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8、Which is quicker , the cat or the spider? P18
The spider
9、What was sure to come up in the test?
10、Why did Jem Stone groaned?
Because he’d forgotten all about the test
问题 questions: 1、what does miss genius change into ? 2、why didn’t pearl take the end
of year test? 3、what did jem’s carprt have? 4、why did jem use the spells?
Jem Stone Gemie— --- the Crash
第四组 组员:龚翰琦 陈瑞玲 王晓越 王奕 徐 欣爱 周云婧 鲁宜璋 刘泽一兰
It was test time at the Three Wishes School for genies. When Jem Stone beat his teasing classmate Pearl in the flying test, their carpets crashed. Then Jem and his carpet bagan to fall. Jem wished for his carpet to land beside Miss Genius, but he changed her into a spider. Inorder to avoid catching by the school cat, the spider run under Pearl’s cupboard. Finally, Pebble cought the spider and Jem turnt the spider into Miss Genius. Miss Genius found a stolen test paper from Pearl’s cupboard. So Pearl is stopped by the head teacher to continued his exam. However, Jem and others are allowed to practice for the exam.
pass eligible 合格 posh fashion 时髦 crash hit bump 撞 be against violate 违反 catch grab 抓
accidentally-on-purpose 有意无意地 purposely 故意地 be against 违反 obey 遵守 spitefully 鄙视地 respectfully 尊敬地 wobbled 摇摇晃晃 steady 稳定的 land 降落 take off 起飞
5、Who’s magic carpet had a hole in it? P4
Jem Stone’s
6、When did Jem fall into the lake when the calss were learning about frogs? P6
Last week
7、Who almost bumped into the window when flew out of the classroom? P8
11、what's wrong with Jem's magic carpet?
His magic carpet had a hole in it
12、what would they do tomorrow?
They will have a test
13、where did the spider stay when Jem picked the cat up?
Under the cupboard