




Kate Chopin, also known as Kate Chopin, American writer, whose name is Katherine O'Flaherty.

From 1889 to 1902, she wrote short stories for adults and children, published in the magazine "Atlantic Monthly", "Fashion", "Century" and "Hubble Youth Handbook". The main works are "Hekou people" (1894) and "Arcadia Night" (1897) two short stories. The important short story contains "Dai Ze Lei's baby", its content for the Southern War before the territory of the territory of the story of interracial intermarriage. Another "one hour story" and "storm".


Chopin also created two novels: "blame" (1890) and "awakening" (1899), both of which are located in New Orleans and the Big Island. Her novels are usually all residents of the state, most of the works set and Luzhou in the north of the Nazi Intuit related. At that time, literary critics thought that Chopin always expressed her concern for women in her works.

Most of the works are based on the Louisiana state Creole. Has been recognized as a pioneer of 19th century feminist writers. Born in St. Louis, USA. The father died when she was four years old, and then she grew up by her family from Creole (grown up in the West Indies and European descent from all over South America). She married Oscar Chopin in 1870, a cotton businessman. They lived in New Orleans, Louisiana, and then moved to a large farm and French-speaking Arcadians lived together. After 1882 her husband died, Chopin returned to St. Louis with six of her children. Friends encouraged her to write. She published the first novel at the age of forty,

"Fault" (At Fault 1890). Her short stories began to appear in Century and Harper's Magazine. And then published two anthologies: "Bayou Folk 1894" and "A Night in Arcadie 1897". The last major works include the short film "A pair of Silk Stocking", and the subsequent novel "The Awakening 1899" is her masterpiece. But because of the novel to adultery sympathy tone depicts the heroine "sexual consciousness" awakening, boldly show her pursuit of extramarital love of love, a novel published in the American literary world caused a great uproar, shocked the nation's book reviewers and readers. In St. Louis, the novel was removed from the bookshelves of the library and accused it of being "a sexy woman in the fall" story, and even dismissed it as a book "should be classified as drugs" so that Chopin himself Was canceled by St. Louis Arts & Crafts. At the end of 1899, her publisher also refused to publish her third collection of short stories. Chopin felt that he was excluded in the field of literature, so in the last years of her life, the author himself was forced to stop writing, and then never again.

Living in the second half of the 19th century, she was known as "the pioneer of American feminist literary creation."


At the end of the nineteenth century, Chopin tried to describe women's feelings and emotions in relation to men and children and their own sexual desire. This is considered to be offended by the then high society readers. After the death of her mother in 1885, she stopped the practice of Catholicism and began to accept Darwinism's view of human evolution. In nature rather than in the church to seek God, Chopin a lot of description of the theme of love and love. She is sad for the American writers, that the environment caused by the limitations of art hindered a complete and instinctive narrative. Those works that challenge traditional social

behavior, such as "one hour story", are often rejected by magazine editors. However, more than half a century later, feminist critics have vigorously advocated.



Kate Oufu Lahti was born in St. Louis, Missouri. Father Thomas Amo Lahti is a successful businessman who moved from the Irish Galway, whose mother Eliza Farley was the descendant of the Church of Saint Louis, the descendants of Athena Isaac Chalville was descendants of French Canadians, part of the ancestors of the first European immigrants to prince Alabama of Alabama.

Kate's father in 1855 (when Kate was only five years old), to the identity of the builder of the pacific Railway Company to participate in the first run of the railway, the train through the mouth of the gas (Gasconade River), due to the collapse of the bridge and killed. In the year, Kate entered St. Louis's Catholic Church at the Sacred Heart.

After his father's death, Kate and mother, great-grandmother relationship increasingly close. Began to diligent reading fairy tale, poetry, religious care and classical, contemporary novels. Walter Scott and Charles Dickens are her favorite writers.

