

When you have a kid

who you care so much

that anything he wants

comes before your own desires

When you have a kid

who is so much in need for your affection and understanding that

no matter what is bothering him

you're willing to do anything to make him smile

When you have a kid

who is so dependent on you that

no matter what obstacles you face

you have to be forever confident in front of him

giving him the sense of security

When you have a kid

whatever your goals are for your life

you're so willing to put him ahead before all your goals

sometimes even give up your dreams for his needs

but you'd consider yourself lucky indeed

being in love with someone in this wide world so deep

you try to make everything easy for him to grow up into a loving,strong adultThank god for giving me this chance

let me experience what love,giving,and voluntary sacrifice are all about

After all of the things I've done for him

who changed my whole world dramaticly

I come to understand what a complete life is like.

magical kids.

If wind had colors倘若风有颜色

If wind had colors,the world would be more beautiful and lively.

If it matched with the natural scence,it would be a most beautiful picture.

If wind had colors,in spring it should be green.Flowers come out in spring.

When green wind blew around,all the flowers seemed to be surrounded by green leaves.What a beautiful sight!

The wind in summer should be light blue,because it is too hot.When the light blue wind blew over,you would seem to be in a swimming pool.How cool!

The wind in autumn should be golden because autumn is harvest time,and golden color make us have harvest feelings.

The wind in winter should be light yellow.

When light yellow wind blew on white snow, it was very warm,wasn't it?

If wind had colors ,the world would be a riot of colors.










If I could save time in a bottle

the first thing that I\'d like to do

is to save every day until eternity passes away

just to spend them with you

If I could make days last forever

if words could make wishes come true

I\'d save every day like a treasure and then

again I would spend them with you









Thank you for comforting me when I\'m sad

Loving me when I\'m mad

Picking me up when I\'m down

Thank you for being my friend and being around Teaching me the meaning of love

Encouraging me when I need a shove

But most of all thank you for

Loving me for who I am









When you have a kid who you care so much that anything he wants comes before your own desires When you have a kid who is so much in need for your affection and understanding that no matter what is bothering him you're willing to do anything to make him smile When you have a kid who is so dependent on you that no matter what obstacles you face you have to be forever confident in front of him giving him the sense of security When you have a kid whatever your goals are for your life you're so willing to put him ahead before all your goals sometimes even give up your dreams for his needs but you'd consider yourself lucky indeed being in love with someone in this wide world so deep you try to make everything easy for him to grow up into a loving,strong adultThank god for giving me this chance let me experience what love,giving,and voluntary sacrifice are all about


美联英语提供:适合初中朗诵表演的经典英语诗歌 词类、句子成分和构词法: https://www.360docs.net/doc/028216433.html,/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 在分析其诗歌风格的过程中,探究其“绮艳明丽”风格形成的原因。下面小编整理了初中朗诵表演的经典英语诗歌,希望大家喜欢! 初中朗诵表演的经典英语诗歌摘抄 Stopping By Woods On a Snowy Evening Whose woods these are I think I know, His house is in the village though; He will not see me stopping here to watch his woods filled up with snow. My little horse must think it queer to stop without a farmhouse near between the woods and frozen lake. The darkest night of the year. He gives his harness bells a shake to ask if there is some mistake. The only other sound's the sweep of easy wind and downy flake. The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep And miles to go before I sleep,


外国著名诗歌15篇 多少人爱你青春欢畅的时辰,爱慕你的美丽,假意或真心,只有一个人爱你那朝圣者的灵魂,爱你衰老了的脸上痛苦的皱纹…… 品读15首外文诗歌,体会含蓄隽永之美。假期,一起来读首诗吧! 作者:泰戈尔(印度) 世界上最远的距离 不是生与死的距离 而是我站在你面前 你不知道我爱你 世界上最远的距离 不是我站在你面前 你不知道我爱你 而是爱到痴迷 却不能说我爱你 世界上最远的距离 不是我不能说我爱你 而是想你痛彻心脾 却只能深埋心底 世界上最远的距离

