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班级:姓名:家长签名: 等级:


1.Where_______ the library? A is B are C do

2. ___________is the hospital?

It’s near the post o ffice. A What B Where C When

3. What an _____ picture! A. interesting B. pretty C. small

4.Excuse me, where is the library?It’s_______ the cinema.

A next

B next to

C at

5.There_______the cinema near here Yes,there is. A are B is C do

6. If you want to see a doctor, you can go to the_____.

A hospital

B library

C cinema

7. Is there a cinema near your home? _____ A Yes, there isn’t. .

B Yes, there is.

C No, there is.


1. A: _______________ ? B: We want to go to the cinema.

2. A: _______________ ? B: Yes, I do.

3. A: _______________ ? B: You can turn right at the hospital.

4. A: _______________ ? B: It’s be hind the park.

5. A: _______________ ? B: Great.

A. Do you like pizza?

B. Let’s go to the zoo on Saturday.

C. Where do you want to go?

D. How can I get to the museum?

E. Where is the shop? 三、按要求改写句子。

1.There is a bookstore near the cinema.(改为一般疑问句)

___ _____ a bookstore near the cinema?

2.The library is behind the post office.(对画线部分提问)

_________ ______the library?

3.Is Li Lei in the classroom? (作否定回答)_____________________


1.can I how there get ? __________________________________

2.film what an i nteresting ! ___________________________________

3.next it’s on to the park

4.atturnleft the bookstore . _______________________________________

5.isshopwhereisthe museum ?

6.isthewhere post office ? _______________________________________

7.wantIbuy a postcard to . _______________________________________



yes, there is a cinema near he


You can go straight for 10 minutes to the library.


Turn left at the bookstore.
