


On the Association of Animal Words in English and Chinese

Abstract:The cultural meaning of animal words reflects the culture of a nation from a perspective, and the different cultural meanings of animal words in English

and Chinese languages reflect the similarities and differences between these

two cultures. Some reasons account for this phenomena, such as different

cultural background, different customs, different ways of thinking, ect. So,

in my paper I will expound the phenomena from four aspects. The first is

the same animal words with the same or similar associative meanings in

English and Chinese. The second is the same animal words with different

associative meanings in English and Chinese. The third one is the different

animal words with similar associative meanings in English and Chinese.

The last is one animal word has rich associative meanings in one language

but has no associative meanings in the other languages. With the

development of our society, the globalization is becoming an unavoidable

tendency, and human beings contact with each other more and more

frequently. This explains the necessity to understand not only our own

culture but other cultures to facilitate the cross-cultural communication.

Moreover, the animal words play an important role in the culture, so it is

necessary for us to understand the associative meanings of animal words so

as not to make mistakes.

Key words: animal words, associative meanings, intercultural communication













I. Introduction (1)

II.The Associative Meanings of Animal Words (1)

A. The same animal words with the same or similar associative meanings

in English and Chinese (1)

B. The same animal words with different associative meanings in

English and Chinese (3)

C. The different animal words with similar associative meanings in

English and Chinese (5)

D.One animal word has rich associative meanings in one language but

has no associative meanings in the other languages (7)

III. The Causes and Influence of the Association of Animal Words in Cross-Cultural Communication (8)

IV. Conclusion (9)

Works Cited (10)

I. Introduction

With the development of our society, language plays an important role and it records the process of the development of our social civilization. Human and animals co-exist and contact frequently. Therefore, there are a great quantity of animal words and phrases in human languages. And human endow them with certain feelings and meanings according to animals’ appearances, habits, ect. English and Chinese all have long history and rich cultural heritage. In their languages, there are a lot of animal words with associative meanings. The animal words are the summary of human life, the mark of the development of human language and the symbol of the process of human civilization. Our society is developing very fast. The globalization is influencing our life. Western and Chinese cultures communicate with each other frequently. So it is helpful for us to understand and master the associative meanings of animal words.

II. The Associative Meanings of Animal Words

When we talk about associative meaning, we should know what the associative meaning is. As we all know, a word has not only its conceptual meaning, but its associative meaning. The conceptual meaning is the basic meaning of a word. However, the associative meaning not only has the relationship with language, but also has deep relationship with culture. The associative meaning of a word is the extended meanings of it. Its appearance is related to the culture, environment, psychology, ect. So, the associative meaning of a word is the total meanings a person thinks of when they hear or see the word.

A. The same animal words with the same or similar associative meanings in English and Chinese

There are many phrases which contain certain meanings of animal words. It is very easy to understand their forms, and then we can associate the associative meanings of them. It goes without saying that because of the similarity of the ways of thinking, the same animal words may have the same or similar associative meanings.

In English and Chinese languages, people have the same associative meanings to pig. In people’s mind, they think pig is ugly, dirty, lazy, greedy and rough. This is

really unfair. People abuse pig but they eat pork. In Chinese language, there are many phrases about pig, such as “as fat as a pig”, “as lazy as a pig” and so on. These are dirty words which people use them to abuse others. The Pilgrimage to the West is one of the four famous books in China. It is a myth. In this novel, Zhubajie is an ugly, lazy, greedy and lust person and he is very hateful. In English, a pig refers to a greedy, dirty or bad-mannered person. So people always use it to refer to a person who is greedy, lazy and dirty. There are also many idioms of pig which almost have derogatory meanings. For example, “eat like a pig or make a pig of oneself”, “you greedy pig”, “pigs in clover”, “buy a pig in a poke” and so on.

The same case happens to the word wolf in English and Chinese. It is associated with violent, cunning and greedy. In Chinese we can find如狼似虎(ferocious),狼心狗肺(ungrateful),狼吞虎咽(wolf down)狼子野心(wolfish ambition)ect. In English, we meet “wolf down”, “throw to the wolves”, “have a wolf by eats”, “cry wolf”, “wolf in sheep’s clothing”, “a sheep among wolves”and so on. They all express derogatory meanings. Moreover, when a wolf represents a person, it means a man who is always ready to make sexual advances to a woman. So in English, there is a idiom “a wolf whistle” which means a man attracts a woman’s attention with whistle when he sees a beautiful woman on the road. In Chinese people always use “Selang”to express this kind of person.

Fox represents the person who is very cunning. In English, there have “he is a fox, as cunning as a fox”. Fox also has another meaning. It means sexually attractive woman. In Chinese it is a derogatory meaning and it means “Hulijing”who always seduces man. But in English it has the opposite meaning and it means a very beautiful woman.

There are also many other animal words which have the same or very similar associative meanings in English and Chinese. For example, bee symbolizes diligence and the quality of hardworking both in English and Chinese. So we often use the phrase “as busy as a bee” to describe a person who is busy and hardworking. Parrot is a bird which can copy people’s pronunciation. It represents a person who only copies other people and doesn’t have his own opinion. People use ass to describe a person who is stupid and obstinate both in English and Chinese. For instance, “he is rather an ass in some ways”, “make an ass of oneself”

B. The same animal words with the different associative meanings in English and


Because of different cultural backgrounds, the same animal words may produce different associative meanings. This reflects the differences between English and Chinese cultures and embodies the individuality of national cultures. Dragon is the most representative example. In Chinese culture, dragon is a capricious supernatural animal. It is not a real animal but an animal which is imagined by human beings. In ancient China, the imperial King named themselves “Zhenlongtianzi”. Common people thought the dragon as their power of spirit. Now we Chinese people all believe that it is the symbol of Chinese nation. Chinese people not only at home but also abroad all name themselves “the offsprings of dragon”. We can find the image and trace of dragon almost everywhere, such as in painting, sculpture, calligraphy and building. Now dragon has become an immortal spirit and we call this as “dragon culture”. So there are many idiomatic phrases in Chinese. For example, 龙腾虎跃(dragons rising and tigers leaping—a scene of bustling activity),生龙活虎(doughty as a dragon and lively as a tiger),龙飞凤舞(like dragons flying and phoenixes dancing —lively and vigorous flourishes in calligraphy)and so on. These all reflect the associative meanings of dragon in Chinese culture. While in western culture, dragon is the representative of evil. It is the devil incarnation. In the Bible, the great dragon refers to Satan. And the old dragon is devil. In English, dragon also means a fierce bad-tempered old woman. Because the same animal words have different associative meanings. People in western countries want to express the concept of dragon in Chinese, they will say Chinese dragon. In Asia, there are three developed countries and one developed area, Japan, Korea, Singapore and Hong Kong. We call them “Sixiaolong”. In order not to make mistakes in communication, we call them four tigers but four dragons.