不是我不能说我想你而是彼此相爱 却不能够在一起 世界上最远的距离 不是彼此相爱 却不能够在一起 而是明知道真爱无敌却装作毫不在意 世界上最远的距离 不是树与树的距离而是同根生长的树枝却无法在风中相依 世界上最远的距离 不是树枝无法相依而是相互了望的星星却没有交汇的轨迹 世界上最远的距离 不是星星之间的轨迹而是纵然轨迹交汇却在转瞬间无处寻觅世界上最远的距离

作者:叶芝(爱尔兰) 当你老了,头白了,睡意昏沉, 炉火旁打盹,请取下这部诗歌, 慢慢读,回想你过去眼神的柔和, 回想它们昔日浓重的阴影; 多少人爱你青春欢畅的时辰, 爱慕你的美丽,假意或真心, 只有一个人爱你那朝圣者的灵魂, 爱你衰老了的脸上痛苦的皱纹; 垂下头来,在红光闪耀的炉子旁, 凄然地轻轻诉说那爱情的消逝, 在头顶的山上它缓缓踱着步子, 在一群星星中间隐藏着脸庞。 作者:布朗宁夫人(英国) 说了一遍请再对我说一遍说我爱你 即使那样一遍遍地重复 你会把它看成一支布谷鸟的歌曲 记着在那青山和绿林间在那山谷和田野中 如果它缺少了那串布谷鸟的音节纵使清新的春天披着满身的绿装降临也不算完美无缺 爱四周那么黑暗


英文诗歌短篇励志经典|英语诗歌经典100篇 咖啡苦,回味无穷;伤痛苦,心里铭记;磨难苦,励志人心;感情苦,更显真心;生活苦,倍加珍惜。苦,让我们感谢生活;苦,让我们看到真心:虽苦犹甜。小编精心收集了短篇励志经典英文诗歌,供大家欣赏学习! 短篇励志经典英文诗歌篇1 ON CHANGES Irene Dunlap Change is the only absolute in the world, the only thing that you can depend on. Nothing stays the same. Tomorrow will come, bringing with it new beginnings and sometimes unexpected endings. You can hold on to the past and get left in the dust; or, you can choose to jump on the ride of life and live a new adventure with perseverance and an open mind. 论变化 艾琳·邓莱普陈采霞译 变化是世界上 惟一绝对的东西, 是惟一 你能相信的事情。 没有什么能一成不变, 明天将来临, 它会带来 新的开始,并且有时 还会带来意想不到的结局。 你可以抓住过去, 蒙受遗弃; 或者,你可以选择 跃上生命之车 进行一次新的冒险, 凭借坚持不懈 和广阔的胸怀。短篇励志经典英文诗歌篇2 THE VALUE OF TIME Katharine Sun

[拜伦经典英文诗歌欣赏] 英文诗歌经典100篇讲课稿

[拜伦经典英文诗歌欣赏]英文诗歌经典 100篇

[拜伦经典英文诗歌欣赏] 英文诗歌经典100篇 英语诗歌是英美文学中的珍宝。在英美文学中,尤其是早期作品中,如史诗及戏剧都是以诗歌的形式出现。小编整理了拜伦经典英文诗歌,欢迎阅读! 拜伦经典英文诗歌篇一 To M. S. G.给M. S. G. When I dream that you love me, you’ll surely forgive; 要是我梦见你爱我,你休怪, Extend not your anger to sleep; 休要迁怒于睡眠; For in visions alone your affection can live,— 你的爱只在梦乡存在,—— I rise, and it leaves me to weep. 醒来,我空余泪眼。 Then, Morpheus! envelope my faculties fast, 睡神!快封闭我的神志, Shed o’er me your languor benign; 让昏倦流布我周身; Should the dream of to-night but resemble the last, 愿今宵好梦与昨夜相似: What rapture celestial is mine! 像仙境一样销魂! They tell us that slumber, the sister of death, 听说,睡眠——死亡的姊妹, Mortality’s emblem is given; 也是死亡的样品; To fate how I long to resign my frail breath, 天国倘若是这般滋味,

汪国真的经典诗歌 汪国真经典诗歌精选

汪国真的经典诗歌汪国真经典诗歌精选 各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢 汪国真诗歌《旅程》 意志倒下的时候 生命也就不再屹立 歪歪斜斜的身影 又怎耐得 秋叶萧瑟晚来风急地 垂下头颅 只是为了让思想扬起 你若有一个不屈的灵魂 脚下,就会有一片坚实的土地 无论走向何方 都会有无数双眼睛跟随着你 从别人那里 我们认识了自己 汪国真诗歌《我微笑着走向生活》 我微笑着走向生活, 无论生活以什么方式回敬我。

