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- Coffee. - Thank you.

- Cappuccino. - Grazie.

And a nice, hot cider for Monica.

Thank you.

Rach, why does my cinnamon stick have an eraser? That's why.



Miss Tedlock, you look lovely today.

May I say that is a very flattering sleeve length on you. Mr. Costilick would like you to stop by his office today. If it's about those prank memos,

I had nothing to do with them, really.

Hey, you guys!

Chandler's coming and he has incredible news.

So when he gets here, let's all act, like, you know Never mind. But it was gonna be really good.

What's going on?

So it's a typical day at work...

...and Big Al calls me into his office

and tells me he wants to make me processing supervisor. - That is great! - Congratulations!

So I quit.


Why? This was a temp job.

Chandler,you've been there for five years.

I know, but if I took it,

I'd be admitting that this is what I do.

Was it a lot more money?

Doesn't matter. I just don't want to be

a guy who sits in his office until 12'o clock in the night... ...worrying about the WENUS.

The "WENUS"?

Weekly estimated net usage system.

It's a processing term.

Oh, that WENUS.

What will you do?

I don't know, that's the thing I don't know what I want to do.

I just know I'm not going to figure it out working there.

I have something you can do!

I have this new massage client, Steve.

Anyway, he's opening up a restaurant...

...and he's looking for a head chef.

- Hi, there. -Hi.

I know. You're a chef and I thought of you first.

But Chandler's the one who needs a job right now,so....

I just don't have a lot of chef-ing experience.

Unless it's an all-toast restaurant.

What kind of food is he looking for?

He wants to do something eclectic.

He's looking for someone who can create the entire menu. - Oh my God! - I know!

So, what do you think?

Thanks. Pheebs.

- I just don't see myself in a big, white hat. -Ok.

Oh, Monica! Guess what?

Can you see my nipples through this shirt?

No, but don't worry. I'm sure they're still there.

Where are you going? Mr. suity man

I have an appointment with Dr. Robert Pilman,

career counselor-a-go-go!

- I added the "a-go-go." - Career counselor?

You guys all know what you want to do.

I don't.

You guys in the living room all know what you want to do. You have goals. You have dreams. I don't have a dream! You have goals. You have dreams. I don't have a dream! The lesser-known "I Don't Have a Dream" speech.

I love my life! I love my life!

"Brian's Song"!

- The meeting went great? - So great!

He showed me where the restaurant's gonna be.

It's this, it's this cute little place on 10th Street.

Not too big, not too small. Just right.

Was it formerly owned by a blond woman and some bears? I'm cooking for him Monday night, kind of an audition. Phoebe, he wants you here.

It's great for me. You can make yummy noises.