1863 was the cause of the Kate family; the great grandparents and his half-brother, George Oufulahti, had died (Kate's father's wife, that is, George's mother, had died, and Kate's mother was much younger than his father.) George Oufulahti was a soldier of the American League, who died of malaria during the prisoners of war. Kate so leave school, more buried in the book world.

In 1865 Kate re-school, began to record notes Notes, 1868 from the Sacred Heart College graduate. Has not yet made significant achievements

- but the story of the skills to enhance a lot.

Rough period

In 1869, Kate was twenty years old, married Oscar Chopin, settled in New Orleans. In 1879 the Oscar of the cotton industry failed, the family moved to the south of Nachteci Chalville, operating the planting and grocery stores. They are gradually active in the community, Kate has absorbed many of the future writing of the material, especially with the local Creole culture. Their residence at Highway 495 (built by Alice Cucker in the early part of the century) has now become a national historical site and also the location of the people's museums.

Oscar died of malaria in 1882, leaving $ 12,000 in debt (about $ 229,360 in 20xx). Trying to operate independently for farming and grocery stores, but it is difficult to see results. She gradually with a woman with a husband of the relationship.

Mother begged her to move back to St. Louis, Kate and his children in St. Louis settled down, his family slightly pick up. The following year, the mother died.

When Kate suffered from a nervous breakdown, the doctor advised her to write a gentle mood. She accepted the proposal, and soon re-found her story telling the talent.

Writing period

In the late 1890s, Kate created short stories, prose and engaged in translation, works scattered in magazines, such as "St. Louis Express." She has been recognized as a native writer, but literary talent has been ignored.

In 1899 the second novel "awakening" was published, and was criticized at the same time by literature and morality. This book is Kate's most famous work, the content is about a dissatisfaction with the marriage of his wife.

Has been out of print for decades, has now re-pay Azusa. And the importance of the literary status of early feminist works.

Kate was criticized by criticism and turned to short story creation. 1900 was written as "New Orleans gentleman", the article is the first edition of the annual income of the "gentleman recorded." However, she never wrote much about the proceeds, still dependent on the investment in Luzhou and St. Louis.

August 20, 1904 Kate visited the St. Louis World Expo period, due to the fall of the wind, died two days later, fifty-four. She was buried in St. Louis's Liquan and Cross Cemetery.

Kate Chopin has been named St. Louis's gallery.


肖邦钢琴艺术学校简介 肖邦钢琴艺术学校成立于2002年春,是了宁省音乐家协会支待,铁岭市教育局批准成立的非学历性艺术类培训学校。 艺术教育历来为中外教育家所重视,它不仅可以改变人的局部行为,而且能对人的心灵产生深远的潜移默化的影响。使孩子们从小远离种种低级趣味的环境,成为心理健康,道先品质高沿行为理性的人 肖邦钢琴艺术学校的办学理念是“培养创造未来艺术家。”这里有着肥沃的艺术土壤,所有的孩子都能得到细化的培养和精心的呵护,使其喜爱音乐、热受艺术,学校以钢琴的教育为载体,通过严谨的钢琴艺术训练,为学生打下坚实的专业基础,为孩子得来的发展和今后走向社会做好充足的准备,也许孩子在这里不能马上成为艺术家,但完全可以得到成为艺术家所需的一切养分, 学校会根据学生的不同基础和特点有针对性的制定教学计划,循循善诱,因材施教。我们的教学理念是,注重每一个技术的运用,发掘每一个音符的()。精彩的呈现每一节课,用心珍惜每一分钏的交流,使孩子在轻松愉悦的环境中达到最佳的学习效果。 为保证每位学生都受到良好的教育,获得最佳的学习氛围。学校教师均为沈阳音乐学院,沈阳师范大学,东北大学,辽宁大学,沈阳大学,辽哥等知名学府的专家、教授、讲师及著名演员。 本校自建校以来,砸到年时间里,向全国各大院校输送了大批卖店业人才。30余人考和省级以上大学,近40余人获得省、国家及国院专业比赛的优秀名次。受到了社会各界人士及家长、学员的好评。