报我以平坦吗? 我是一条欢乐奔流的小河。 报我以崎岖吗? 我是一座大山庄严地思索! 报我以幸福吗? 我是一只凌空飞翔的燕子。 报我以不幸吗? 我是一根劲竹经得起千击万磨! 生活里不能没有笑声, 没有笑声的世界该是多么寂寞。什么也改变不了我对生活的热爱,我微笑着走向火热的生活! 汪国真诗歌《挡不住的青春》 曾经有过那么多的惆怅, 想起往往令人断肠, 我不知道我的追求在何方, 问风问雨问大地, 却没有点回想。 岁月无声的流淌, 可是有谁愿意总是迷惘? 我要飞翔, 那么有没有人为我鼓掌?

我用生命和热血铺路, 没有一个季节能把青春阻挡! 汪国真诗歌《假如你不够快乐》假如你不够快乐 也不要把眉头深锁 人生本来短暂 为什么还要栽培苦涩 打开尘封的门窗 让阳光雨露洒遍每个角落 走向生命的原野 让风儿熨平前额 博大可以稀释忧愁 深色能够覆盖浅色 汪国真诗歌《跨越自己》 我们可以欺瞒别人 却无法欺瞒自己 当我们走向枝繁叶茂的五月 青春就不再是一个谜 向上的路 总是坎坷又崎岖 要永远保持最初的浪漫 真是不容易

有人悲哀 有人欣喜 当我们跨越了一座高山 也就跨越了一个真实的自己 《汪国真经典诗歌精选》 新的一年啊, 你给我们孕育了 多少的期待多少的向往多少的渴望。 抛却人生的忧烦, 甩掉心中的负担, 我们轻装待发, 用最灿烂的笑容迎接新的一年; 所有痛苦的忧伤的无奈的, 在今天这个日子,就让它随风而去, 相信明天阳光依旧灿烂, 坚信理想依旧与我们相伴。 唱吧,唱出我们的心声,我们的希望; 舞吧,舞出我们的青春,我们的阳光; 快乐向前,热情奔放,


经典英文诗歌赏析(全) 一 nothing gold can stay 1简介:《美景易逝(Nothing Gold Can Stay)》罗伯特弗罗斯特 的代表作之一。此诗于1923年写就,即于当年十月在《耶鲁杂志(The Yale Review)》上刊印出版,随后就被收录到弗罗斯特的一本名为 《新罕布什尔州(New Hampshire)》的诗集中。 2诗歌翻译: Nothing gold can stay 岁月留金 Nature's first green is gold, 大自然的第一抹新绿是金, Her hardest hue to hold. 也是她最无力保留的颜色.。 Her early leaf's a flower; 她初发的叶子如同一朵花,; But only so an hour. 不过只能持续若此一刹那。 Then leaf subsides leaf, 随之如花新叶沦落为旧叶。 So Eden sank to grief. 由是伊甸园陷入忧伤悲切, So down gose down to day, 破晓黎明延续至晃晃白昼。 Nothing gold can stay. 宝贵如金之物岁月难保留。 3诗歌赏析:这首诗揭示了一切真切而美好的事物最终定会逐渐消失的哲理。它同时也使用了独特的技巧来表现了季节的变化。想到了 小时了了,大未必佳。一切都是转瞬即逝的,浮世有的仅仅转丸般的 繁华。 二 the road not taken 1诗歌简介:这首名诗《The Road NotTaken》形式是传统的抑扬 格四音步,但音步可变(含有很多抑抑扬的成分);每节的韵式为abaab 。