Because of the differences of aesthetic appreciation and social psychology, the same animal words will produce different associative meanings in English and Chinese cultures. Some animal words express good meanings in English, while in Chinese they express derogatory meanings, such as dog, owl and so on. Under most conditions, Chinese people think dog is a very disgusting animal. In Chinese, the words which contain dog almost express derogatory meanings, such as 狗仗人势(like a dog threatening people on the strength of its master’s power—be a fully under the protection of a powerful person),狼心狗肺(ungrateful),狗胆包天(monstrous audacity), ect. And people always abuse others with 狗腿子(lackey),癞皮狗

(loathsome creature),狗眼看人低(act like a snob),狗拿耗子多管闲事(poke one’s nose into other people’s business), and so on. In western countries, many people love dog. They raise dogs as their pets and believe dog is man’s best friend. So there are many commendatory phrases which contain dog. For instance, “to be top dog”, “a lucky dog”, “a gay dog”, “as faithful as a dog”, “love me love my dog”, “every dog has its day”, ect. Sometimes, the comparison of dog has obvious derogatory meaning in English, but it is not as strong as in Chinese. For example, “treat someone like a dog”, “live a dog’s life”, “dog eat dog”. In English, people also abuse others by using “you dog”or “a dog in the manger”, but this can not affect the position of dog. Chinese people also like some qualities of dog, such as faithfulness, reliability and cleverness. But they feed dog simply because it is very useful. It can help people to look after their houses.

In China, owl is a bird which always goes out and acts at night. Because its crying sounds sad, people often associate its crying with misfortune and they think owl is the sign of unlucky. While western people consider owl is an intelligent bird and it is the symbol of intelligence. In children’s books and cartoons, the image of owl is calm, serious and clever. When animals dispute something, they will let owl to judge. So, in English, there has the idiom “as wise as an owl”. Because owl is used to acting at night, owl is referred to people who often sit up all night or are used to acting at night in English.

In Chinese traditional culture, bat and happiness have the same pronunciation, people always use it to express good luck. It is the symbol of auspicious and happiness. However, in English culture, people always associate it with ugliness, vampire, darkness and sin. So there are some phrases like “as blind as a bat”, “have bats in one’s belfry”, “like a bat out of hell”, “as crazy as a bat”, ect.

In China, peacock is a bird which is very beautiful and Chinese people think it is an auspicious bird. But sometimes someone who likes himself, we will say he is a peacock. In English, peacock refers to people who are very proud and like to make pretence. So they have the phrases “as proud as a peacock” and “play the peacock”.

Magpie refers to people who like to chatter and babble on and on in English. While in Chinese, it is an auspicious bird. It is the symbol of auspicious and lucky. So in China, when people hear the crying of a magpie, they will believe that some happy event will happen.

Because fish has the same pronunciation with surplus in Chinese, people often

buy the pictures with fish in Spring Festival. This means people have surplus every year and people’s life is better and better. But in English, it describes fish as bad people or bad things. For instance, “a poor fish”, “a loose fish”, “fish in the air” and so on.

Petrel is the example of study in Chinese. A lonely petrel in the rain which is flying over the sea bravely is the example of young people. In 2008 Olympic Games, we have five Olympic Mascots and petrel is one of them. So we can see petrel has an important position in China. In western countries, a petrel in the storm predicts the disaster, trouble and violence will come to someone.

Phoenix is the King of birds in Chinese. People consider male is Feng and female is Huang. In ancient China, when a man woos a woman, this is called Feng woos Huang. Sometimes, phoenix means something very rare and precious. In western countries, phoenix represents reviving in myth.

We are all very familiar with cat. Chinese people like cat because it is very lively and lovely and it can catch rat. So it is very useful. In Chinese culture, it is also the symbol of long life. In some places, when someone walks or drives at night and sees a cat running in front of him, some unfortunate thing will happen to him. In western countries, people think cat does not do anything all day except causing troubles. People hate cat especially black cat. There are many phrases about cat. For example, “no room to swing a cat”, “like a cat on hot bricks”“the cat shuts its eyes when stealing cream” and “the cat out of the bags”.

C. The different animal words with similar associative meanings in English and Chinese

Because of different cultural backgrounds, different animal words have similar associative meanings in English and Chinese cultures. That is, in English and Chinese, different animal words express similar associative meanings. Although in the two languages, they use the different animal words, the animal words express similar associative meanings. These animal words have the relationship with the different history of English and Chinese. Also, this embodies the different cognition to objective things of western and Chinese.

Bull and horse are two totally different animals, but bull in Chinese culture has similar associative meaning with horse in English culture. Chinese is an agricultural civilization on the continent, so bull is a very important animal. Farmers and bull

stayed together every day. Gradually, there formed a deep love for bull in people’s minds. So in Chinese people’s mentality, the image of bull is that it has huge figure, strong body and it is hardworking and selfless. People always speak highly of it. There are a lot of phrases which are used to praise bull, such as 力大如牛(as strong as a horse),钻牛角尖(get into a dead end),对牛弹琴(play the harp to a bull). Luxun has a famous saying “横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子牛(Fierce-browned, I coolly defy a thousand pointing fingers; head-bowed, like a willing ox I serve the youngsters)”which people like to quote very much. Of course, we can find some phrases from myth which express derogatory meanings, such as “牛鬼蛇神(monsters and demons —forces of evil;class enemies of all descriptions)”. But there are just a few. In ancient English, people mainly rely on horse to plough land and bull is seldom used to plough land. People only eat beef and drink milk. In their eyes, they just think bull is their food and it only has weak points. For example, “a bull in a china shop”, “like a bull at a gate”, “throw the bull”. John Bull is the nickname of English. It refers to someone who always acts recklessly and is ridiculous. Therefore, in English language, people use “as strong as a horse” to express someone who is mighty and strong, and use “work like a horse” to describe someone who is hardworking.

In Chinese culture, tiger is always considered to be the King of all animals. Because it is very strong, powerful and fearful. So there are many words or phrases which relate to tiger. For instance, 虎符(a tiger-shaped tally issued to generals as imperial authorization for troop movement in ancient China),如狼似虎(as ferocious as wolves and tigers),如虎添翼(like a tiger that has grown wings—with might redouble),狐假虎威(The fox borrows the tiger’s terror)and so on. While in western countries, lion is always considered to be the King of all animals. The image of lion is brave, fearful and majestic. British people believe lion is the national emblem of Great Britain. The British Lion refers to British. The English King, Charles the first is called the lion-hearted because of his bravery. Therefore, they use lion to express someone who is very famous. For example, “a literary lion”. There are a lot of idiomatic phrases in English which contain lion, such as “the lion’s share”, “as bold as a lion”, “majestic as a lion”. In English, lion symbolizes power. The seal of British royal family is lion and unicorn. And there are many other phrases about lion. For example, “play oneself in the lion’s mouth”, “like a key in a lion’s hide”. When the phrases are translated into Chinese, people is used to replacing lion with tiger.

Sometimes, the same associative meanings may be expressed in different ways in

the animal words of English and Chinese languages. We can find the phenomena in idioms. For example, when we say someone is timid, we will think of “as timid as a rat”in Chinese. Chinese people use rat to describe someone who is timid. But in English, people use rabbit, chicken and pigeon to describe someone who is timid. For instance, “as timid as a rabbit”, “chicken-hearted or pigeon-hearted”.

“害群之马”in Chinese equals to “the black sheep of the family”in English. When we say someone who often talks big words, we will say “吹牛” in Chinese and “talk horse” in English. Moreover, there is an idiomatic phrase “瓮中捉鳖” in Chinese. It equals to “a rat in a hole” in English. “落汤鸡” equals to “like a drowned rat” and “一丘之貉” is said to be “birds of a feather”.

D. One animal word has rich associative meanings in one language but has no associative meanings in the other languages

Different nations have its own language because of the different values, different religions, different aesthetic psychologies, different ways of thinking, different customs and so on. In a way, the particularity of language is the particularity of national culture. Language records the history of a nation. The same animal word has rich associative meanings in one culture, but has no corresponding associative meanings in the other cultures.

