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Water supply and sewer project is an important part of the water supply and drainage works can be divided into water and sewer pipeline project works in two categories.

Water supply pipeline project is to enhance the discussion of water , transportation , storage, regulation and distribution of science. Its primary task is to ensure that the raw water to the water treatment structures and compliance with water quality standards for water users transmission and distribution to users. This task is accomplished by pumping stations , water mains , water distribution network and adjust structures and other facilities to work together to achieve, they formed a water pipeline project . Design and management of the basic requirements are minimal construction costs and management fees, water and pressure to ensure that users need to ensure quality and safety , reduce leakage , and meet reliability requirements .

Water supply and drainage network engineering is a very important water and wastewater engineering part of the required investment is large, generally about 70 % to 80% water supply and drainage of the total investment . Meanwhile pipe network engineering systems directly serve the public , and is closely related to people's life and production activities , including failure of any part , may have a significant impact on people's lives , fire and other production and security . Therefore, a reasonable

water supply and drainage pipeline project to carry out the planning , design, construction and operation management, to ensure their systems running safely and economically meet the needs of life and production , is undoubtedly very important. Outdoor Water Supply and Drainage is an important part of urban construction , and its main task is to provide a sufficient number of towns and meet certain water quality standards ; while sewage pooled and transferred to the appropriate place in the life of the people use , after the production process purification treatment , after reaching a certain quality standard , or reuse , or irrigated cropland , or discharged into water bodies . Indoor water and wastewater engineering task is to organize outdoor water distribution system supplies water to the interior of each water point , with the exclusion of the sewage collection of outdoor drainage systems go.

As engineering students, hands-on learning and design our own knowledge and experience to get the best link. Students through the design, the integrated use of the basic theory and deepen learning , basic skills, to develop our independent analysis and problem-solving ability , through the design enables us to have the ability to consult specification , standard design atlas , skilled operation using cad technology, and culture our preliminary design thinking , laying some of the foundation for our future design path.