经典感恩老师英文诗歌欣赏|英文诗歌经典100篇 老师,人类灵魂的工程师,有谁不在将您赞扬!小编整理了经典感恩老师英文诗歌,欢迎阅读! 经典感恩老师英文诗歌篇一 For all the great things you say and do… The best teacher’s award goes to you. As another school term approaches… wish your days turn our to be as great as you make ours. You are the best. Your guidance makes me go far and do things differently. Sending flowers to my teacher. Your lessons are still the one that helps me. Your words are still fresh and warm. You’ve swayed my life so deeply. You’re still my best teacher. A sweet and lovely gift to my favorite teacher. You are a special person in our life. We all love you,Sir! To Sir,With Love! Thanks for being an inspiring teacher. You taught me to aim for success and to accept failure with courage. Warm thoughts of love and regards to our loving teachers. I want to be like you,when I grow up. Your guidance makes us to achieve what we have dreamt for. Thank you for being my teacher. Sending great love to the greatest teacher of the world.经典感恩老师英文诗歌篇二Happy Teacher’s Day. Wishing you a happy Teacher’s Day. Thanks for being an inspiring teacher. Hearty wishes on Teacher’s Day. You taught me to aim for success and to accept failure with courage. Happy Teacher’s Day. Warm thoughts of love and regards to our loving teachers. I want to be like you,when I grow up. Your guidance makes us to achieve what we have dreamt for. Thank you for being my teacher. Sending great love to the greatest teacher of the world.经典感恩老师英文诗歌篇三Send you a bouquet of flowers, To express our respect to you; Send you a nice song, Give you a trace of sweetness. Teacher - You have worked hard, You are with us through the trials and tribulations,


17首外国最经典的情诗朗诵欣赏 爱情,这个永恒的话题,古今中外的文人雅客写下了许多不朽的诗篇。 17首诗歌译文 1.我曾经爱过你(俄国:普希金) 我曾经爱过你,爱情也许在我的心灵里还没有完全消亡,但愿它不会再去打扰你,我也不想再让你难过悲伤。我曾经默默无语、毫无指望地爱过你,我既忍受着羞怯,又忍受着嫉妒的折磨,我曾经那样真诚、那样温柔地爱过你,但愿上帝保佑你,另一个人也会象我一样爱你。 2.印度小夜曲(英国:雪莱) 在夜晚第一度香甜的睡眠里,我从梦见你的梦中起身下了地。习习的夜风正轻轻地吹,灿烂的星星耀着光辉;从梦见你的梦中起身下了地,有个精灵附在我的脚底,它引导着我,来到你的纱窗下,哦,亲爱的!真是不可思议。四处游荡的乐声已经疲惫,湮没在幽暗静寂的清溪。金香木的芳馨已经消逝,就象梦中那甜美的情思;夜莺一声声泣血的怨啼,已在心底盍然死去,我的生命也必将在你心上停熄,因

为,哦,我所热爱的只是你!哦,请快把我从绿草地上扶起,我气息奄奄,神智昏迷,衰竭无力!让你的爱在亲吻的密雨里降落,降落在我苍白的嘴唇和眼皮,我的面颊已经冰凉,惨淡!我的心脏音响沉重,跳动迅疾。哦,请再一次把它拥在你的朐前,它终将碎裂在你的心窝里。 3.茅屋(丹麦:安徒生) 在浪花冲打的海岸上,有间孤寂的小茅屋,一望辽阔无边无际,没有一棵树木,只有那天空和大海,只有那峭壁和悬崖,但里面有着最大的幸福,因为有爱人同住。茅屋里没有金和银,却有一对亲爱的人,时刻地相互凝视,他们多么情深,这茅屋又小又破烂,伫立在岸上多孤单,但里面有着最大的幸福,因为有爱人作伴。 4.雅典的少女(英国:拜伦) 雅典的少女呵,在我们临别以前,把我的心,把我的心交还!或者,既然它已经和我脱离,那就留着它吧,把其余的也拿去!请听一句我别前的誓语,你是我的生命,我爱你。 我要依偎那松开的鬈发,每一阵爱琴海的风都追逐着它。我要依偎着那长睫毛的眼睛,睫毛直吻着你颊上的桃红,我要依偎着那野鹿似的眼睛誓语,你是我的生命,我爱你。 还有我久欲一尝的红唇,还有那轻盈紧束的腰身,我


