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I. 功能交际(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

A) 从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

1. —I think science is more interesting than history.

—_____. Science is my favorite, too.

A. I couldn’t agree more

B. I don’t think so

C. Good idea

D. Tha t is all right

2. ______ athletes from all over the world take part in the Olympic Games.

A. Each four years

B. Each four year

C. Every four years

D. Every fourth years

3. —Hi, there! My name’s Terry. You are new a round here?

—Yes, _____.

A. take your time

B. that’s OK

C. don’t bother to ask

D. nice to meet you

4. —How do you like travelling on the bus?

—_____. I prefer to travel by train.

A. So great

B. A little disappointing

C. A pleasure

D. Couldn’t b e better

5. I shall never forget those years ______ I lived in town with my family, ______ had

a great effect on my life.

A. that; that

B. when; what

C. when; which

D. which; that

6. —Let’s go out for a cup of coffee, shall we?

—That is a good idea, but I am almost penniless.

—Oh, it doesn’t matter. _____.

A. My treat this time

B. Take it easy

C. It’s up to you

D. Sorry to hear that

7. Not only ______ this machine but ______ it.

A. he can run; can he repair

B. can he run; can he repair

C. he can run; he can repair

D. can he run; he can repair

8. —Mr. Smith speaks Australian English. I can hardly follow him.


A. So do I

B. So I do

C. Neither can I

D. Nor I can

9. —Mary, don’t stay up too late, or _____.

—Thank you, Mom.

A. a little change never hurts

B. you’ll wear yourself out

C. I’m really tired of this

D. I hate that

10. —Hi, long time no see. _____?

—So far, so good.

A. Where have you been

B. How is it going

C. What about you

D. What happened to you

B) 下列5题中的句子可以组成一篇小短文,请从所给的四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

11. People in Poland ______ spend Christmas with their families, and the most important part of Christmas is Christmas Eve supper.

A. tire of

B. afraid to

C. tend to

D. hate to

12. The whole family just sits around the table, and there are twelve traditional

______ on the table, and you are supposed to taste them all.

A. dishes

B. books

C. sticks

D. toys

13. Well, before everybody sits down to eat the ______, we break wafers (薄脆饼) with each other, wishing each other good luck.

A. breakfast

B. lunch

C. brunch

D. supper

14. When it is over, the children go to the other room, where the big Christmas tree

______, and they find some Christmas presents under it.

A. grows

B. stands

C. lies

D. dies

15. Then after eating and unwrapping the presents, the whole family just sits around the table singing Christmas songs, and waiting for midnight, when they go to ______.

A. school

B. hospital

C. church

D. work

II. 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


Once when I paid a visit to my friend, I found a 16. _____ (wood) board hung on the door. It read, “17. _____ entering, please leave your trouble outside; when returning, bring back your happiness.”

After entering the house, I saw a happy family, the two children were polite and joy filled the house. I naturally asked my friend 18. _____ the board, but he then gently looked back at his wife, “You say, because 19. _____ was your creativity.”

So the hostess said gently and 20. _____ (slow), “Once when I got home, I was 21. _____ (shock) to see a sleepy and lifeless face in the mirror. So I thought when my children and husband saw such a face, 22. _____ would they feel? If I also saw such a face, what would I feel? Then, I 23. _____ (imagine) my children’s silence and m y husband’s indifference (冷漠) at the dinner table ... 24. _____ next day, I wrote a wooden sign and nailed (用钉子钉) it on the door to remind 25. _____. It turned out that it not only reminded myself but also the whole family. More importantly, not only our family but also the guests to our house always become happy.”

III. 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


I spent the first 25 years of my life trying to find who I really was. However, just when I thought I knew myself fai rly well, I discovered I’d 26 . And through the years I keep changing.

I appreciate Benjamin Kubelski’s 27 . In 1902, his father gave him a 28 for his eighth birthday. Benjamin did well and was playing 29 as a teenager. At the age of 18 he 30 with a woman pianist as a musical team.

But he suspected (怀疑) the violin did not 31 his heart’s desire (渴望). One night, Benjamin told the audience about a(n) 32 incident that had happened during the day. He later said, “The audience 33 and that laughter ended my days as a musician.” And it began his career 34 entertainer Jack Benny.

He found who he was and everything fitted into 35 . How do you figure out