Bull had a deep effect on Chinese traditional agriculture and it also plays an important role on Chinese traditional culture. Of course, there are many vocabularies about bull. For example, “老黄牛(a willing ox)”, “吹牛皮(talk horse)”, “钻牛角尖(get into a dead end)”ect. From ancient to now, Chinese people like to compare them to bull.

There are some animal words with associative meanings in English but without associative meanings in Chinese. For example, in English, there are many idiomatic phrases about horse, “back the wrong horse”, “change horse”, “from the horse’s mouth”, “never swap horses while crossing the stream”, “put the cart before the horse”, “work for a dead horse”, “you may take a horse to the water, but you can not make him drink”, “horse doctor”, “horse laugh”and so on. Horse has certain associative meanings in these idiomatic phrases. But it is very difficult to find corresponding associative meanings in Chinese.

As we all know, panda is very lovely and people all like it very much. But it only can be seen in China. Because it is big and walks very slowly, when people say

someone who does something in a slow way, they will say he is like a panda. While in western countries, people almost have not seen a panda because of the environment. So there is no associative meaning of panda in English.

Beaver does not exist in China. So Chinese people only know it is an animal. But in English, “eager beaver” means someone who is hardworking to do something but is impatient in order to fulfill something. When it expresses derogatory meaning, beaver means someone who is very hardworking for the purpose of pleasing his boss.

Crane is the symbol of long life in China. Chinese people often associate it with pine because of the idiomatic phrase “松鹤延年”. Because of the geographical environment, crane does not exist in western countries. So crane does not have associative meanings in English.


III.The influence of the association of animal words in cross-cultural communication

The animal words in English and Chinese cultures not only have the same or similar associative meanings, but also have very different associative meanings and sometimes it is very difficult for us to understand. The American linguist Lade indicates that: “When students learn a foreign language, they may find some points are easy and some are difficult to understand. The points which are similar to native language are very easy to them, while the points which are different from native language are very difficult to understand. Therefore, we should pay more attention to the differences of the associative meanings of animal words in English and Chinese”. From the differences, we can see if we only understand the literary meanings of the animal words and we do not master the associative meanings, we will be prone to make some mistakes in intercultural communication, or we may cause cultural conflict.

A. The differences of associative meanings of animal words in English and Chinese cultures may cause mistakes in cultural communication.

Different understandings of animal words can cause misunderstandings on communicative purpose. For example, people have different understandings on bat in English and Chinese. In English, people are afraid of bat and hate it. When they think of bat, they will associate it with ugliness and evil. So the idioms which are about bat

express derogatory meanings in English, such as “as blind as a bat”. While in Chinese, because of the same pronunciation of bat and happiness, bat represents good luck and happiness, especially red bat. If Chinese people describe someone who is timid, they will use rat or mouse. So when we see the phrase “as quiet as a mouse” in English, we may misunderstand it as “as timid as a rat or mouse”. On the contrary, the meaning of “as quiet as a mouse” refers to someone who is very calm when he meets things in Chinese.

IV. Conclusion

By the comparison of the associative meanings of animal words in English and Chinese, we can see every animal word is not only the representative of the image of the animal, but also some associative meanings because of cultural differences. Meanwhile, the different associative meanings of animal words in English and Chinese produce some deep effect on intercultural communication. Therefore, when we learn English, we should not only master its literal meaning, but also its associative meaning. (Deng and Liu)The associative meaning of a word is different from its literary meaning. For English learners, we should not only master the literary meaning of a word, but we should know its associative meaning. If we do not know its associative meaning, we may make mistakes in communication. We should associate the word with its culture.

Globalization has profound influence on the culture of every nation. We need to communicate with other cultures in the world. And when we communicate with the people who have different cultures, we need to pay more attention to their culture in order to avoid some misunderstandings. Under this condition, it is necessary for us to know the animal words well because of their important position in the culture.

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英汉语言中动物词语的联想意义 On the Association of Animal Words in English and Chinese

Abstract:The cultural meaning of animal words reflects the culture of a nation from a perspective, and the different cultural meanings of animal words in English and Chinese languages reflect the similarities and differences between these two cultures. Some reasons account for this phenomena, such as different cultural background, different customs, different ways of thinking, ect. So, in my paper I will expound the phenomena from four aspects. The first is the same animal words with the same or similar associative meanings in English and Chinese. The second is the same animal words with different associative meanings in English and Chinese. The third one is the different animal words with similar associative meanings in English and Chinese. The last is one animal word has rich associative meanings in one language but has no associative meanings in the other languages. With the development of our society, the globalization is becoming an unavoidable tendency, and human beings contact with each other more and more frequently. This explains the necessity to understand not only our own culture but other cultures to facilitate the cross-cultural communication. Moreover, the animal words play an important role in the culture, so it is necessary for us to understand the associative meanings of animal words so as not to make mistakes. Key words: animal words, associative meanings, intercultural communication 摘要:动物词汇的文化意义从一个角度反映了一个民族的文化,英汉语言中动物词汇的不同文化含义反映出英汉文化的异同。这些不同点的存在有很多原因,比如:不同的 文化背景,不同的习俗,不同的思维方式等等。因此,在我的论文中,我会从四个 方面谈这些不同点。第一个是相同的动物词汇在英汉语言中会产生相同或相似的联 想意义。第二个是相同的动物词汇在英汉语言中会产生不同的联想意义。第三个是 不同的动物词汇在英汉语言会产生相同或相似的联想意义。最后一个就是一种动物 词汇在一种语言中有丰富的联想意义,而在另一种语言中却没有相应的联想意义。 随着社会的发展,全球化已为大势所趋,人们之间的交流越来越频繁。为了适应世 界的发展,我们不仅要知道我们自己的文化,而且要了解其他国家的文化。另外, 动物词汇在语言文化中扮演了重要的角色。所以,为了在跨文化交际中避免犯错误, 了解动物词汇的联想意义对我们来说是很有必要的。 关键词:动物词汇,联想意义,跨文化交际