在2006年,我校被音乐学院本科,附中设为招生考试培训基地。2009年我校又建立高考美术培训基地,并邀请到鲁美学院知名教授讲师及著名画家亲自授课。我们坚信,在全体师生共同努力下,肖邦钢琴学校还会创造出更多辉煌的成绩,培养出更多优秀艺术人才,为社会及艺术殿堂做出更大的贡献!生活充满了色彩,但是蒙着一层雾需要你的拨开 这里是艺术的殿堂,这里有音乐与美术最美的交融! 欢迎你们,广大的青少年朋友们! 欢迎你们,钢琴艺术的爱好者! 欢迎你们,美术艺术的追随者! 铁岭市肖帮钢琴艺术学校欢迎你!


凯特肖邦英文简介 本文是关于凯特肖邦英文简介,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 凯特·萧邦简介 Kate Chopin, also known as Kate Chopin, American writer, whose name is Katherine O'Flaherty. From 1889 to 1902, she wrote short stories for adults and children, published in the magazine "Atlantic Monthly", "Fashion", "Century" and "Hubble Youth Handbook". The main works are "Hekou people" (1894) and "Arcadia Night" (1897) two short stories. The important short story contains "Dai Ze Lei's baby", its content for the Southern War before the territory of the territory of the story of interracial intermarriage. Another "one hour story" and "storm". 凯特·萧邦轶事典故 Chopin also created two novels: "blame" (1890) and "awakening" (1899), both of which are located in New Orleans and the Big Island. Her novels are usually all residents of the state, most of the works set and Luzhou in the north of the Nazi Intuit related. At that time, literary critics thought that Chopin always expressed her concern for women in her works. Most of the works are based on the Louisiana state Creole. Has been recognized as a pioneer of 19th century feminist writers. Born in St. Louis, USA. The father died when she was four years old, and then she grew up by her family from Creole (grown up in the West Indies and European descent from all over South America). She married Oscar Chopin in 1870, a cotton businessman. They lived in New Orleans, Louisiana, and then moved to a large farm and French-speaking Arcadians lived together. After 1882 her husband died, Chopin returned to St. Louis with six of her children. Friends encouraged her to write. She published the first novel at the age of forty,


太多著名的音乐家了,我挑了我喜欢的莫扎特 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (27 January 1756 – 5 December 1791) was a prolific and influential Austrian composer of the Classical era. His more than 600 compositions include works widely acknowledged as pinnacles of symphonic, concertante, chamber, piano, operatic, and choral music, and he is among the most enduringly popular of classical composers. Mozart was born in Salzburg into a musical family and showed indications of prodigious abilities at a very young age. When he was five years old, he could both read and write music and had precocious skills as a keyboard and violin player. Much of his childhood and adolescence was taken up with tours, which included performances before many of the royal courts of Europe. In 1773, aged 17, he accepted a post as a court musician in Salzburg, but was unhappy with his low pay and limited opportunities. Over the next eight years, he frequently traveled in search of a better position and composed abundantly. This situation continued until his dismissal from Salzburg in 1781 by his employer, the Prince-Archbishop, and his subsequent departure for Vienna. He spent the rest of his busy life in Vienna, where he achieved relative fame. However, his finances remained precarious, with periods of prosperity and of penury. In 1782, he married Constanze Weber against the wishes of his family; six children were born, of whom two survived infancy. Musically, this was a period of outstanding creativity which saw the production of many of his best known symphonic, concertante and operatic works, and his final, incomplete Requiem. The circumstances of his death, at the age of 35, have been much mythologized, but were most likely commonplace. In his youth, Mozart had used his gifts of imitation and mimicry to learn from the works of others. From these lessons, in maturity, he fashioned a style that ranged in mood from the light and pleasant to the dark and violent, from a vision of humanity "redeemed through art, forgiven, and reconciled with nature and the absolute". His influence on all subsequent classical music has been profound. Beethoven wrote much of his early music in Mozart's shadow. Joseph Haydn, sometime mentor and later friend and admirer, wrote, "Posterity will not see such a talent again in 100 years". Others claim that, more than two centuries after his death, his talent remains unsurpassed.


