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1. GATT :General Agreement On Tariffs and Trade 关税与贸易总协定

2. WTO :World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织

3. FDI :Foreign Direct Investment 对外直接投资

4. IMF :International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织

5. MFN :Most Favored Nation 最惠国待遇

6. EEC :European Economic Community 欧洲经济共同体

7.NAFTA :North American Free Trade Agreement 北美自由贸易协定

8. NT :National Treatment 国民待遇

9. BOP :Balance Of Payments 国际收支

10.CPI :Consumer Price Index 消费价格指数

11.IPO :Initial Public Offerings 首次公开募股

12.MNC :Multinational Company 跨国公司

13.CEO :Chief Executive Officer 首席执行官

14.CFO :Chief Financial Officer 财务总监

15.GDP :Gross Domestic Product 国内生产总值

16.GNP :Gross National Product 国民生产总值

17.EEO :Equal Employment Opportunity 均等就业机会

18.EDI :Electronic Data Interchange 电子数据交换

19. NI :National Insurance 国民收入

20. IT :Information Technology 信息技术

21. APEC :Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 亚太经合组织

22.LC :Letter Of Credit 信用证

23. BL :Bill Of Lading 海运提单

24. LDC :Less Developed Countries 发展中国家

25. RTA :Regional Trade Agreement 区域性贸易协定

26. M&A :Merger And Acquisition 并购

27. R&D :Research And Development 研发

1.market structure 市场结构

2.industry structure 产业结构

3.product substitutability 产品替代性

4.monopolistic competition 垄断竞争

5.perfect competition 完全竞争

6.demand curve 需求曲线

7.retail trade 零售业

8.physical difference 物理差异

9.relative resource mobility 相对资源流动性

10.product differentiation 产品差异

11.marginal revenue 边际收益

12.marginal cost 边际成本

13.opportunity cost 机会成本

14.capital gain tax 资本利得税

15.trade creation 贸易创造

16.trade diversion 贸易转移

17.imperfect competition 不完全竞争

18.lump sum transfers 一次性转移

19.redistribution of income 收益再分配

20.factor subsidies 要素补贴

21.trade barrier 贸易壁垒

22.most favored nation 最惠国待遇

23.tariff reductions 关税削减

24.customs union 关税同盟

25.income tax 所得税

26.virtual economy 虚拟经济

27.fiscal policy 财政政策

28.taxable income 应税所得

29.regressive tax 递减税

30.proportional tax 比例税

31.flat tax 单一税制

32.standards of living 生活水平

33.full employment 充分就业

34.National treatment 国民待遇

35.anti-dumping and countervailing duties 反倾销税

36.freedom of trade 贸易自由化

37.balance of payments 国民收支

38.tariff concessions 关税减让

39.freed-trade area 自由贸易区

40.mission statement 公司使命

41.strategic planning 战略规划

42.scope of the business 营业范围

43.market standing 市场地位

anizational structure 组织结构

45.behavior modification 行为矫正

anizational change 组织变迁

47.group dynamics 集团动态

48.potential customer 潜在顾客

49.target market 目标市场

50.market segment 市场细分

petitive advantage 竞争优势

52.distribution channel 分销渠道

53.supply chain 供应链

54.business communication 商务沟通

55.customer relation 客户关系

56.public relation 公共关系
