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1.Mrs. Taylor went around the shops, ______ what she thought was necessary.

A.ordered B.ordering

C.to have ordered D.having been ordered




考查现在分词。句意:泰勒太太逛了商店,订购了她认为必要的东西。分析句子可知,Mrs. Taylor 与order在逻辑上是主动关系,所以用现在分词作状语。故选B项。

2.________on this report,the English government decided to ask Captain James Cook to go and look for this continent.

A.Having based B.Basing

C.Based D.To be based



考查非谓语动词。be based on以……为基础。在句中作状语,故用其based。选C。

3.______ to nuclear radiation, even for a short time, may influence genes in human bodies. A.Having exposed B.Being exposed

C.To expose D.Exposed




考查动名词。句意:暴露于核辐射中甚至很短时间都会影响人体的基因。分析句子成分发现even for a short time是插入语,may influence是谓语,前面的部分应该是主语,be exposed to“暴露于”,要用动名词Being exposed to。故B选项正确。

4.Life is a journey _____with hardships, joys and special moments.

A.filled B.to fill C.filling D.having filled




考查非谓语动词,句意:生命是一个充满艰辛,快乐和特别时刻的旅程。在题干中_with hardship做journey的后置定语,与所修饰的journey构成被动关系,所以使用过去分词filled。be filled with做定语的时候,可以把be去掉。也可以转换成定语从句。故选A。

5.After receiving the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress, Anne Benedict went on all the people

who had helped in her career.

A.to thank B.thanking

C.having thanked D.to have thanked



试题分析:句意:在获得奥斯卡最佳女配角后,Anne Benedict继续感谢所有帮助她演绎生涯的人。go on to do继续做不同的事情,所以选A。


【名师点睛】不定式有一些具体的用法,可以做宾语,定语,状语。还有不定式的不同形式:to do;to be doing;to have done。这题要注意go on to do“继续做不同的事情”和go on doing“继续做相同的事情”的区别。结合语境是关键。

6.Young people may risk deaf if they are exposed to very loud music every day.

A.to go B.to have gone

C.going D.having gone



risk意为冒……的危险,用法为risk doing something,冒险干某事,因此排除AB, D项中额having done意为已经干了某事,与此处句意不符,因此选择C项,句意为,如果年轻人每天都暴露在非常吵闹的音乐声中,他们可能有耳朵失聪的危险。


7.________ at the cafeteria before, Tina didn't want to eat there again.

A.Having eaten B.To eat

C.Eat D.Eating





8.While waiting for the opportunity to get , Henry did his best to perform his duty. A.promote B.promoted

C.promoting D.to promote



试题分析:本题考查的非谓语动词的固定搭配“get+过去分词”,如“get burnt”被烫伤,get

paid获得报酬;本句中的get promoted获得提拔。句意:在等待着背提拔的机会的时候,Herry全力以赴地尽好自己的责任。故B正确。

9.When we saw the road ________ with snow, we decided to spend the holiday at home. A.block B.to block

C.blocking D.blocked




考查非谓语动词。句意:当我们看到路上被雪覆盖时,我们决定在家里度假。此处用非谓语动词作宾补,动词block与see的宾语the road之间为被动关系,构成短语see sb/ sth done。故选D。

10.Tom took a taxi to the airport, only _____ his plane high up in the sky.

A.finding B.to find C.being found D.to have found





11.When Peter speaks in public, he always has trouble _ the right things to say. A.thinking of B.to think of C.thought of D.think of




考查非谓语动词。句意:当Peter在公众场合说话的时候,他总是很难想到合适的说话的内容。have trouble(in) doing sth 做某事有困难。故选A项。

12.—Did Peter fix the computer himself?

—He ________,because he doesn’t know much about computers.

A.has it fixed B.had fixed it

C.had it fixed D.fixed it