最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 福克纳小说中的圣经意象 2 从玛丽沃斯通克拉夫特的女性主义观点看《傲慢与偏见》的女性形象塑造 3 《还乡》中哈代的自然观 4 A Research on the Translation of the Chinese Dish Names 5 论英语称谓语中的性别歧视现象 6 词块法在高中英语写作教学中的应用 7 国际商务函电的礼貌原则研究 8 Saussure’s Five Contributions to Linguistic Study and Its Modern Applications 9 分析课堂教学中的肢体语言 10 历史与个人叙事:拉什迪《午夜之子》的后殖民解读 11 浅析“红”和“黑”在中英文中的文化及语义对比 12 论《格列佛游记》的社会意义 13 论东西方文化中的体态语差异 14 从语用角度探讨汉译英公示语 15 目的论视角下英语外贸函电汉译的研究 16 浅析苔丝之死 17 从《穿靴子的猫》看美国动画电影中的英雄主义 18 《第十二夜》中女性人物特征分析 19 《夜色温柔》男主人公迪克的精神变化研究 20 《天黑前的夏天》中女主人公凯特的自我救赎之路 21 从《嘉莉妹妹》看现代女性的自我实现 22 从尤金?奈达的功能对等理论角度论网络流行语的可译与不可译 23 中国英语学习者道歉言语行为的中介语石化现象 24 汉语喜剧小品中的模因现象研究 25 高中英语新课标在xx中实施情况调查与分析 26 文化负迁移对翻译的影响 27 从异化归化角度看汉语四字词组的英译策略—以中国苏州古典园林为例 28 论《海上扁舟》中的美国自然主义 29 论《傲慢与偏见》中简奥斯丁的女性意识 30 DOTA游戏英雄名称汉译策略 31 二战后美国摇滚乐的发展及影响 32 从目的论看《红楼梦》中成语的翻译


[美]凯特·肖邦《一小时的变故》小说阅读训练及答案 一小时的变故[美]凯特·肖邦 亲友们都知道马拉德太太的心脏有问题,因此,在向她透露她丈夫的死讯时,十分小心,尽量婉转。 是她姐姐约瑟芬告诉她的,话说得吞吞吐吐、遮遮掩掩。她丈夫的朋友理查兹也在她身边。报社收到了铁路事故的消息时,他正好在那里。布伦特里·马拉德的名字在“遇难者”名单的最前面。为了把真相弄清楚,他只是根据另外一份电报把出事时间记了下来,就抢在其他不太小心、不够体贴的朋友之前捎来这一不幸的消息。 要是别的妇女遇到这种情况,一定是目瞪口呆,无法接受这一现实,而她却不一样。她立刻扑倒在姐姐的怀里,号啕大哭起来。当一阵悲哀消退之后,她独自一人走进自己的房间里,不愿让任何人跟着她。 卧室的窗户开着,窗前摆着一把宽大、舒适的安乐椅。她筋疲力竭地一屁股坐进椅子,疲惫缠着她的身子,似乎就要触及她的灵魂。 屋前空旷的广场上,春意盎然,新春骚得树梢颤栗。空气中弥漫着春雨芬芳的气息。楼下沿街叫卖的商贩正吆喝着兜售商品。远处有人在唱歌,曲调隐隐约约地传入她的耳朵。屋檐下,无数麻雀唧唧喳喳地叫着。 窗户的西面,朵朵云彩相互交汇,一朵堆积在另一朵的上方。透过云层,片片蓝天随处可见。 她静静地坐在椅子里,头枕在靠垫上,只有当一阵呜咽涌上她的嗓门时,她才动一动,像一个哭睡着了的孩子在梦中还在啜泣一样。 她还很年轻,面容白皙、安详。脸上的皱纹显示出一种压抑,甚或是某种力量。但是,此刻她目光呆滞,茫然地直盯着远方的一片蓝天。这不是思索的目光,而是理智的思考暂时停止活动的征象。 某种东西正在向她逼来,她等待着,诚惶诚恐地等待着。等待着什么呢?她不知道。这种东西太微妙,太难以捉摸,她说不清楚。但她感到它正在空中蔓延,它穿过弥漫于空气中的声音、气味和颜色慢慢地逼近她。 此刻,她内心骚动不安。那种向她逼近、将要缠住她的东西在她的脑海里越来越清晰了。她正努力凭着自己的意志来抗击它,但是她无能为力,她的意志力如同她那双白皙纤细的手一样无力。 她干脆任其自然,这时一个轻如耳语般的词从她那微启的双唇中逃逸出来。她屏住呼吸一遍又一遍地重复着:“自由,自由,自由!”那茫然而随后变得惶恐的目光从她的眼中消失了。现在,她两眼炯炯有神,闪闪发光。她心跳加快,热血沸腾,周身无一处不畅快。 她并没有停下来扪心自问一下,是否是一种可怕的欢娱在控制着她。十分清晰的是,一种昂

