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absolute refractory period 绝对不应期:The time interval during which a cell can initiate a second AP.

action potential 动作电位:An action potential is a rapid change in the membrane. It begins with a sudden change from the normal RP to a positive membrane potential.

active transport 主动转运:The movement of substances across the membrane,against the electrochemical gradient with energy.

afterload后负荷:Afterload is the load that is given to the muscle after the beginning of the contraction.

agglutination 凝集:If the blood in different groups be mixed, the red cells will clump.This clumping is known as agglutination.

autorhythmicity 自动节律性:Autorhythmicity is the ability to initiate its own beat.!

alveolar ventilation 肺泡通气量:The amount of air reaching the alveoli per nunute. absorption 吸收:Absorption is the process of transporting small molecules from the lumen of the gut into blood stream.

antidiuretic hormone 抗利尿激素:A product of neurohypophyseal which, through its action on kidneys, promotes the conservation of body water.

anatomic dead space 解剖无效腔:The space in the conducing zone of the airways occupied by gas that does not exchange with blood in the pulmonary, vessels.

blood coagulation 血液凝固:The process of the blood changes from aq. system to coagualate system.

blood group 血型:Blood groups are system of genetically determined antigenic substances on the membrane of red blood cells.

blood pressure 血压:Blood pressure means the force exerted by the blood agaxnst any unit area of the vessel wall.

basal metabolic 基础代谢率:The basal metabolic rate is the metabolic rate determined under basal conditions which includes complete mental and physical relaxation in a room or a comfortable temperature and 12 to 14 hours after the last meal.

body temperature 体温:The body temperature is often referred to core temperature. The core refers to the central area of the body, including the brain and viscera, which are maintained at a consiant temperature.

complete tetanus 完全强直收缩:When tile frequency of stimulation reaches a critical level, it will make successive contractions appears to be completely smooth and continuous.

cross-matching test 交叉配血试验:Scram from recipieat is tested against the donors cells, and serum from donor is tested against the recipients cells, this test is called cross-matching test.

cardiac cycle 心动周期:The cardiac events that occur from the beginning of one heart beat to the beginning of the next are called a cardiac cycle.

cardiac index 心指数:Cardiac index is the cardiac output per square meter of body surface area. cardiac output 心输出量:The product of the frequency of pumping (heart rate) and the stroke volume is the cardiac output;it is also called minute volume.

cardiac reserve 心力储备:The ability of the heart to adapt need of organism for expelling a
