement early this year? 七月一日上午,李克麟总裁及中海高层领导来油运调研时,对我们的成绩给予了高度评价。今年上半年,我们遇到了许多困难,如伊拉克战争,非典流行,市场波动起伏等等。我们为此作出了巨大的努力,并取得了很大成功。利润比去年同期增加了16%,占到了整个集团今年上半年赢利的40%以上。最令人激动的是,李总裁为整个集团公司的发展腾飞描绘了一幅新的蓝图。~年,中海集运将成为世界一流的集装箱船队;中海货运将成为国内一流的散货船队;XX年,中海油运将成为内外贸相结合的具有较强竞争力的世界级船队。届时中海集团将实现第二次新的腾飞。 on the morning of july 1st , president mr. li kelin and other senior officials came to visit us. president li said high praise for our accomplishments—in the first half of this year, we overcame a lot of difficulties such as turbulence of the market, increasing of operating cost, 3 / 14

break out of iraq war, interference of sars and so on, we made great efforts and achieved great success. we earn a large amount of profit which is almost 16% increase than the same period of last year, and contributes over 40% for the total profit in the whole group. the most exciting brightness is that president li outlined the blueprint for the whole group, that is, up to year ~, our container company shall grow up into the first class container fleet in the world; our bulk company shall grow up into the first class bulk fleet in china, focusing on domestic transportation; up to XX, our tanker company shall grow up into the first class and most competitive tanker fleet in the world, focusing on both domestic and overseas transportation. these are the twice historical overflyings in china shipping group!! 面对新的发展蓝图,中海的每一个员工无不感到由衷的自豪与欢欣鼓舞。我们的集团正在日益走向壮大。美好的发展前景,对我们每个员工,特别是我们青年员工来说,不啻是一个巨大的喜讯。 everyone in china shipping is very excited and proud, because our group is growing stronger and stronger. without doubt, that’s the greatest news for every me mber of us, especially for us young people. 我们生逢其时。我们充满灿烂辉煌的前途。因为,我们正站在由我们的前辈们所取得的巨大成绩4 / 14
