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M10U1 Building the future word 1

学习目标:learn the new words

master the usages of the words

学习重点:the understanding of the usages of some words

学习难点:the usage of the words

Step one:用动词适当形式填空

1.Shirley ___ (write) a book about China last year but I don't know whether she has finished it.

2.-Hi, John, you look so tired.

-I am tired indeed・ I _____ (paint) the living room all day.

3.-Would you like to go to China?

-Yes. In last ten years, great changes _______ (take place) in every part of China・

4.・-Is this raincoat yours?

■■No. mine ____ (hang) here behind the door.

5.We ______ (discuss) the problem since early this morning, but we not _____________ (not reach) any conclusion yet.

6. A new cinema _______ (build) here・ They hope to finish the rest of it next month・

7.This kind of paper _______ (write) smoothly enough and as a result _______ (sell) well・

8.By next summer, we _____ (stay) here for two years・

9.・・Wc haven't heard from Jane for a long time・

-What do you suppose _______ (happen) to her?

10.What can you imagine he _______ (do) at this time tomorrow?

Step two Presentation

1.put pressure on (sb. to do sth.) 给…施加压力

N.血压blood pressure

relief pressure/ stress 缓解压力

add to one's pressure增添某人的压力

live with pressure 忍受压力

under pressure处于压力之下,受到压力

give in to pressure 屈服于压力

pressure of work 工作压力

译:这件事不得不做o It was done _____________ of the necessity.

V. pressure sb. into doing sth.强迫某人做・•

Eg. Some advertisements __________________________________ (能促使女孩子瘦身).

Never __________________________________________ (屈服于来自你的所谓的朋友的压力)and learn to smoke or drink・

Quite a few children ______________________ (迫于来自父母的压力)to take piano lesson.

2・ beyond prep.

①超过…的范围_______________________________________ 不要入不敷出。

② 非能力所及 beyond one's control

我已经控制不了局而了。 _____________________________________

③ (用于否定句)除…以外


④ 俵示时间)迟于 晚上10点以后切勿在外逗留。


beyond my understanding 超出我的理解范用beyond all my expectaton 使我们料想不到的

The villge has changed ___________________ () over three years ・ Your daughter is really a loverly girl __________________________ ()

________________ (亳无疑问),she loves her children more than anyone else ・

This new model of car is so expensive that it is ______ the reach of those with average incomes.

A. over

B. within

C. beyond

D. below

3. expense

Buying and running a car is a big expense for me. _____________________

She managed to make the party a success at great expense. ____________________

He gained his reputation at the expense of his happiness ad health. ____________________

We took the holiday to Hawaii at father’s expense. _______________________


Translation :

An annual holiday abroad is really ____________________ (一项很大的开销)for the family.

The meeting hall was decorated _________________________ (花很多钱).

Never try to benefit ourselves ________________________________ (以牺牲别人为代价).

4. catch up on 补上,补做

拓展:catch hold of 抓住,握住

catch at 抓住,釆纳 catch sight of 看见

catch one*s sight 引起某人的注意 catch on 变得流行 catch up with 赶上

catch sb. doing 发现、撞见、逮住某人正在做某事

老师发现他在上课时睡觉。________________________________________ .

beyond compare 无可比拟的

beyond doubt 毫无疑问,确实地 beyond measure

无可估量 即时练:

beyond one s means 超岀某人的财力 beyond belief 难以置信

beyond words 难以言表
