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姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________


一、听力题 (共7题;共9分)

1. (2分)根据录音,判断句子是否正确。

Bears like to sleep in winter .

2. (1分) This is my ________ in China .

3. (2分) (2018二下·上海期中) 选出听到的字母组()

A . cae

B . ace

C . eae

4. (1分) I want to go________.

5. (1分)听录音,选出你听到的句子。

A . Touch your ears.

B . Touch your knees.

6. (1分) (2018二下·上海期末) 听录音,选出正确的应答语()

A . Thank you.

B . No,I don't.

7. (1分)根据录音,判断句子正误。

The snake is coming out of the box .

二、单选题 (共20题;共20分)

8. (1分)(2015·丽水模拟) — Where are we going?

—To the . I'm going to buy a new comic book.

A . post office

B . bookstore

C . science museum

9. (1分)当你想问“那是什么?”时,你可以说:

A . What's this?

B . What's that?

10. (1分) You often clean the kitchen by _______.

A . myself

B . yourself

C . himself

11. (1分)—What's she like?


A . She likes blue.

B . She is very kind.

C . She is our PE teacher.

12. (1分) We often borrow ____from the library.

A . book

B . pen

C . books

13. (1分)—What's this?

—________ a ruler.

A . He's

B . This's

C . It's

D . Its

14. (1分)当你猜测爸爸是不是在厨房时,你会问:

A . Is he in the kitchen?

B . Is he in the study?

15. (1分)— What color are they?

— ________

A . It is red.

B . They is red.

C . They are red.

16. (1分) Listen to the glass wind-bell. It goes ________.

A . Clop-clop

B . Clink-clink

C . Tink-tink

17. (1分)—How is the fan?

—It's nine yuan.

A . many

B . about

C . much

18. (1分)—____is the bike?

—It's beside the door.

A . What

B . When

C . Where

19. (1分) How can we ______ healthy?

A . be

B . are

C . is

20. (1分) It is ________.

A . tall

B . small

C . short

21. (1分) What's ______ hobby?

A . you mother

B . your mother's

C . your mother

22. (1分)选出与其它两个不属于同类的单词()

A . English

B . music

C . second

23. (1分)—Do you have a library?


A . Yes,it is.

B . Yes,we do.

C . Yes,I am.

24. (1分)当你想问别人,“几点了?”你要怎么问_____

A . Where is it?

B . What time is it?

25. (1分) (2018二下·上海期末) What can you hear?

A . I can see a horse.

B . I can hear a horse.

26. (1分) (2018四上·浙江期中) My friend is ________.

A . two big eyes

B . small eyes

C . strong

27. (1分) I ________ my clothes,shoes and some books in my bag.

A . put

B . borrowed

C . sent

三、补全对话 (共1题;共5分)

28. (5分)选择合适的句子补全对话

A.Is the station on the right or on the left?

B.Can I take a bus to get there?

C.How do I get to the train station,please?

D.Thank you so much.

Tourist:Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the train station?



Ben:Oh,go straight ahead,take the second right,then the first left.


Ben:No. But you can take a taxi.

Tourist:Second right,then the first left. ________

Ben:It's on the right. You can see it.


Ben:You're welcome.

四、排序题 (共1题;共5分)

29. (5分)按对话的顺序将1-10的序号写在括号里。

________Hello,this weekend we're going to a fruit farm.
