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大工 19 秋《外贸函电》课程考试


☆ 注意事项:本复习题满分共: 400 分

一、单项选择题(本大题共 30 小题,每小题 2 分,共 60 分)

1. We are a specialized corporation, the export of animal by-products.

A. dealing with

B. dealing

C. handling

D. dealt in

2. They have ___ us that you are the market ___ chemicals.

A. inform, in, on

B. informed, in, for

C. advise, in, on

D. advised, in, of

3. It may interest you to know that there is a good demand here for Chinese Black Tea


A. at moderate

B. in cheap

C. for low

D. on dear

4. A firm offer a time limit for acceptance.

A. may specify

B. never specifies

C. sometimes specifies

D. must specify

5. We are offering you firm on the same terms and conditions as the previous


A. as following

B. as follow

C. as is following

D. as follows

6. We are writing to you _ establishing business relations.

A. hope

B. in hope

C. in the hope of

D. hoping

7. Please note that the insurance on our CIF terms All Risks for 110% of the

invoice value.

A. makes

B. takes

C. covers

D. ourselves

8. We are sure that both of our companies will from the joint venture.

A. make benefit

B. benefit

C. be benefited

D. mutual benefits

9. We would __ very much if you send us some samples immediately.

A. thank you

B. appreciate it

C. appreciate 10. ______ please find the catalogues and latest price list.

12. If the prices are __ , we trust important business can materialize.

机 密 ★启用

前 D. appreciate you

A. Enclosed 11. W e should like to A. occasion

B. Enclosing take this __ to

C. Enclose inquire about the


C. chance

D. Enclosure

of washing machines. D. opportunity

A. in line

B. in the line

C. on line

D. on the line

13.Our advice of dispatch was faxed to you three days ago and you it by now.

A. will receive

B. must have receive

C. Received

D. have been received

14.If you can _ your price by 5%, we may conclude the transaction with you.

A. offer

B. bring down

C. fix

D. quote

15.We are not in a position to offer firm, as the goods are .

A. without stock

B. outside in stock

C. no stock

D. out of stock

16.As it involves only a small ,we hope you will have no difficulty in settling this matter. ( 2 分)

A. quantity

B. quality

C. number

D. figure

17.We are sending you by separate airmail a copy of our catalog for your reference.

A. new

B. fresh

C. latest

D. later

18.While placing our order, we emphasized that any delay in delivery would definitely the cost of

the goods.

A. add

B. add to

C. amount to

D. plus

19.Part of your payment has been received, but $20,000 is still .

A. withstanding

B. paid

C. owned

D. outstanding

20.As a result of the switches, we are now faced with the following losses.

A. effective

B. broke

C. fault

D. defective

21. ____ , we discovered that the goods were inferior in quality to the sample.

A. After exam

B. On examination

C. When exam

D. Upon examining

22.Consequently we find no _ to compensate for the loss you claimed for.

A. ground

B. place

C. land

D. position

23.Marketing is _________ , we have received a crowd of enquires from our customers.

A. declining

B. advancing

C. weak

D. going

24.It is only in view of our long friendly business relations that we you this accommodation.

A. extend

B. extant

C. increase

D. promote

25.As we can wait no longer for the delivery of your order, we have to it.

A. postpone

B. refuse

C. delay

D. cancel

26.In ___ of your letter of June 4 th, we wish to inform you that our business transactions with the firm in

question are quite satisfactory.

A. answering

B. answered

C. replying

D. reply
