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1994年10月21日,随着一声巨响,竣工通车 15年的韩国圣水大桥中,一块长达48米的桥板从大 桥中段落入江中,6辆汽车包括1辆载满学生及上班 族的巴士和1辆载满警员前往庆祝会场地的客货车 跌进汉江,导致32人死亡,17人重伤。
On October 21, 1994, with a loud noise, a 48meter-long bridge slab fell into the river from the middle of the Shengshui Bridge in Korea, which was completed and opened for 15 years. Six cars, including a bus full of students and office workers and a bus full of police officers, fell into the Han River, causing 32 deaths and 17 serious injuries.
路漫漫其修远兮, 吾将上下而求索
路漫漫其修远兮, 吾将上下而求索

路漫漫其修远兮, 吾将上下而求索
路漫漫其修远兮, 吾将上下而求索
1.采用超声波方法对铰接竖杆和铰接板之间的槽口焊接 面进行熔透深度检测后发现在18mm厚的竖杆翼板上,有效 焊缝深度仅有2mm!该缺陷造成了焊缝处较大的应力集中, 从而迅速开裂。因此焊缝质量的低劣被认为是桥梁坍塌的 直接原因之一。
1.The penetration depth of the groove weld surface between the articulated vertical bar and the articulated plate was measured by ultrasonic method. It was found that the effective weld depth was only 2 mm on the 18mm thick vertical bar wing plate. Therefore, the poor quality of weld is considered to be one of the direct causes of bridge collapse.
As shown in the figure, the superstructure of Shengshui Bridge is designed and constructed as a cantilever steel decayed beam. Its anchor span analysis beam with extension span is supported on the pier, and the extension end and suspension span are connected by connecting rods and hinges. As a design aspect, it should be pointed out that there are no redundant constraints in the design of the superstructure, so it is impossible to warn before collapse when the vertical bar is damaged. However, the results of three-dimensional analysis show that the stress of articulated vertical bar does not exceed the allowable value, so it is not considered as the direct cause of collapse.

The collapse of the holy water bridge shocked the whole country. South Korean President Jin Yongsan called this a "disaster"
圣水大桥在通车之后并没有进行周期 性的检查和系统性的养护管理。施工期间的 监察工作也十分松懈。而且当时韩国缩短工 期及汉城市政当局在交通管理上疏漏也是大 桥倒塌的主要原因,大桥设计负载限制为32 吨,建成后交通流量逐年增加,超常负荷, 倒塌时负载为43.2吨。即(1) 检查不足与缺 乏系统的养护方法;(2) 由于钢桥养护工程 师们缺乏技术知识,不能早期探测与防止铰接 竖杆的焊接处出现疲劳裂缝与破坏;(3) 对超 载卡车的通过桥梁 忽视有效的交通控制;(4 ) 路漫漫其修远没兮,有评估交通超载对结构安全的影响。
路漫漫其修远兮, 吾将上下而求索
2.东亚建筑公司没有按图纸施工,在施工中偷工减料, 利用疲劳性能很差的劣质钢材,这是事故的直接原因之 一。
2.One of the direct causes of the accident is that East Asia Construction Company did not construct according to the drawings, jerry-built materials in the construction and used inferior steel with poor fatigue performance.
negligence and manslaughter.
路漫漫其修远兮, 吾将上下而求索
路漫漫其修远兮, 吾将上下而求索
如图,圣水大桥桥的上部结构被设计与修建成悬臂式钢朽梁,它的带伸臂跨的锚跨析梁支承 在桥墩上, 伸臂端与悬挂跨用连杆与铰来连接。作为设计方面该指出的一个问题是在上部结构 的设计中没有赘余约束,是静定结构,因而在竖杆破坏时不可能出现倒塌前的预先警告。但进行 立体分析的结果说明铰接竖杆的应力没有超过容许值,所以这并不被认为是导致倒塌的直接原 因。
Sung-Soo Bridge is located in the southeast of Seoul, South Korea. It crosses the Han River. It is a cantilever steel truss bridge with a total length of 1160m and six main holes, each with a span of 120m. The collapse occurred at the suspension (48m) between pier 11 and pier 12. The suspension span and the extension end of the cantilever truss beam are connected by hinges. This articulation method was widely used in the 1960s, but one drawback is that the structure lacks redundant constraints.
在跨越汉江的各座桥梁中,圣水大桥是第一座从结构 特性和美学上来考虑而设计成焊接桁梁桥。当时韩国限于 施工条件,修建这样一座特殊形式的大跨度桥梁是比较困 难的,但最终还是选用了这种形式。
Among the bridges across the Hanjiang River, Shengshui Bridge is the first one to be designed as a welded truss bridge considering its structural characteristics and aesthetics. At that time, Korea was limited to construction conditions, so it was difficult to build such a special type of long-span bridge, but ultimately this type of bridge was chosen.
project, corruption in the construction industry and the lack of effective supervision and inspection by the government on state-
invested projects. After convening an emergency cabinet meeting, South Korean Prime Minister Lee Rongde presented his
and quickly organized the investigation. He relieved the position of Li Yuanzhong, mayor of Seoul, and then apologized publicly to the
whole nation. The South Korean Congress therefore held an emergency meeting to strongly condemn the contractors of this inferior
resignation to President Kim Yong-san to show that he was responsible for the collapse of the Shengshui Bridge. Seven Seoul
Construction officials have been arrested by South Korean law enforcement agencies, and prosecutors have charged them with
After the commissioning of the St. Shui bridge, there was no periodical inspection and systematic maintenance and management. At that time, the shortening of the construction period in Korea and the negligence of traffic management in Seoul were also the main reasons for the collapse of the bridge. The design load of the bridge was limited to 32 tons. After the completion of the bridge, the traffic flow increased year by year. The overload was 43.2 tons when the bridge collapsed. That is: (1) Insufficient inspection and lack of systematic maintenance methods; (2) Because of the lack of technical knowledge of steel bridge maintenance engineers, fatigue cracks and damage can not be detected and prevented in early stage at the welded joints of articulated vertical poles; (3) Effective traffic control is neglected for the passing bridges of overloaded trucks; (4) the impact of traffic overload on structural safety is not assessed.
3.事故处理 Handling
Fra Baidu bibliotek
Ethics In Engineering
02 04
反思 reflect
路漫漫其修远兮, 吾将上下而求索
汉江,是一座悬臂式的钢桁梁桥,全长1160m,有6个主孔, 每孔的跨度为120m。倒塌发生在11号墩与12号墩之间的悬 挂(48m)处,该悬臂式桁梁的悬挂跨与伸臂端是用铰作 吊挂式连结的,这种铰接方式于20世纪60年代被广泛应用, 但有一个缺点是结构缺乏赘余约束。
工程伦理分析—桥梁坍 塌
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Accident situation
1.大桥简介 Introduction 2.事故现场和伤亡情况
Accident Scene And Casualties