世界各民族语言中有大量有关动物的习俗语和谚语,这些语言背后蕴藏着深厚的文化积淀,反映不同民族对动物相同或不同的情感态度。文章在前期对中国传统文化中十二生肖动物及其它动物词语研究的基础上,主要对汉语和英语语言中有关动物的成语、习俗语和谚语进行对比分析,从有关动物词语的字面意义出发,探讨挖掘他们的比喻意义、联想意义,寻找出英汉语言中动物词语的共同点和差异,揭示两种语言中动物词语在语义表达上的主要特点。指出英汉语言中包含动物名称的词语语义形成的基础,两种语言中运用动物词语进行语义表达的对等性特点,以及这些包含动物的词语所蕴涵的文化特征。 动物是自然界的一部分,是人类生活中密切相关的重要组成部分。世界各民族语言中出现了大量有关动物的成语、习俗语、格言等词语,它们反映了不同民族对动物的认识,体现人们对动物大致相同或不同的情感态度,因而这些语言中蕴涵着丰富的文化内涵。笔者以中华民族传统的的十二生肖动物为切入点,通过查阅词典、文献资料等,搜集整理了大量含有动物名称的相关词语,在进一步分析对比的基础上,探讨这些词语所表达的各种意义,进而挖掘它们隐含的文化内涵。 一、动物词语的语义基础 之所以在汉语和英语中人们借助动物构成各种语言形式,表达丰富的语言意义,是和其生活地域、生活习性、人与自然关系、文化价值观等因素有关联,有着深厚的语义形成基础。 (一)根据形体、生活习性特征表达的语义 英汉语言都有根据动物的形体生理特点及生活习性所形成的词语。它们形象逼真地反映了这些动物的生活规律,以感性认识为基础,从而引申出一定的语言意义,例如,蛇(snake)是一种爬行动物,体形柔软易弯曲,在行走时,蜿蜒曲折前行,因而英汉语言中都有“蛇行(snake its way through)”。另外蛇能分泌毒液,隐匿于草丛中,因而有“阴险、狠毒”的联想意义,英语中有“a snake in the grass”,比喻伪装成朋友的阴险之人。又如,鸡(cock)的生活习性之一是清早鸣叫,因而汉语中有“闻鸡起舞、雄鸡一唱天下白”等词语,英语中有“cock-crow(黎明)”等词语。[1]260根据“蜜蜂(bee)”、“猪(pig)”、“猴(monkey)”等的生活规律和生理特点,英汉语言中都有“忙碌”、“懒惰”、“精明、淘气”等语义。 (二)根据人们对待动物的情感态度所表达的语义 现实生活中,人们和各种动物发生着各种各样的关系,人们对动物形成一定的情感态度,进而影响到这些动物词语的褒贬意义,赋予语言以丰富的感情色彩。对待某些动物,由于各民族呈现大致相同或完全相同的态度,体现在这些词语上,它们表达相同的语言意义。例如,英汉民族都把“羊(sheep)”看成一种善良、温顺、柔弱的动物,因而在其意义表达中包含了相同的情感态度。汉语中有“像小绵羊一样温和、乖巧”,英语中有“as gentle as a lamb / as meek as a sheep”。“猪(pig)”的生活习性、环境决定了中西文化中都认为猪是懒惰、肮脏的动物,因而有关猪的词语都含有贬义的感情色彩。对待另外一些动物,不同民族由于其生活习惯、民族心理、意识形态及文化价值观的差异,产生截然不同的情感态度。表现在这些词语上,它们呈现不同的、个性化的褒贬语义。例如在对待“鸡(chick)”、“鱼(fish)”、“蝙蝠(bat)”等词语方面,由于这些动物名称发音同“吉(luck)”、“余(abundance)”、“福(happiness)”,因而深受中国人的青睐,被赋予褒义色彩。[2]33-36而在英语民族中则无此谐音,这


试析文化差异与词汇的联想意义 " 论文摘要:文化与语言密不可分,对词汇的解释也一定会体现出民族或文化之间的差异。大体来说,词汇的联想分为五类:内涵意义、社会意义、情感意义、反映意义和搭配意义。本文通过讨论词语的这五种联想意义及影响联想意义的五个主要因素,指出了解这些因素有助于人们更好地掌握所学语言及其文化,避免误解,做一个成功的跨文化交际者。 论文关键词:文化差异联想意义词汇 文化差异是指人们在不同的生态和自然环境下形成的语言、知识、信仰、人生观、价值观、思维方式、道德、风俗习惯等方面的不同。不同的民族在自己的生活环境下,创立了自己特有的文化体系,也被自己的文化所塑造。文化上的差异,尤其是东西方文化差异,导致了人们对同一事物或同一理性概念的不同理解和解释,有时甚至引起误解(于建平,2000)。利奇(Leech)将词语的意义分为概念意义和六种联想意义,即内涵意义、社会意义、情感意义、反映意义、搭配意义和主题意义。语言与文化密切相关,而词汇是语言的基本构成要素,很多词汇往往带有本民族内隐的、特定的文化信息,文化间的差异性则会导致词汇联想意义的不同。本文将从五个方面来讨论影响词汇的

联想意义的因素,分别有地理环境差异、宗教文化差异、社会习俗差异、价值观及历史文化的差异。 1.地理环境差异 以自然现象东风和西风为例,在中国,东风预示着春天的来临,万物复苏。这是由于中国是位于北半球的一个半封闭式内陆国家,东临太平洋,而西北部却是高山戈壁。当西风吹来时,正值中国冬季。此时寒风刺骨,树木凋零。因此,在中国,西风常和悲伤、沮丧、凄凉等感情联系在一起。有意思的是,英国的地理环境于此恰恰相反。在英国,恰恰是西风预示着春天的来临。西风代表着希望、生命力和勃勃活力。这是由于英国地处西半球,西临大西洋,西风从大西洋徐徐吹来,恰似中国的东风,因此汉语中使万物复苏的东风的联想意义和英文中的西风相似。而在英国,东风来自于欧洲北部,经常和寒冷、阴郁等感情联系在一起。与中国的西风有着相似的联系意义。从下面两首诗我们也可以看出这点。古道西风瘦马,夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯。(Cao Shunqing,1988:47) 其次,从季节的角度来看,夏、秋这两个词在中西方有不同的联想意义。英语中autumn这个词常和喜悦、宁静等感情联系在一起。而汉语中秋却常常和悲伤、孤单等感情联系在一起。中国位于亚洲大陆,属大陆性气候,夏天骄阳似火。而从季节的角度来看,英国属于海洋性气候,夏日温暖和煦,与中国的酷热迥然不同,因此英国著名剧作


英汉动物词汇文化内涵的对比分析 摘要:语言与文化密不可分。语言是文化重要的组成部分,又是文化的镜像折射。任何一种语言都体现该语言群体独有的特征。词汇是语言中的最敏感、最活跃、最基本的组成部分。文化对语言的影响主要表现在词汇上。动物词汇几乎是所有语言的一个重要的词汇组成部分,英语和汉语中许多动物词汇都反映各自的文化内涵。随着社会的不断进步,具有明显文化差异的动物词汇不仅在中西文化的交流中起着重要作用,也成为语言学习中不可忽视的一个重要方面。动物和人类的生活息息相关。人们把动物和自然现象、性格、情感联系起来。动物在人类生活中扮演着重要的角色,动物词汇在语言中也具有同样的作用。许多动物已经在人类思维中形成某种象征,并且体现在语言中。动物词汇不仅丰富了语言,也成为文化的重要一部分。由于文化差异,中西方的一些动物词汇有不同的文化内涵。通过对比分析英汉动物词汇的不同文化内涵,探讨了文化的差异导致人们对动物词汇赋予不同的情感和喻义,产生不同的意义。 关键词:动物词汇;文化差异;文化内涵;对比研究 1.引言 词汇是最明显的承载文化信息、反映人类社会生活的工具”。动物词的文化意义是指它随着社会文化的变迁而产生的意义。这种文化是社会赋予词语的引申义、隐喻义、借代义、联想义、象征义、感情色彩、语体色彩以及特有的含义。在人类历史发展的漫长进程中,动物一直与人类保持着密切联系,并对人类的生存与发展产生深刻的影

