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阅读下面短文,从短文后备题所给的A. B. C\D四个选项中,选出可咀填八空白处


Four years ago, Joel Kline gave up his job as a magazine editor to become afreelance copywriter for advertisements, but now he had money troub le. He says that he wishes he’d never

41 to set up his own business.

“I am now in such a bad situatiom”says Joel, “I hope I am 42 working as an editor.

You see, I was 43. with my job, and I used to get really angry at my boss and the way he used to 44 me around all the time. I talked to a few friends and they said that they could give me 45 ,so I told my boss l was leaving. At first, everything was 46 :I had so much work that I had to take on an assistant(助理),my best friend at work, Don, just to be 47 to finish things on time. And soon we 48 large amounts of money. Don and I had a really great lifestyle, and when the work was finished, we used to take good 49 in places like Cancum and the Bahams,just to get relaxed.

At first,we were busy having fun, and charged(支付)everything to my credit cards instead, but then I began to 50 how much in debt(负债)I was. At last, I had to 51 Don off.

I then had to sell all my office equipment(设备).Now I could do almost nothing even if people 52 me. Things got so bad that I even asked my old boss if I could do some work for the 53 , but he said that I’d been so 54 to him when I left that he would never employe雇佣)

me again. I’ve had to 55 my business now and I don’t know what I’m going to do for money. It just goes to show, if you set up your own business, you shouldn’t spend money you don’t have.”

41. A. pretended B. learned C. failed D. decided

42. A. specially B. still C. also D. certainly

43. A. pleased B. strict C. bored D. patient

44. A. show B. order C. serve D. lead

45. A. time B. money C. food D. work

46. A. perfect B. wrong C. hard D. fun

47. A. afraid B. ready C. able D. about

48. A. lost B. borrowed C. donated D. made

49. A. vacations B. pictures C. courses D. chances

50. A. imagine B. remember C. wonder D. realize

5l. A. lay B. see C. take D. put

52. A. paid B. helped C. forgot D. asked

53. A. advertisement B. magazine C. equipment D. lifestyle

54. A. shy B. rude C. lazy D. straight

55. A. close down B. pick up C. turn down D. set up


41-45 DBCBD 46-50 ACDAD 51-55 ADBBA


三、完形填空(共15小题, 每小题1分, 满分15分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、 B、 C和 D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白


Mr. Hawkins, the headmaster, stopped Anna one day at the school gate

“Now," he said,“ I want you to tell me the 41 , my dear. " Feeling something terrible had happened, Anna said slowly,“42.”

“Ihave hada most 43 accusation(投诉) made against you by Mrs. Bond.”

“MK.Bond?” saidAnna,notunderstanding. Jmet Bond was a quiet little 44 of a Child. As far as Anna could remember she had never had 45_ to speak an angly word to the girl.