《100首肖邦最著名的作品》(Chopin 100 Supreme Classical Masterpie Rise of the Masters )专辑介绍

专辑英文名: Chopin 100 Supreme Classical Masterpie : Rise of the Masters 专辑中文名: 100首肖邦最著名的作品 艺术家: Various Artists 古典类型: 室内乐 版本: [iTunes Plus AAC] 发行时间: 2011年 地区: 美国 语言: 英语 简介: 发行厂牌:X5 Music Group 演奏:群星 专辑介绍:

伟大的波兰音乐家。年少成名,后半生正值波兰亡国,在国外渡过,创作了很多具有爱国主义思想的钢琴作品,以此抒发自己的思乡情、亡国恨。其一生不离钢琴,被称为“钢琴诗人”。1837年严辞拒绝沙俄授予他的“俄国皇帝陛下首席钢琴家”的职位。舒曼称他的音乐象“藏在花丛中的一尊大炮”,向全世界宣告:“波兰不会亡”。肖邦晚年生活非常孤寂,痛苦地自称是“远离母亲的波兰孤儿”。他临终嘱咐亲人把自己的心脏运回祖国。(摘自百度百科) https://www.360docs.net/doc/0d11515240.html,/file/e7ortgw0#[longqi@2000]Chopin---100-Supreme-Classi cal-Masterpie.rar 专辑曲目: 01. Four Ballades: Ballade No. 1 in G Minor, Op. 23: Largo 02. Four Ballades: Ballade No. 2 in F Major, Op. 38: Andantino 03 .Four Ballades: Ballade No. 3 in A-Flat Major, Op. 47: Allegretto 04 .Four Ballades: Ballade No. 4 in F Minor, Op. 52: Andante con moto 05. Nocturnes, Op. 9: No. 1 in B-Flat Minor 06 .Nocturnes, Op. 9: No. 2 in E-Flat Major 07. Nocturnes, Op. 9: No. 3 in B Major 08. Nocturnes, Op. 15: No. 1 in F Major 09. Nocturnes, Op. 15: No. 2 in F-Sharp Major 10. Nocturnes, Op. 15: No. 3 in G Minor 11. Nocturnes, Op. 32: No. 1 in B Major 12. Nocturnes, Op. 32: No. 2 in A-Flat Major 13. Nocturnes, Op. 48: No. 1 in C Minor 14. Nocturnes, Op. 48: No. 2 in F-Sharp Minor 15. Nocturnes, Op. 55: No. 1 in F Minor 16 .Nocturnes, Op. 62: No. 1 in B Major