响。人们常常借动物词汇来寄托和表达人们的情感。由于受历史、习俗、价值观念、宗教信仰等诸方面文化因素的影响,英汉两种语言赋予动物词汇以各自特定的文化内涵承载着不同民族的民族文化特色和文化信息。英汉动物词汇的文化内涵有些是一致的,如fox(狐狸)都用来表达“狡猾”。但由于受民族文化的制约,有些会有偏差,有的甚至大相径庭。以下笔者将从四个方面比较分析英汉动物词汇文化内涵的相似与不同。 2.文献综述 每个词汇都有它自身的含义,当我们使用其隐含或比喻意义时,这些可被称之为词汇的内涵。许力生(2006:129)曾给出定义:内涵指的是单词或短语超出其中心含义所具有的附加意义。他认为这些附加意义显示出人们对单词或短语所指代含义的态度和感受。隐含的反应要更基本、更深刻,而且比外延意义更能决定我们对不同词汇该做出何种反应。因此,内涵体现了理解过程中的价值。 词汇作为语言的基本要素之一,是整个语言系统的骨干。当然,它也是反映文化差异最明显且最广泛的要素。胡文仲(1999)说过,在语言系统的要素之中词汇是最灵活、最直接的一个,它包含了最大量的文化信息,如历史、地理、宗教、风俗习惯、思维方式等。动物词汇是语言的重要组成部分,透过它们可以折射出人类生活的历史发展。由于文化背景,英汉动物词的意义差异较大,比较容易造成理解和表达上的困难。在东西方文化中,动物词汇作为语言重要的一部分,在日常生活中也是不可或缺的。廖光蓉(2000:17)提出动物词产生文化意义的基


颜色是光波作用人眼引起的视觉经验。颜色认知反映在语言上, 就是颜色词。颜色词不仅指称颜色特征 ,还表达主体反映特性。主体反映特性构成颜色词的联想义。联想义是使用词时联想到的现实生活经验,产生的情感反应, 从广义上显示语言集团的社会文化特征 (Leech G. Semantics, Penguin Book, 1977 ) 。 基本颜色的联想词有感觉、情绪和人格特质 3 个维度。每种颜色的联想词可兼有几种维度; 互补的颜色词, 可有相同维度 ; 色彩邻近的颜色词 ,也可有不同维度。这些联想词有两种类型 : ( 1)正价联想词, 表征积极联想意义; ( 2) 负价联想词 ,表征消极联想意义。 颜色词联想有两种方式 : 一是具象联想, 由颜色词联想到具体事物或特征。二是抽象联想,由颜色词联想到抽象意义。男生抽象思维发达 ,偏重抽象联想; 女生形象思维发达,偏重具象联想。 颜色词联想不仅有生理、心理和语言机制 ,还有社会文化机制。 黑色是暗色 ,易引起坏和邪恶联想;白色无色调, 简单 , 给人以纯洁、干净和天真无邪感觉;红色使人兴奋、激动 ,是古代高官服色,于是有高贵、吉利含义 ; 橙色使人想到橙子,想到太阳 ,又想到耀眼,再想到活力;黄色也有贬义 ,有色情联想;绿色象征春天和青春,给人以清新感觉 ,给人希望 ;蓝色使人想到湖海和天空, 给人崇高、遥远、冷静、忧郁感觉;紫色丰厚美丽 ,是尊贵色;棕色让人想到肤色;灰色透明度差 ,使人想到阴沉的天和灰蒙蒙的地 ,给人沉重、压抑和模糊感觉 ,因而获得忧愁、低沉和无生气含义;粉红让人联想到衣服和胭脂 ,联想词也多与人格有关。 彩虹糖是美国家族企业玛氏公司旗下的一款产品,在中国由爱芬食品(北京)有限公司经营。虽然彩虹糖在中国已有10多年历史,但由于新产品推出慢,营销推广少,所以基本上是一个第一提及率不高、不见不买、相对缺乏故事的品牌。不过这一状况自2009年以来悄然改变。2008年10月,玛氏公司以总价230亿美元收购箭牌公司,箭牌作为玛氏旗下子公司独立运作。作为交易的一部分,玛氏将其全球非巧克力糖果品牌转到箭牌名下。随后,在箭牌的指挥下,彩虹糖在中国大陆市场大张旗鼓地展开了宣传攻势。 在这些广告合集中,广告设计者创造性的使用了不同颜色的混合,以及使用拟人的修辞手法,给人带来搞笑的气氛和强烈的购买欲。彩虹糖重新定位品牌,以青


词的联想意义例谈 471800 河南省新安县第一高中游洪钧 在《咬文嚼字》中,朱光潜先生指出:“字有直指的意义,有联想的意义。······直指的意义载在字典,有如月轮,明显而确实;联想的意义是文字历史过程上所累积的种种关系,有如轮外圆晕,晕外霞光,其浓淡大小随人随时随地而各各不同,变化莫测。” 从中我们不难发现,朱先生非常重视也非常喜欢词的联想意义。只是朱先生学识渊博,举的例子距离现实生活稍远一些,使广大同学理解起来“隔”一些。我在此举一些贴近生活的例子,也许对理解词的联想意义有些帮助。 生活中对同一对象的不同称谓,差异微妙,联想意义丰富,用它们来帮助我

的含义。 以上大多数词的联想意义在词典中没有显示,但我们在使用的时候实际上在受着联想意义的制约。比如:普通人很少有人称自己的妻子为“太太”;年轻男子也大都不喜欢被别人称作“小青年”;著名摄影记者刘波为自己的父母拍摄了一组照片,命名为“俺爹俺娘”,很难想象换成“俺爸俺妈”会如何。需要特别说明的是“小姐”一词,由于社会风气的原因,现在它在某种情况下已经成了“坐台小姐”的代名词,几乎没有年轻女子愿意被陌生人称为“小姐”。这实际已证明“小姐”一词的联想意义已经发生很大变化。这也正验证了朱先生的话——“联想的意义是文字历史过程上所累积的种种关系,······其浓淡大小随人随时随地而各各不同,变化莫测。”过去的那些尊贵矜持的小姐,恐怕无论如何不会想到“小姐”称谓的联想意义会出现今天这样的“历史性”变化吧。 阅读文学作品或是写作的时候,朱光潜先生主张“咬文嚼字”,实际上“咬嚼”的是词语的联想意义。可以说,把握住了词的联想意义,才能算是真正把握住了词的理解和运用。所以,我们要重视词的联想意义。 (共1390字)


英语词汇学期末论文 论中英文中动物词汇的文化差异The Cultural Differences of Animal Words in English and Chinese

ABSTRACT Language is the crystallization of human cultural development contains a nation's social consciousness, history, culture, customs and other social characteristics. Different cultural backgrounds and cultural traditions, making the different way of thinking, values, codes of conduct, and lifestyle between Chinese and English. There is much more obvious in animal words. Due to the differences in culture, the two languages, English and Chinese, the cultural connotation and significance given the same kind of animal is generally different. From a linguistic point of view, by contrast of Animal Words in English and Chinese to reveal the cultural differences. KEY WORDS: cultural differences, language