优秀的经典英语诗歌欣赏 小时候我们还记得我学习的第一首英语诗歌是什 么吗?下面就给大家分享一下英语诗歌,大家行动起来吧 W o r d s t o L i v e b y I l l g i v e y o u s o m e a d v i c e a b o u t l i f e. 给你生活的忠告 E a t m o r e r o u g h a g e; 多吃些粗粮; D o m o r e t h a n o t h e r s e x p e c t y o u t o d o a n d d o i t p a i n s; 给别人比他们期望的更多,并用心去做; R e m e m b e r w h a t l i f e t e l l s y o u; 熟记生活告诉你的一切; D o n t t a k e t o h e a r t e v e r y t h i n g y o u h e a r.D o n t s p e n d a l l t h a t y o u h a v e. D o n t s l e e p a s l o n g a s y o u w a n t; 不要轻信你听到的每件事,不要花光你的所有,不要想睡多久就睡多久; W h e n e v e r y o u s a y I l o v e y o u,p l e a s e s a y i t

h o n e s t l y; 无论何时说我爱你,请真心实意; W h e v e v e r y o u s a y I m s o r r y, p l e a s e l o o k i n t o t h e o t h e r p e r s o n s e y e s; 无论何时说对不起,请看对方的眼睛; F a l l i n l o v e a t f i r s t s i g h t; 相信一见钟情; D o n t n e g l e c t d r e a m s; 请不要忽视梦想; L o v e d e e p l y a n d a r d e n t l y, e v e n i f t h e r e i s p a i n, b u t t h i s i s t h e w a y t o m a k e y o u r l i f e c o m p l e t e; 深情热烈地爱,也许会受伤,但这是使人生完整的唯一方法; F i n d a w a y t o s e t t l e,n o t t o d i s p u t e; 用一种明确的方法解决争议,不要冒犯; N e v e r j u d g e p e o p l e b y t h e i r a p p e a r a n c e; 永远不要以貌取人; S p e a k s l o w l y,b u t t h i n k q u i c k l y; 慢慢地说,但要迅速地想; T h e P r i d e o f Y o u t h青春的骄傲


外国诗歌精选一百首 外国诗歌精选一百首《诗印象》诗歌论坛徐凝选编 (美)布洛茨基一首 阿赫玛托娃百年祭 书页和烈焰,麦粒和磨盘, 锐利的斧和斩断的发——上帝 留存一切;更留存他视为其声的 宽恕的言词和爱的话语。 那词语中,脉搏在撕扯骨骼在爆裂, 还有铁锹的敲击;低沉而均匀, 生命仅一次,所以死者的话语更清晰, 胜过普盖的厚絮下这片含混的声音。 伟大的灵魂啊,你找到了那词语, 一个跨越海洋的鞠躬,向你, 也向那熟睡在故土的易腐的部分, 是你让聋哑的宇宙有了听说的能力。 刘文飞译 (美)雷蒙德·卡佛一首 河流 我蹚水,越来越深,在黑暗的河里。 夜晚,河水涌动, 回旋,当它裹住 我的双腿,紧紧抓住。 小鲑鱼冲破水面。 幼鲑冲向一边,三龄鲑另一边。 随着挤压,沙砾在靴下翻滚。 大鳞鲑狂暴的眼睛注视着。 它们巨大的头部慢慢地动, 眼睛燃烧着愤怒,浮游 在深流里。 它们在那儿。我感觉到它们在那儿, 我的皮肤刺痛。但是 还有些别的什么。 脖子上的风让我浑身紧绷。 感觉头发竖起来了, 当某样东西触到我的靴子。 越来越害怕看不见的事物。 然后是充斥在眼里的一切—— 那枝桠累累的河对岸, 身后山脉深暗的边缘。 以及这条陡然间 已变得黑暗和湍急的河流。

不管怎样,吸一口气,撒网。 祈祷不要有什么来袭。 (美)罗伯特·勃莱一首 圣诞驶车送双亲回家 穿过风雪,我驶车送二老 在山崖边他们衰弱的身躯感到犹豫 我向山谷高喊 只有积雪给我回答 他们悄悄地谈话 说到提水,吃橘子 孙子的照片,昨晚忘记拿了 他们打开自己的家门,身影消失了 橡树在林中倒下,谁能听见? 隔着千里的沉寂 他们这样紧紧挨近地坐着 好像被雪挤压在一起 郑敏译 (美)詹姆斯·赖特一首 开始 月儿投到田里一两片羽毛。 黑森森的麦苗凝神谛听。 此时, 万籁无声。 那儿,月儿的幼雏正试 它们的羽翼。 林间,一位苗条的女子抬起她可爱的 面影,轻盈地步入空中,轻盈地升上去了。我独自站在一株老树旁,不敢呼吸 也不敢动弹。 我屏息倾听。 麦苗向它自己的黑暗倾身。 而我也倾身于我的黑暗之中。 张子清译 (美)桑德堡四首 雾 雾来了, 踮着猫的细步。 他弓起腰蹲着, 静静地俯视 海港和城市, 又再往前走。 赵毅衡译 夕阳 有一种低声道别的夕阳。