肖邦作品目录 英文版

Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin, 1810年3月1日,生于华沙郊区热拉佐瓦沃拉,1849年10月去世,享年39岁 Frédéric François Chopin(法语) 伟大的波兰音乐家作曲家 Op.1 - Variations Concertantes on a Theme of Krumpholz for Violin & Piano Op.2 - Brilliant Rondeau on the Cavatine de Carafa for Piano 4-Hands Op.3 - Brilliant Fantasy and Variations on "Romance of Blangini" for Piano with String Accompaniment Op.4 - Le Souvenir, Variations Op.5 - Grand Rondeau No.1 in C Major Op.6 - Waltz or Exercises Op.7 - Piano Sonata No.1 in Ab Major Op.8 - Amicitiae, Andantino with Variations Op.9 - Variations Brillant & Facile on a Favorite Theme Op.10 - Brillant Grand Sonata in C minor for Piano 4-Hands Op.11 - Brilliant Divertissement for Piano 4-Hands Op.12 - Variations on Schubert's Trauer-Walzer D.365 No.2 (Solo & Duet Versions) Op.13 - Piano Sonata No.2 in A minor Op.14 - Brilliant Variations on an Austrian Waltz Op.15 - Recreation for the Carnival, Brilliant Choice of Waltz and easy: 2 Books Op.16 - Introduction and Variations on "O cara memoria" Op.17 - Brilliant Rondo on a favorite Menuet of C. Kreutzer (Alternate Title: Fantaisie de A. Delaseurie sur un Air Suisse) Op.18 - Brilliant Grande Polonaise Op.19 - Variations of a Barcarole Favorite Op.20 - Introduction and Variations on a Marche favorite della Donna del Lago Op.21 - Introductions and Variations on a Cav. Favorite "Sorte secondami" Op.22 - Rondino No.1 on "Cara attendimi" Op.23 - Brillant Rondo No.2 in G Major for Piano 4-Hands Op.24 - Presto Caratteristico, Duet in A minor Op.25 - Brilliant Variations on "Ah come nancondere" for Piano 4-Hands Op.26 - Rondo quasi Capriccio in Eb Major Op.27 - Fantasy in Bb Major Op.28 - Piano Concerto in F Major Op.29 - Rondino No.2 on a Theme de l'Opera Corradino Op.30 - Rondino No.3 on a Theme de l'Opera Armida Op.31 - 3 Fugues Op.32 - New Year's Gifts, 24 Waltzes Op.33 - La Ricordanza, Variazioni sopra un Tema di Rode Op.34 - Duet after the 1st Trio of Mayseder for Piano 4-Hands Op.35 - Waltz di Bravura Op.36 - Impromptus & Brilliant Variations on Cotillon de Ballet Arsena Op.37 - Fantasy followed by a Romance varied Op.38 - 1st Grand Potpourri Concerto for 2 Pianos 6-Hands Op.39 - Rondino No.4 on a Theme by Fesca


包头师范学院 本科毕业论文 An Analysis of Kate Chopin’s The Awakening from the Point of Ecofeminism 从生态女性主义角度分析凯特·肖邦的《觉醒》 学生姓名:罗庆霞 学院:外国语学院 专业:英语 班级:2 0 0 9级本科6班 指导教师:钟豆梅 二○一三年五月

Abstract Kate Chopin is widely recognized as an outstanding American writer, for she is one of the few women writers who bravely attacks the male-centered society of the nineteenth century in their works. Her masterpiece The Awakening, created at the end of the nineteenth century when the patriarchal ideology prevailed, mainly depicts the female protagonist Edna’s awakening of the selfhood. It is worthy of the recognition as a canon of feminist literature. This writer intends to analyze The Awakening from an ecofeminist point of view. In the first part, the paper gives introduction on the author Kate Chopin and the book. The second part describes the general survey of the ecofeminism development and the main viewpoint of ecofeminism. The third part explains the relationship between man and nature from an ecofeminism point of view. It explains that people just want to get profit by controlling and destroying nature. However, female care about the nature more than male. They sympathize animals and they like nature. The fourth part mainly talks about three different females in this novel. They lived in the same period of time, but they had different lives. The last part makes a conclusion. Key words: ecofeminism; nature; awakening; woman