从词汇的联想意义看东西方文化的差异 摘要:文化是解读语言现象的关键因素之一,因此了解文化差异很有必要。本文从词汇联想意义的角度来对东西方文化的差异进行分析。通过从词汇的联想意义来看东西方文化的差异可以使英语学习者对英语词汇的学习有一个更加清晰的脉络,并充分认识到英语的有趣性,使其在英语学习的道路上走得更远。 关键词:联想意义东西方文化差异 一、介绍 词汇语义学(Lexical Semantics),顾名思义,是以词汇意义为研究对象的语义学分支(王寅,P33)。传统语义学把意义分为“概念意义”及“内涵意义”或“联想意义”。“联想意义”分为“伴随意义”“社会意义”“情感意义”“反映意义”“搭配意义”。伴随意义指一个词的概念意义以外的附加意义。它常常反映人们的主观看法,会因人而异,并且会随着时代的变化而变化,因此稳定性较弱(王寅,P35)。例如,home 一词的理性意义是“家“,对大多数人来说,“家“意味着”舒适,安宁,自由自在“,正如英谚所说:“East or west, home is best.”(东也好,西也好,哪儿也没有家最好)。可是对那些感情破裂的夫妻或父母成天吵架的子女来说,“家”可能带有“冷冰冰的”,“令人烦恼的”等联想意义。而文化是指一个社会的整个生活方式,是人类社会生活和精神生活所取得的成就总和,人们的一切言行都自觉不自觉地反映了一定的文化内涵。语言不是真空的,他深深地扎根于人们的文化,并且反映该社团全部的信仰和情感。文化载体是在一定的文化背景中产生的。因此任何语言都浸透着一定的文化内容,体现着一种文化特点。作为词汇附加义的联想意义,更是和文化有密不可分的关系。他的内容鲜明的反映了某种预言的民族文化特征和文化背景。因此,联想意义和文化密切相关。 二、词汇的联想意义对东西方文化的差异的影响 本文章想谈谈词汇的联想意义。要理解词汇的联想意义,必须了解该语言的民族文化,因为同样一个词尽管在两种语言中具有完全相同的概念意义,却往往因民族文化的差异而发生不同的联想意义。词汇是民族文化的载体,有些词甚至由于其深刻的联想意义而失去或淡化了其概念意义。故而考察民族文化差异对词汇联想意义的影响在外语学习中有着不可忽视的重要作用。本文从人类社会和自然社会的词汇方面来探讨东西方文化的差异。 2.1人类社会方面 人类社会方面所包含的范围及其广泛,在这里我要说的有以下两个个方面: 2.1.1价值观念 每个民族都有其独特的价值观念体系,它指引着人们的思想和行为,影响着人们对行为和事物的理解与判断。例如,“个人主义”与“individualism”这两个词。二者的概念意义相同,但在中国,一说到“个人主义”,人们就会联想到“缺乏集体观念,强调个人私利”等。而在欧美人的心目中,“individualism”意味着对自由和个性的追求,有明显的积极的联想意义。造成这种差异的原因在于,在中国,人们推崇集体主义,践行高值低估的自我价值观,把个人主义定义为一切从个人出发,把个人利益放在集体利益之上,只顾自己,不顾别人。如今人们所说的集体主义虽然与原始社会就开始出现集体意识在内涵上有很大的区别,但汉民族从大局出发的传统却从来未被抛弃过(陈俊森,P154-156)。而在西方,个人主义既是一种价值观念和思想体系,也是一种人生哲学。自文艺复兴以来,它所强调的就是个人在社会中的地位和价值,就是个人的意志和自由。它的核心理念是社会要体现个人的意愿,政府要保护个人的利益,个人有权决定自己的一切(董小川,P156)。价值观的不同影响着人们对词汇的联想意


姓名:肖鹏学院:计算机学院班学号:序号: 英汉词汇意义地文化差异对比研究 摘要:语言与文化有着密切地依存关系,词汇是语言系统中最活跃地要素,而语际间地文化差异在词汇这一层面上有着非常充分地体现.本文以一些具体语料分析英汉词汇意义地跨文化差异与思维方式、价值观念等方面地问题.b5E2R. 关键词:词汇文化意义;跨文化差异 语言与文化总是相互紧密地交织在一起.语言是文化地直接表现,外语地学习必然涉及目标语文化( )地学习.目标语( )地使用也要受到目标语文化地制约.不同地民族由于历史、地理、政治制度、风俗习惯、宗教及价值观念等文化方面存在着差异,不同语言之间语言地结构、语义、语言使用等方面也存在着差异.词汇是语言系统中最活地要素,而语际间地文化差异在词汇这一层面上有着非常充分地体现.表达同一理性概念地词,在各自地独特地文化语境中有着附加在词汇本身概念之上地不同地联想意义.这种联想意义反映使用该语言地国家地历史社会文化,民情风俗.这种添加在词基本概念之上地带文化色彩地语义亦称为国俗语义.这种联想意义与词汇本身也许没有必然地联系,而是在说话者(或作者)、听话者(或渎者)地文化知识基础上,在特定地语境中,对一个词所产生地某种特定感受.不同地文化语境中这种联想意义存在差别,若不了解这种差别,就不能完全接受一个词所承受地全部语言信息量,而影响说话者(或作者)与听话者(或读者)之间地交流地顺畅.提出培养学生跨文化交际能力,除了强调培养学生运用语言地准确性外,还强调培养学生对文化差异地敏感性、宽容性和处理文化差异地灵活性,以适应日益广泛地国际交流地需要.在外语教学中,在跨文化交际地实践中,教师应帮助学生了解这种语际间地差异,提高其对语言差异地敏感性,有助于他们更恰当地了解掌握所学地语言地文化,从而增进其交际能力.使其语言使用得更得体.将语言跨文化差异引入教学,对外语教学(包括对外汉语教学),提高学习者地语言使用地有效性和跨文化交际能力起着重要地作用.本文拟就英汉两种语言在词汇层面上地跨文化差异进行对比研究,分析其词汇语义所反映折射出来地不同语言民族地历史社会文化、思维方式、价值观念等方面地差异性,提高语言学习者对目标语文化差异地“敏感性、宽容性、和处理文化差异地灵活性”.p1Ean. 词汇蕴涵地文化差异造成语际间许多对应地词意义不完全对等.英国并不完全等同于中国地“茶馆”;英国里上地“”与法国里喝地“”因酿造材料及工艺不同而有所不同.当一位省长在向来华访问地美国商务代表团团长介绍自己地夫人时说“这是我爱人”,译员不能译为“ .”(而译为“ ”)汉语中地“爱人”是指配偶(丈夫或妻子),而英语中一词“爱人、情人”看作,不宜公开、正式场合谈论.词汇学习不仅仅是记住它们在目标语与源语言之间地对应词,或学习其定义或在上下文中与其它词之间地关系,还要学习其在整个文化语境中地意义关系.DXDiT. .表示颜色地词在英汉两种语境有不同地联想意义: 在西方文化中含有沮丧、消沉或者淫猥、下流之意;而在中国文化中蓝色却表示肃穆、严肃;淫猥,下流色情则用黄色表示,“黄色电影”、“黄色录像带” 英语说成,RTCrp. .而英语中是“黄皮书”,指法国政府发表地报告书.在英语国家常表示气愤、愤怒,危险,如在美国安全警戒级别最高为红色( );在汉语中被用来表示革命、喜庆,大红灯笼、大红喜字、大红花、红对联都给人以喜庆地意象.红,还与妇女有关,如“红粉”( )“红颜”指美女( ),“红闺”或“红搂”指闺房,《红楼梦》地红楼即指女子地闺房.在西方含纯洁、天真无暇之意,新娘要穿白婚纱,是“纯洁地心灵”;是“吉日”;而“白色”在中国文化中用来象征恐怖,象征死亡,中国人在丧葬中活动中用白纸,披麻戴孝用白布,汉语有“白色恐怖”.汉语“戴绿帽子”表示“妻子有外遇地男人”,英语释义为“ ”(不能套用),英语含“幼稚、嫩气、缺乏经验”,(生手、新手);(涉世未深,易上当受骗地人).绿色在汉语中也代表着春天和希