经典欧美诗歌范文 导语:那是一种内在的东西, 他们到达不了,也无法触及的,那是你的。以下是为大家分享的经典欧美诗歌,欢迎借鉴! 《世界上最远的距离》1 作者:泰戈尔(印度) 世界上最远的距离 不是生与死的距离 而是我站在你面前 你不知道我爱你 世界上最远的距离 不是我站在你面前 你不知道我爱你 而是爱到痴迷 却不能说我爱你 世界上最远的距离 不是我不能说我爱你 而是想你痛彻心脾 却只能深埋心底 世界上最远的距离 不是我不能说我想你 而是彼此相爱 却不能够在一起

不是彼此相爱 却不能够在一起 而是明知道真爱无敌却装作毫不在意 世界上最远的距离 不是树与树的距离而是同根生长的树枝却无法在风中相依 世界上最远的距离 不是树枝无法相依而是相互了望的星星却没有交汇的轨迹 世界上最远的距离 不是星星之间的轨迹而是纵然轨迹交汇却在转瞬间无处寻觅世界上最远的距离 不是瞬间便无处寻觅而是尚未相遇 便注定无法相聚 世界上最远的距离

一个在天 一个却深潜海底 《当你年老时》2 作者:叶芝(爱尔兰) 当你老了,头白了,睡意昏沉,炉火旁打盹,请取下这部诗歌,慢慢读,回想你过去眼神的柔和,回想它们昔日浓重的阴影; 多少人爱你青春欢畅的时辰, 爱慕你的美丽,假意或真心, 只有一个人爱你那朝圣者的灵魂,爱你衰老了的脸上痛苦的皱纹;垂下头来,在红光闪耀的炉子旁,凄然地轻轻诉说那爱情的消逝,在头顶的山上它缓缓踱着步子,在一群星星中间隐藏着脸庞。《我愿意是激流》 作者:裴多菲(匈牙利) 我愿意是激流是山里的小河 在崎岖的路上在岩石上经过 只要我的爱人是一条小鱼

在我的浪花中快乐地游来游去 我愿意是荒林在河流的两岸 面对一阵阵狂风我勇敢地作战 只要我的爱人是一只小鸟 在我的稠密的树枝间作客鸣叫 我愿意是废墟在峻峭的山崖 这静默的毁灭并不使我懊丧 只要我的爱人是青青的长春藤 沿着我荒凉的额头亲密地攀援而上我愿意是草屋在深深的山谷底 草屋的顶上饱受着风雨的打击 只要我的爱人是可爱的火焰 在我的炉子里愉快地缓缓闪现 我愿意是云朵是灰色的破旗 在广漠的空中懒懒地飘来荡去 只要我的爱人是珊瑚似的夕阳 傍着我苍白的脸显出鲜艳的辉煌《野蔷薇》3 作者:歌德(德国) 少年看到一朵蔷薇 荒野上的小蔷薇 那么娇嫩那么鲜艳


精选优秀经典的英语诗歌 【导语】英语在诗歌方面还有很多参考的,下面就由苏阳文斋给大家分享一下精选优秀经典的英语诗歌,大家一起来看看吧! 【篇一】精选优秀经典的英语诗歌 Is Heaven a Physician? Is Heaven a Physician? Is Heaven a Physician? They say that He can heal - But Medicine Posthumous Is unavailable - Is Heaven an Exchequer1? They speak of what we owe -

But that negotiation I’m not a Party to - 【篇二】精选优秀经典的英语诗歌 A throe upon the features A throe upon the features - A hurry in the breath - An ecstasy1 of parting Denominated “Death” - An anguish2 at the mention Which when to patience grown, I’ve known permission given

To rejoin its own. 【篇三】精选优秀经典的英语诗歌 Annunciation He has come from the garden, leaving no shadow, no footprint in the dew: They hold each other's gaze2 at the point of balance: everything streaming towards this moment, streaming away. A word will set the seed of life and death, the over-shadowing of this girl by a feathered dark.