小学英语 英语故事(名人故事)钢琴诗人肖邦

钢琴诗人——肖邦 Frederic Francois Chopin Frederic Francois Chopin, Polish-born composer and renowned pianist, was the creator of 55 mazurkas, 13 polonaises, 24 preludes, 27 etudes, 19 nocturnes, 4 ballads, and 4 scherzos. Frederic Chopin was born in Zelazowa Wola, Poland, on February 22, 1810, to a French father and Polish mother. His father, Nicholas Chopin, was a French tutor to many aristocratic Polish families, later accepting a position as a French teacher at the Warsaw Lyceum. Although Chopin later attended the Lyceum where his father taught, his early training began at home. This included receiving piano lessons from his mother. By the age of six, Chopin was creating original pieces, showing innate prodigious musical ability. His parents arranged for the young Chopin to take piano instruction from Wojciech Zywny. When Chopin was sixteen, he attended the Warsaw Conservatory of Music, directed by composer Joseph Elsner. Elsner, like Zywny, insisted on the traditional training associated with Classical music but allowed his students to investigate the more original imaginations of the Romantic style as well. As often happened with the young musicians of both the Classical and Romantic Periods, Chopin was sent to Vienna, the unquestioned center of music for that day. He gave piano concerts and then arranged to have his pieces published by a Viennese publishing house there. While Chopin was in Austria, Poland and Russia faced off in the apparent beginnings of war. He returned to Warsaw to get his things in preparation of a more permanent move. While there, his friends gave him a silver goblet filled with Polish soil. He kept it always, as he was never able to return to his beloved Poland. French by heritage, and desirous of finding musical acceptance from a less traditional audience than that of Vienna, Chopin ventured to Paris. Interestingly, other young musicians had assembled in the city of fashion with the very same hope. Chopin joined Franz Liszt, Hector Berlioz, Felix Mendelssohn, Vincenzo Bellini, and Auguste Franchomme, all proponents of the "new" Romantic style. Although Chopin did play in the large concert halls on occasion, he felt most at home in private settings, enjoying the social milieu that accompanied concerts for the wealthy. He also enjoyed teaching, as this caused him less stress than performing. Chopin did not feel that his delicate technique and intricate melodies were as suited to the grandiose hall as they were to smaller environments and audiences. News of the war in Poland inspired Chopin to write many sad musical pieces expressing his grief for "his" Poland. Among these was the famous "Revolutionary Etude." Plagued by poor health as well as his homesickness, Chopin found solace in summer visits to the country. Here, his most complex yet harmonic creations found their way to the brilliant composer's hand. The "Fantasia in F Minor," the "Barcarolle," the "Polonaise Fantasia," "Ballade in A Flat Major," "Ballade in F Minor," and "Sonata in B Minor" were all products of the relaxed time Chopin enjoyed in the country.