英汉动物词汇文化内涵差异的原因 英汉两种语言是发达的语言,词汇极为丰富,其中与动物有关的词汇极多。动物词汇指表示动物的单词和包括这些单词的短语和其他成语。这些词汇不仅能形象地表现某种品质﹑性格,还可以简洁地描述某些事件及传达某种情绪。在日常生活中,动物词汇由于具有丰富的表现力,经常被人们用来抒发自己的情感,丰富自己的语言,已被融入到各民族的语言中,为人们接受并广泛使用。由于各民族的文化差异,动物被赋予的各种寓意都具有浓厚的民族文化特色及深远的社会历史渊源,英汉语中动物词汇的文化内涵就存在很大差异,体现了其所属群体的文化背景。 英汉两种语言中,通常会出现这样的情况,即一种动物的概念意义(referential meaning)完全相同,而其文化内涵却有明显差异、相互矛盾甚至相反。由于英汉两个民族长期生活在不同的文化背景中,自然而然地对同一动物词产生不同的联想,赋予动物词以更丰富的文化内涵。本文从历史文化、地域文化、习俗文化以及审美价值取向和社会心理方面分析英汉同一动物词汇的文化内涵不对等现象。 (一)因历史文化不同而产生的文化内涵差异 龙在我国历史上是一个图腾形象。在我国传说中,龙是一种能够兴云降雨的神异动物,它集蛇、鸟、马、鹿、鱼、鹰等八种动物于一身,因而它具有这八种动物的本领,能上天,能入地,能在路上走,能在水里游,能在空中飞。中国人都以龙为吉祥如意的象征,并以“龙的传人”而自豪。在我国几千年的历史中,龙有至高无上的地位,一直作为封建专制权力的象征。龙的勇猛和不屈精神也是中华民族所推崇的。正是对“龙”精神的不断发扬光大,形成了中华民族不屈不挠的抗争精神和崇尚正直的道德观念,从而构成民族特有的文化精神和道德规范。因此,在汉语中有关龙的成语就特别多。例如:龙腾虎跃、生龙活虎、龙凤呈祥、望子成龙等许多褒扬之词。 但在西方神话传说中,dragon(龙)是一种巨大的蜥蜴,长着翅膀,身上有鳞,拖着一条长长的蛇尾,能够从嘴中喷火,是邪恶的象征。龙被认为是凶残肆虐的怪物,应予消灭。《圣经》中与上帝作对的魔鬼撒旦(Satan)就被称为the great dragon。现代英语中用dragon喻人常包含贬义,如果把一个女人叫做dragon,意思是她很凶猛,令人讨厌。 (二)因地域文化不同而产生的文化内涵差异 英汉两个民族生活在不同的自然环境中,各属于不同的文明体系,中国属于黄土文明,英国属于海洋文明,因而形成了各具特色的地域文化。英汉两个民族对与其生活息息相关的动物赋予了各自不同的文化内涵和寓意。我国自古就是一个农耕国,“牛”在我国农业史上作为主要农耕工具具有重要作用,是人们劳作不可缺少的工具。因此,牛在我国文化中是一个很受欢迎的形象,人们对牛的情感也反映在语言上。在汉语中有很多带“牛”字的成语都富有褒义色彩,如汗牛充栋,老牛舐犊,老黄牛,孺子牛,壮实如牛等。 相反英语国家的人们不以牛为“农家宝”,而只是“盘中餐”。他们眼中的牛满身缺点,如a bull in a china shop 鲁莽闯祸的人;like a bull at a gate狂怒凶悍;throw the bull胡言乱语。John Bull(约翰牛)是英国人的绰号,这个词在John Arbuthnot(1667-1735)的笔下第一次出现时,指的是一个名叫John Bull的英国人,此人心直口快,行为鲁莽,躁动不安,滑稽可笑。calf(牛犊)、cow(母牛)、buffalo(水牛)的文化内涵也都是贬义的,如calf 比喻呆头呆脑的人;cow比喻肥胖丑陋的人;to buffalo sb.指哄骗某人。 (三)因习俗文化不同而产生的文化内涵差异 英汉民族中都有人养狗,且狗与dog所指称对象完全一致,但英汉民族对养狗的目的和态度很不相同。英语民族养狗不仅是为了用来打猎、看家、而且常常是为了作伴。有的人没有子女,便拿狗来代替,他们的狗能得到相当多的“优待”和“特权”。它们有吃,有穿,还有音乐家专门为之谱写“狗曲”。狗得病时可请兽医,还请心理学家、专科医生来治疗。当主人外出度假时,它们还可以享受“最好的…假期?待遇”。但在汉民族中,这种现象是不可能实现的。而在英语中有很多带“dog”的褒义短语和句子。比如,“Love me, love my dog”指爱屋及乌,“a lucky dog”指幸运的家伙,“Every dog has its day”意为“凡人皆有得意日”,“A good dog deserves a good bone”指有功者应受奖赏,“Help a lame dog over a stile”指雪中送炭、助人于危难之中等。 与西方英语国家的人相比,中国人则更在意狗的奴役性和使役性。中国人养狗的目的主要是用来看门。


目录 一. 文化语境背景不同,联想的意义也不同 (2) 二. 中西方动物词汇的联想意义 (2) 三. 中西方植物词汇的联想意义 (3) 四. 中西方色彩词汇的联想意义 (3) 五.结束语 (4)

从词汇的联想意义看东西方文化的差异 摘要:词汇是语言的基本要素,而语言不仅是文化交流必不可少的工具,还是文化的载体,所以语言和文化密不可分。文化的异同会表现在词语的解释和联想上,由于中西方文化的差异,中英两种语言赋予了其词语特定的文化内涵和不同的联想意义。本文通过对比中西方动物词汇和颜色词汇以及植物词汇的联想来说明东西方文化的差异,让我们更好的掌握语言和文化,避免误解,做一个成功的跨文化交流者。 关键词:词汇文化内涵文化差异词汇的联想 什么叫文化差异?文化差异是指人们在不同的生态和自然环境下形成的语言、知识、信仰、人生观、价值观、思维方式、道德、风俗习惯等方面的不同。我们知道不同的民族在自己的生活环境下,创立了自己特有的文化体系,也被自己的文化所塑造。文化的差异,尤其是中西方文化的差异,导致了人们对同一事物或同一理想概念的不同理解和解释,有时候甚至会引起误解。所以,正确认识词语的意义显得尤为重要。“一个词不仅有直接的、表面上的、词典上的意义,还有内涵、情感牵连涉及许多联想的意义。”(王佐良)由于中西方文化历史发展的渊源不同,孕育文化的土壤不同,语言的词汇意义在社会文化的交流过程中,熏染上了民族文化的个性色彩,因此语言的词汇意义除了它具体的意义以外,还具有色彩斑斓的联想意义和内涵意义。 一. 文化语境背景不同,联想的意义也不同 人类的文化,有共性的一面,同时也有个性的一面。共性来自人们共同生活的一个客观世界以及相同的大脑机制这一事实,个性则来自于各民族不同的文化背景,包括生存背景、价值取向、风俗习惯、宗教信仰、思维方式等方面,这些文化的差异会使同一个词汇在不同的文化语境中产生出不同的特定的联想意义。 二. 中西方动物词汇的联想意义 动物,在一个民族的文化中,往往蕴含着丰富的情感色情,扮演着重要的角 色。但是,在不同的文化背景和文化语境中,即使是对用一个动物词汇,人们也会有不同的理解和联想。比如,在汉文化中,人们习惯性的把与狗相关的词语都划成贬义,如“走狗”、“狗腿子”、“狗东西”、“狗急跳墙”、“狗咬吕洞宾”、“狗嘴里吐不出象牙”等等。但是,与此相反的是,在西方文化中,却视狗为忠诚的伴侣,爱狗如子,在下列英语成语、谚语中,“狗”都带有褒义的色彩:a lucky dog (幸运儿)/ Barking


