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A. a no stro accou nt

B. a vostro accou


D.a foreig n curre ncy accou nt

13. International trade settlement methods are used to complete the money transfer aroused by ( A)

A. goods tra nsacti ons

B. services supply

C. security in vestme nt

D. i nvestme nt in comes

14. Docume ntary credit bus in ess is subject to ( A ) A. UCP600 B.URC522 C. URDG758 D. ISP98 15. Collecti on bus in ess is subject to ( B ) A. UCP600


C. URDG758

D. ISP98

16. Stan dby credit bus in ess is subject to ( D ) A. UCP600


C. URDG758

D. ISP98

17. Letter of guara ntee bus in ess is subject to ( C ) A. UCP600 B.URC522 C. URDG758 D. ISP98 18. London is the clear ing cen tre for ( B ) A. USD B. GBP C.EUR D.HKD

1. To the exporter, the fastest and safest method of set tl em e nt is ( B ) A. letter of credit B. cash in advanee C. open account D. banker ' s draft

2. To the importer, the most favorable method of settleme nt is ( C ) A.I etter of credit B. cash in adva nee C. ope n accou nt D. collecti on

3. Which of the followi ng payme nt method is based on commercial credit?( C ) A.l etter of credit B.ba nk guara ntee C. collecti on D. sta ndby credit

4. An exporter sells goods to a customer abroad on FOB and on CIF terms, who is responsible for the freight charges in each? ( A ) A. importer; exporter B. exporter; importer C. importer; importer D. exporter; exporter

5. Intern ati onal cash settleme nt has the follow ing disadva ntages except ( B )

B. safe

C. risky

D. time-c on sum ing B ) A. expe nsive 6. CHIPS is the electronic clearing system for ( A.GBP B. USD Y D. EUR 7. CHAPS is the electronic clearing system for ( A.GBP B. USD Y D. EUR 8. BOJ-NET is the electronic clearing system for ( A. USD B. GBP C.EUR D.JPY 9. TARGET is the electronic clearing system for ( A. USD B. GBP C.EUR D.JPY 10. CHATS is the electronic clearing system for ( D ) A. USD B. GBP C.EUR D.HKD 11. From a Chin ese bank

A. a no stro accou nt

's poviewf , the current account it maintains abroad is known as ( A ) B. a vostro accou nt C. a curre nt accou nt 12. From a Chin ese

bank D.a home curre ncy accou nt

's point of view , the current account maintained by a foreign bank Wh him is known

as (B )

C.a curre nt accou nt

19. New York is the cleari ng cen tre for ( A ) A. USD B. GBP C.EUR D.HKD 20. Tokyo is the clearing centre for ( D ) A. USD B. GBP C.EUR D.JPY 21. Frankfurt is the clearing centre for ( C )





22. A mong the follow ing docume nts, the one which is not regarded as con trol docume nts is ( D ) A. authorized sig natures

B. test keys

C. schedule of terms and con diti ons

D. corresp ondent arran geme nt

23. The seller should arrange for the in sura nce of the goods tran sportati on un der ( C ) A.





24. ( A ) cheque can be cashed over the counter of paying bank. A. An ope n B. A crossed C. A gen eral cross ing

D. A special cross ing

25. The effect of a blank endorsement is to make a negotiable instrument payable to the ( C ) A. specified pers on B, order of a specified pers on

C. bearer

D. n amed pers on

26. If the bill is pay able “ 60 days after date ” , the date of payment is decided according to ) A. the date of accepta nce B. the date of prese ntati on C. the date of issua nce

D. the date of maturity

27. The party to whom the bill is addressed is called the ( B ) A. drawer B. drawee C. holder D. payee

28. When financing is without recourse, this means that the bank has no recourse to the are dish on ored.

A. payer

B. drawee

C. acceptor

D. drawer

29. The ( C ) of a promissory note assumes the prime liability to make payment of the note. A. holder B. drawee C. maker D. acceptor

30. The bill which must be presented for acceptance is ( B ) A. the bill payable at xx days after date B. the bill payable xx days after sight C. the bill payable on a fixed date

D. the bill payable at sight

31. In order to retain the liabilities of the other parties, a bill that has been dishonored must be ( A )

A. protested

B. give n to the acceptor

C. reta ined in the files

D. prese nted to a bank 32. ( C ) is not a holder of a bill

A. Payee

B. En dorsee

C. Drawer

D. Bearer

33. Which of the following is a relative essential item of a bill ? ( B )

A. amou nt

B. tenor

C. payee

D. drawee

34. An en dorseme nt ,which prohibits the further n egotiati on of the in strume nt ,is called A.

qualified B. gen eral C. specific D. restrictive 35. A check is a ( D ) draft drawn on a bank A. time a nce C. direct D. dema nd

36. The act which is n ever in volved in promissory note bus in ess is ( C ) A.

en dorseme nt B.dish onor

C.accepta nce

D.prese ntati on

37. The act which is n ever in volved in check bus in ess is ( C ) A. en dorseme nt B.dish onor C.accepta nce

D.prese ntati on

38. The acceptor of a bill is the pers on who orig in ally n amed as ( B ) of the bill.

A. drawer

B. drawee


D.en dorser

(D ) if such drafts

(D ) endorsement .