【篇一】经典的英语优美的诗歌范文 回忆美好 当你身陷困境的时候,回想你生命中快乐和幸福的时刻。 回想它是如何使你快乐,你便有了走出困境的勇气。 从你的生活中多抽出点时间去梦想,重振你的精力, 你会完全准备好又去迎接新的一天。 When times become difficult (and you know they sometimes will), remember a moment in your life that was filled with joy and happiness. Remember how it made you feel, and you will have the strength you need to get through any trial. When life throws you one more obstacle than you think you can handle, remember something you achieved through perseverance1 and by struggling to the end. In doing so, you'll find you have the ability to overcome each obstacle brought your way. When you find yourself drained and depleted2 of energy, remember to find a place of sanctuary3 and rest. Take the necessary time in your own life to dream your dreams and renew your energy, so you'll be ready to face each new day. When you feel tension building, find something fun to do. You'll find that the stress you feel will dissipate and your thoughts will become clearer. You're listening to Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax, I'm Faith. When you're faced with so many negative and draining situations, realize how minuscule4 problems will seem when you view your life as a whole--and remember the positive things. 当你身陷困境的时候(你有时会),回想你生命中快乐和幸福的时刻。回想它是如何使你快乐,你便有了走出困境的勇气。 当面对重重困难,你感觉举步维艰的时候,回想你以前是如何坚持到底战胜困难的最后时刻的。这样,你就会发现你有能力克服每个障碍。 当你觉得精疲力尽的时候,暂时离开,让自己稍作休息。


经典英文诗歌13首 精选十三首简易英文诗歌,全部来自英语诗歌大家之手,并配有中文翻译,希望能从这些诗歌的意境美和禅悦美中获取学习英语的乐趣,提高欣赏水平! 目录 【1】Rain雨 【2】What Does The Bee Do?蜜蜂做些什么呢? 【3】O Sailor, Come Ashore 【4】THE WIND风 【5】THE CUCKOO布谷鸟 【6】COLORS颜色 【7】A House Of Cards纸牌堆成的房子 【8】What Does Little Birdie Say? 【9】The Star星星 【10】At The Seaside海边

【11】Boats Sail On The Rivers 【12】The Swing秋千 【13】The Blossom花儿 【1】Rain雨 Rain is falling all around, 雨儿在到处降落, It falls on field and tree, 它落在田野和树梢, It rains on the umbrella here, 它落在这边的雨伞上,And on the ships at sea. 又落在航行海上的船只。by R. L. Stevenson, 1850-1894 【2】What Does The Bee Do? What does the bee do? 蜜蜂做些什么? Bring home honey. 把蜂蜜带回家。 And what does Father do? 父亲做些什么? Bring home money. 把钱带回家。

And what does Mother do? 母亲做些什么? Lay out the money. 把钱用光。 And what does baby do?婴儿做些什么? Eat up the honey. 把蜜吃光。 by C. G. Rossetti, 1830-1894 【3】O Sailor, Come Ashore啊!水手,上岸吧 (Part I) O sailor, come ashore 啊!水手,上岸吧 What have you brought for me? 你给我带来什么? Red coral , white coral, 海里的珊瑚, Coral from the sea. 红的,白的。 (Part II) I did not dig it from the ground 它不是我从地下挖的,Nor pluck it from a tree; 也不是从树上摘的; Feeble insects made it 它是暴风雨的海裹 In the stormy sea. 弱小昆虫做成的。 by C. G. Rossetti 【4】THE WIND风


经典英语诗歌 【1】Rain雨 【2】What Does The Bee Do?蜜蜂做些什么呢? 【3】O Sailor, Come Ashore 【4】THE WIND风 【5】THE CUCKOO布谷鸟 【6】COLORS颜色 【7】A House Of Cards纸牌堆成的房子 【8】What Does Little Birdie Say? 【9】The Star星星 【10】At The Seaside海边 【11】Boats Sail On The Rivers 【12】The Swing秋千 【13】The Blossom花儿 【1】Rain雨 Rain is falling all around, 雨儿在到处降落, It falls on field and tree, 它落在田野和树梢, It rains on the umbrella here, 它落在这边的雨伞上,And on the ships at sea. 又落在航行海上的船只。by R. L. Stevenson, 1850-1894 【2】What Does The Bee Do? What does the bee do? 蜜蜂做些什么? Bring home honey. 把蜂蜜带回家。 And what does Father do? 父亲做些什么? Bring home money. 把钱带回家。 And what does Mother do? 母亲做些什么? Lay out the money. 把钱用光。 And what does baby do?婴儿做些什么?

