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Unit 1


Meeting room会议室 science lab科学实验室 language lab 语言试验室 art club 美术俱乐部 music club音乐俱乐部


Science lesson 科学课 English lesson英语课 music音乐课 art美术 PE体育 math数

学 Chinese语文


Borrow book借书 have a meeting 开会 paint a picture 绘画 play the piano 弹钢琴


Welcome to our school. 欢迎来我们学校。

How many English lessons do you have a week? 你们一周有几节英语课。

We have three. 我们有三节。

How many music lessons do you have a week? 你们一周有几节音乐课。

We have two. 我们有两节。


We often borrow books from the library. 我们经常从图书馆借书。

How many science lessons do you have a week?你们一周有几节科学课?

We have one science lessons in the science lab. 我们一周在科学实验室里上一节科学课。We often draw pictures in our art club. 我们经常在美术俱乐部里画画。



Toy train玩具火车 toy boat玩具小船 toy plane玩具飞机 toy ship玩具轮船车辆单词

motorbike摩托车 jeep吉普车 coach长途旅游车 bike自行车 car小汽车 bus公交车 taxi出租车衣物单词:

Trousers裤子 short pants 短裤 coat外套 clothes衣服


How much is it? 多少钱。 It’s fifty-six yuan. 56元

What can I do for you ? 我能为你做什么吗?

I want to buy a motorbike.我想买一个摩托车。

Would you show me that pair of short pants? 你能把那条短裤给我看看

吗? Sure.Here you are.好的,给你。


Can I help you? 我能帮你吗?

Yes, I want a toy train.是的,我想买一个玩具火车

How much is it?多少钱。

It’s eight-five yuan.85元。

How much are these short pants? 这些短裤多少钱。

They’re sixty-five yuan.65元。



make noise喧闹 be quiet安静 ask questions提问 keep your room clean保持房间整

洁 read in bed在床上看书 go home回家 help old people帮助老人 play on the street在街道上玩耍 pick flowers摘花 keep off the grass 不要进入草

地 take good care of young children照顾好小孩 go to bed去睡觉 watch TV看电

视 get up起床 do housework做家务 wait for等待


Listen to the teacher carefully. 上课认真听讲。

Don’t be late for class/school. 不要迟到。

You should go to bed early. 你应该早睡。

You shouldn’t read in bed. 你不应该在床上看书。

You must wait for the green light.你必须等绿灯。

You mustn’t cross the street when the light is red.红灯亮时,不要横穿马路。

Don’t make noise.不要喧哗。

Don’t eat in class. 不要在上课吃东西。

Unit 4


Have a bad cold重感冒 have a fever发烧 have a headache头疼 have a toothache牙疼 have a stomachache 胃疼医生的建议:

Take some medicine吃药 take a good rest好好休息 drink more water多喝

水 stay in bed卧床休息看望病人的物品:

Chocolate巧克力 dragon fruit火龙果 get-well card康复卡 flower花 kiwi fruit猕猴桃三会句子:

Don’t worry about your lessons. 不要担心你的课程。

I’ll help you with your lessons. 我将帮你补习功课。

Can I go to school tomorrow? 明天我能去学校吗?

No,You should take a good rest.不行,你应该好好休息。

How are you feeling today?你今天感觉怎样?

I feel much better. 我感觉好多了。


I’m ill today. 我今天生病了。
