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underground .
learn __le_a__rn__e_d tell__t_o_ld____
live ___l_iv_e__d_
walk _w__a_lk_e__d_
run ____r_a_n___ can ___c_o__u_ld_
Some only walked slowly. 6. no , more , there , dinosaurs , are (.)
There are no more dinosaurs.
Last __F_r_i_d_a_y___, the children __h_a_d__ social studies. They _le_a_r_n_e_d_ about __a_n__ interesting topic. Miss Liu __to_l_d____ them about some animals. These
we can only_____ thfienidr bones or _____ thseier pictures.
eat ___a__te___
百度文库 组句
1. the , had , children , Monday , studies , social , last (.) The children had social studies last Monday. 2. ago , millions , of , dinosaurs , lived , years (.)
[ai] [ ə ] [ɔ:]
These animals are called dinosaurs.
When did dinosaurs live? lived millions of years ago
What were they like?
huge animals
animals. They could _______ very fast, but some
walked___s_lo__w_ly___. Some could_f_ly__ in the sky,
some could ___s_w_i_m___ in the river. Some ___a_te__ grass and plants, some liked ___e_a_ti_n_g__ meat. Today
Dinosaurs lived millions of years ago. 3. huge , animals , they , were (.)
They were huge animals. 4. some , grass , and , ate , plants , meat , dinosaurs Some dinosaurs ate grass , plants and meat. 5. walked, some , only , slowly (.)
tall big
ran very fast
walked slowly
could fly
Some ran very fast. Some walked slowly. Some could fly.
What did they eat?
ate grass
ate plants
ate meat
animals are __c_a_l_le_d___ dinosaurs, they _l_iv_e_d___ millions of years __a_g_o___. They were __h_u_g_e__ animals.They were __b_ig___, tall and __s_tr_o_n_g___
• But today there are no more dinosaurs.
• But today there aren’t dinosaurs any more.
• I will do it no more.
• I will not do it any more.
We can only find their bones