龙源期刊网 https://www.360docs.net/doc/08300784.html, 英汉语言中动物词汇的比较研究 作者:黄靖 来源:《现代交际》2012年第01期 [摘要]语言是社会的产物、文化的载体。语言的形成是在不同的历史条件、地理环境和文化背景下实现的,因而其往往承载着一定的民族文化特色和文化信息。动物词汇作为语言学习中不可忽视的重要方面,除了其本身所具有的意义外,还承载了特定的文化内涵。本文通过对比分析英汉语言中的动物词汇,揭示中西方动物词汇文化内涵的差异,意在促进学生学习英语的积极性和提高他们运用英语进行交际的能力。 [关键词]动物词汇文化内涵对比研究 [中图分类号]H0 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1009-5349(2012)01-0032-02 语言作为文化的载体和交流的工具,记录着人类社会文明发展的进程,任何一种语言都体现了该语言群体独有的特征。文化对于语言的影响则主要体现在词汇上。美国语言学家Carol R.Ember曾说过,语言能够通过词汇来反映与之相对应的文化,因此,所有的文化都会在词汇中留下痕迹。作为词汇的重要组成部分,动物词汇蕴含着丰富的文化信息,是民族文化的重要组成部分,于是,对其的研究也日益受到学者的关注。 动物是人类的朋友,在人们的生活中扮演着重要的角色。随着科学的发展,人们对动物的了解逐渐加深,人们常把动物和自然现象、情感态度以及性格联系起来,或褒或贬。由于东西方文化的差异,英汉两种语言赋予同一动物的文化内涵一般是不一样的,这就使得在跨文化交际中,来自不同文化群体的双方极易发生误解,进而产生交际的障碍。本文选取了一些有代表性的动物词汇进行分类研究,试图深入比较其在英汉语言中文化内涵的差异,意在提高我们对于文化差异的敏感度,最终成功进行跨文化交际。 一、相同的动物词汇蕴含着相似的文化内涵 虽然东西方文化间存在着巨大的差异,但是由于某些动物身上具有的相同特征,不同文化群体中的人对于这类动物词汇也会产生相同的心理。 例如“狐狸”一词,无论是在汉语还是英语中,它通常都包含“狡猾奸诈”之意。汉语中,当人们指代老谋深算的一类人时,通常喜欢用“老狐狸”形容;同样的,英语中也有同样含义的表达,如“He is as cunning as a fox(他狡猾的像只狐狸)。又如汉语中“狼”被用来指代“凶狠残暴”亦或是“好色的男人”,而英语中也有相同含义的表达,如“a wolf in a sheep’clothing(披着羊皮的狼)”“a-wolf-whistle(调情口哨)”。类似的表达还有:as venomous as snakes(蛇蝎心肠), as busy as a bee(像蜜蜂一样勤劳)。


一、联想意义的不稳定性 联想意义不是词语本身所固有的而是一种附加在理性意义之上的意义,它可以因人而异,因时而异,并因国籍、民族、种族、信仰、审美观点、观点、阶级立场、职业、个人经历等等的不同而异,例如,home 一词的理性意义是“家“,对大多数人来说,“家“意味着”舒适,安宁,自由自在“,正如英谚所说:“East or west, home is best.”(东也好,西也好,哪儿也没有家最好)。可是对那些感情破裂的夫妻或父母成天吵架的子女来说,“家”可能带有“冰冷冰的”,“令人烦恼的”等联想意义。再如,同一个New York(纽约市),有人爱他,认为它是天堂;也有人恨她,认为它是地狱。这都是因为不同的New York一词在他们心目中使会有截然不同的联想。例如,美国记者Caskie Stinnett在决定迁出他曾经生活十年之久的New York 时写过一篇题为Farewell,My Unlovely的文章,表达他对New York的感受,文章里有这样一段话:“The sad aspect of my departure was that there was so little sadness c onnected with it (New York),and after ten years it seemed to me that I should have looked back with some slight mistiness in my eyes .A lot of literature has been written on this subject-the disenchanted New Yorker-and I have read much of it, but none of the cases seems to fit precisely my feelings about the city. I do not hate New York ; there is really nothing there to hate and certainly very little to love. It is city of indifference, and that is the problem. I found I could only give indifference in ret urn.”(College English,第三册). 对Caslie Stinnett来讲,尽管在New York生活十年之久,但这座城市并未给他留下任何特殊感情,有的只是令人失望的冷漠。由于再也无法忍受这种冷漠,他决定离开New York.在他心目中New York是一个冷漠的城市。他对New York 产生的这种联想完全是由他自己的亲身经历和感受所决定的。由此可见,由于联想意义可以因人因时而异,所以对一个词所附加的意义就可增可减,从而表现出联想意义的不稳定性。:英语中的American Dream(美国梦),指美国标榜的立国精神,人人自由和机会均等;Cheesecake(奶酪蛋糕),指女性健美照;beefcake(牛肉蛋糕),指男性健美照;Halfway house (中途的房子),指康复医院;blue boy(蓝色的男子),指经过变性手术,由男性转变为女性的人;Pink Lady(红妆女人),指一种鸡尾酒名等等。还有些词语则源于宗教、神话、传说、风俗习惯等。英语中有些动物词的文化内涵汉语中是没有的。英语中swan(天鹅)用来指才华横溢的诗人。根据希腊传说,音乐之神阿波罗的灵魂进入了一只天鹅,由此产生毕达哥拉斯寓言:所有杰出诗人的灵魂都进入天鹅体内;oyster(牡蛎)指沉默寡言的人。据说英国肯特郡产的牡蛎最好,而最好的牡蛎总是口闭得紧紧的;beaver(河狸)指为讨好上司做事过于卖力的人。河狸主要产于北美洲,活动积极,在啮树筑巢方面有很高的技艺和独创性,因此有eager beaver(卖力的河狸)之称,常用来喻指“急于做成某事而特别卖力。但有点急躁的人”,略带有贬义。汉语中的一些词语在英语中也属词汇空缺。例如:粽子、观音、玉兔、青鸟、土地庙、中山装、旗袍、红眼病、红杏出墙、绿色人生等等,这些具有中国独特文化内涵的词汇,在英语中也很难找到对应的词汇。 Mr Brown is a very white man. He was looking rather green the other day. He has been feeling blue lately. When I saw him, he was in a brown study. I hope he"ll soon be in the pink again.(布朗先生是一位忠实可靠的人。那天他脸色不好。近来他感到闷闷不乐。我见到他的时候,他显得心事重重。我希望他早点振作起来。) 二、联想意义和文化密切相关 文化是指一个社会的整个生活方式,。是人类社会生活和精神生活所取得的成就总和,人们的一切言行都自觉不自觉地反映了一定的文化内涵。语言不是真空的,他深深地扎根于人们的文化,并且反映该社团全部的信仰和情感。萨丕尔(Spir)指出“语言不能脱离文化而存在”。心家奥斯古得(Osgood)认


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