Eat up the honey. 把蜜吃光。 by C. G. Rossetti, 1830-1894 【3】O Sailor, Come Ashore啊!水手,上岸吧 (Part I) O sailor, come ashore 啊!水手,上岸吧 What have you brought for me? 你给我带来什么? Red coral , white coral, 海里的珊瑚, Coral from the sea. 红的,白的。 (Part II) I did not dig it from the ground 它不是我从地下挖的, Nor pluck it from a tree; 也不是从树上摘的; Feeble insects made it 它是暴风雨的海裹 In the stormy sea. 弱小昆虫做成的。 by C. G. Rossetti 【4】THE WIND风 (Part I) Who has seen the wind? 谁曾见过风的面貌? Neither I nor you; 谁也没见过,不论你或我; But when the leaves hang trembling, 但在树叶震动之际,The wind is passing through. 风正从那里吹过。 (Part II) Who has seen the wind? 谁曾见过风的面孔? Neither you nor I; 谁也没见过,不论你或我; But when the trees bow down their heads, 但在树梢低垂之际,The wind is passing by. 风正从那里经过。 ~by C. G. Rossetti 另一首诗人的风之歌 O wind , why do you never rest, 风啊!为何你永不休止Wandering, whistling to and fro, 来来回回的漂泊,呼啸Bring rain out of the west, 从西方带来了雨 From the dim north bringing snow? 从蒙眬的北方带来了雪。【5】THE CUCKOO布谷鸟 In April, 四月里,


优美英文诗歌10首 The Rainy Day The day is cold,and dark,and dreary; It rains,and the wind is never weary; The vine still clings to the moldering wall, But at every gust the dead leaves fall, And the day is dark and dreary. My life is cold and dark and dreary; It rains and the wind is never weary; My thought still cling to the moldering past, But the hopes of youth fall thick in the blast, And the days are dark and dreary. Be still,sad heart! And cease repining; Behind the clouds is the sun still shining; Thy fate is the common fate of all, Into each life some rain must fall, Some days must be dark and dreary. The Seaside Is My Home I live near the sea for years. The billow sound every night, Enlightens me how to be great, And how to look on greatness. Without seeing great mountains, I form no habit of looking up. I live near the sea for years. Too much water, saltier than tears, Floats some directional boats, Or other drifting boats


泰戈尔经典英语诗歌:当时光已逝 When Day Is Done 当时光已逝 If the day is done , 假如时光已逝, If birds sing no more . 鸟儿不再歌唱, If the wind has fiagged tired , 风儿也吹倦了, Then draw the veil of darkness thick upon me , 那就用黑暗的厚幕把我盖上, Even as thou hast wrapt the earth with The coverlet of sleep and tenderly closed , 如同黄昏时节你用睡眠的衾被裹住大地, The petals of the drooping lotus at dusk. 又轻轻合上睡莲的花瓣。 From the traverer, 路途未完,行囊已空, Whose sack of provisions is empty before the voyage is ended , 衣裳破裂污损,人已精疲力竭。 Whose garment is torn and dust-laden , 你驱散了旅客的羞愧和困窘, Whose strength is exhausted,remove shame and poverty ,

使他在你仁慈的夜幕下, And renew his life like a flower under 如花朵般焕发生机。 The cover of thy kindly night . 在你慈爱的夜幕下苏醒。 I am not yours, not lost in you, Not lost, although I long to be Lost as a candle lit at noon, Lost as a snowflake in the sea. 我不属于你,也没有沉迷于你, 没有,尽管我是如此希冀 像正午的蜡烛融化, 像雪花融汇在大海里。 You love me, and I find you still A spirit beautiful and bright, Yet I am I, who long to be Lost as a light is lost in light.