肖邦圆舞曲的介绍 肖邦创作的圆舞曲别树一帜,它不同于当时流行的社交性舞会圆舞曲,而是供音乐会欣赏的钢琴小品。这些乐曲在保持舞蹈的节奏、律动,音乐特点和风格特征的前提下,在性质、速度和节奏等方面比社交性的圆舞曲更灵活、更多样,曲式也有所突破。甜蜜的柔情和风趣的卖俏,也贯穿在这种圆舞曲之中。人们称之为“音乐会圆舞曲”。 肖邦一生中总共创作了首圆舞曲,从表达形式上来说可分为两大类别:一类是把实际的舞蹈加以理想化的作品,另一类是借用圆舞曲形式而作成的纯粹的抒情诗。舒曼曾对肖邦的圆舞曲评介:“这是肖邦的肉体及心灵在舞蹈上的圆舞曲”,“如果要跳舞,舞伴必须有一半以上是伯爵夫人才行。”而舒曼的妻子克拉拉认为,“不沉着的演奏家,往往忽略了肖邦的低音,虽然低音对圆舞曲具有某种意义,但也不是绝对的,粗暴的敲击没有必要,要注意基础音,从属的和声应弹得轻些。圆舞曲的伸缩速度亦无必要像玛祖卡舞曲那样强烈。” 肖邦的两首圆舞曲 、肖邦降大调圆舞曲(小狗圆舞曲) 有个神奇的传说,说是肖邦跟情人乔治?桑同居期间,有一日看到乔治?桑的小狗追着自己的尾巴打转,所以就写了这么首圆舞曲。但这个说法纯属扯淡。这首曲子另有一个名字叫“一分钟”,原文实际上是“分钟”,意思大概是演奏长度差不多一分钟。圆舞曲是肖邦沙龙性小品的代表。没什么特别的寄托,不要想得太复杂。肖邦写这种东西多数像玩儿一样。弹得时候也就像玩儿一样即可。注意吊一下左手低音的旋律,特别是在中段的地方。 、升小调,呈献给罗斯吉德男爵夫人 节奏近似玛祖卡舞曲。段体,第一段主旋律含有悲叹的成分,第二段为急速的运动,转为降大调,但很快又回到忧郁的气氛,反复开头旋律,在焦躁不安中结束圆舞曲的介绍: 肖邦创作的圆舞曲别树一帜,它不同于当时流行的社交性舞会圆舞曲,而是供音乐会欣赏的钢琴小品。这些乐曲在保持舞蹈的节奏、律动,音乐特点和风格特征的前提下,在性质、速度和节奏等方面比社交性的圆舞曲更灵活、更多样,曲式也有所突破。甜蜜的柔情和风趣的卖俏,也贯穿在这种圆舞曲之中。人们称之为“音乐会圆舞曲”。 1 / 1


八年级英语下册Unit1 Section B 2b 堂堂清 一,用方框内适当单词填空 When he was six years old, he_________ to take piano lessons. Soon he played even_________ than his teacher. At that time, he also started to________ music, and began to________ concerts when he________ only seven! In 1825, when he was 15 years old, people said he was the best________ in Warsaw. They ________him the________ of the piano because his music could ________the ________of his listeners. 二,选择正确的句子填入合适的位置,使文章通顺。 Fryderyk Chopin was a famous pianist and music writer. ______. He was born on March 1, 1810 in a small village in Poland.______. His father played the violin, and his mother and sister played the piano. His family moved to Warsaw when Chopin was seven months old. In his later years, ______Chopin became seriously ill when he was only 25 and continued to have bad health into his old age._____. The world lost a musical talent, but his spirit continues to live in his works today. A, Today many piano music lovers still listen to his famous works such as Minute Waltz. B, Everyone in Chopin ’s family was a musician. C, he enjoyed playing at his apartment for a few friends more than giving big concerts. D, In his last years, he was very weak but kept on writing music until he died in 1849. 八年级英语下册Unit1 Section B 2b 堂堂清 一,用方框内适当单词填空 When he was six years old, he_________ to take piano lessons. Soon he played even_________ than his teacher. At that time, he also started to________ music, and began to________ concerts when he________ only seven! In 1825, when he was 15 years old, people said he was the best________ in Warsaw. They ________him the________ of the piano because his music could ________the ________of his listeners. 二,选择正确的句子填入合适的位置,使文章通顺。 Fryderyk Chopin was a famous pianist and music writer. ______. He was born on March 1, 1810 in a small village in Poland.______. His father played the violin, and his mother and sister played the piano. His family moved to Warsaw when Chopin was seven months old. In his later years, ______Chopin became seriously ill when he was only 25 and continued to have bad health into his old age._____. The world lost a musical talent, but his spirit continues to live in his works today. A, Today many piano music lovers still listen to his famous works such as Minute Waltz. B, Everyone in Chopin ’s family was a musician. C, he enjoyed playing at his apartment for a few friends more than giving big concerts. D, In his last years, he was very weak but kept on writing music until he died in 1849.
